Sunday, January 2, 2022

New Years

 27 December 2021 - 2 January 2022

I only worked half-days Monday through Wednesday this week because the office wasn't busy at all. I was able to prepare for when the office is going to get very busy during tax season, which was very good for my mental and emotional state. I enjoy my job. It's easy and I have great coworkers.

I went to the dentist this week and got my teeth cleaned. The lady who cleaned them did the best job I've ever had yet! I've also had a lot of down time to take care of personal business, such as renewing my license plate. 

On Thursday, I went to the temple in the morning to do initiatories and left feeling so peaceful and happy. I got to relax for the rest of the day and felt so peaceful, giving myself permission to be lazy and rest. 

Friday, Lucy took me and her friend Arwen to the As You Wish pottery place. I got the nativity set, which was half off, but it took me forever to finish painting it! Four hours to be exact. I hope it turns out super cool! I can put it on my dresser to remind me of Christmas everyday. In the evening, I attended our YSA stake dance with Valerie and Sean. We got lots of cool pictures, but the gist is that it was wet, cold, rainy, had terrible food choices, and terrible dancing.

We went out to dinner at Garcias Saturday night, which was yummy. I am pretty sure I could just live off of Mexican food for the rest of my life. 

Lucy curled my hair for church and it turned out so so pretty! I also bore my testimony in sacrament meeting. Truly the joy we feel around Christmas time has little to do with our circumstance and everything to do with our focus--on the Savior! I am going to keep that focus year round.

Much love,

Emily Burnham

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