Sunday, August 21, 2022

Back to Reality

 15 August - 21 August 2022

I started back at work this Monday at Sun Income Tax. It is not exceedingly busy, so I have a lot of time to do my homework and work on other things, which is nice. I am still looking for an internship and I will need to find a new job once I figure out where my internship will be. But I've felt close to Heavenly Father this week. I had a difficult weekend, but during my personal study I felt an outpouring of revelation and intimate reassurance and guidance that I jotted down in my notebook. It's amazing how the difficult times in your life bring you new understanding of your relationship with God, though it is so so so hard in the moment because you are afraid the trial will never end and it will feel that way forever. But truly those trials and hardships serve us a greater purpose in helping us be in the right place physically, spiritually, emotionally, and socially to do the greater purpose that God has in store for us.

Highlights of this week include shopping at DI after work on Friday. I was looking for pants to turn into shorts, since shorts from regular stores are never long enough for me. Ironically, I found two pairs of pants that fit me perfectly when I tried them on, going ALL the way down to my ankles, which is so rare! Usually when I am looking for pants, I have the hardest time finding ones that go all the way down and look good on me! But when I go looking for ones to turn into shorts, I find the perfect fit! So I got some good deals on nice jeans that will last me many more years to come, and I got some nice blouses. I'm trying to build up my professional wardrobe since I will start meeting with clients as a therapist in five months!! Another highlight of this week has been getting to interview Bishop Rollins and his wife. Afterwards, I kind of just started sharing my struggles and started crying, and Bishop asked if he could give me a blessing. It was so sweet and tender, and I felt so loved and seen for who I was for the first time by them. I felt loved and welcomed and supported. I've also been watching the last two seasons of Smallville, which have been pretty addicting. I skipped seasons 3 through 8 (I heard those ones aren't as good anyway). I really can't invest my time to watch TEN seasons! Plus I don't like when things drag on, so I started at the perfect time, where Clark and Lois start working together and dating.

Sunday was super fun because we had the Burton's over for dinner, and we made smoked pizzas and then played games afterward. We were laughing and having a good time. I think we should have families over more often. I enjoyed interacting with them. I have also noticed this week that I've been much better at socializing and being curious and interested in people's lives. It makes for really good conversations! I also got to talk with Whitney for the first time in a long while, and she updated me about her life. I'm so grateful for her. My heart is filled with gratitude for all the good going on in my life, for the many blessings I have, and for the peace in my heart, which I've felt more potently since attending the temple on Thursday, after having Heavenly Father invite me to come visit Him in His house.

Much love,

Emily Burnham

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