Sunday, September 10, 2023

Gracelyn's First Birthday Party

4 September - 10 September 2023

Tuesday night, I went out for dessert with McKenna for Acai bowls and we had a great time chatting and catching up. She's been gone ALL summer staying busy, and it was good to spend time and hear how she's doing and talk about family and boys and all the fun stuff. Right before that, I had a zoom meeting with the area 70 regarding planning an upcoming state-wide YSA conference. I've been staying busy with seeing clients, and I honestly love them all so much and am so grateful for the opportunity to meet them and be part of their journey. Thursday night, I went to our ward temple night and did an endowment session, and it was really powerful and I felt like God was speaking to me and helping me understand the growth I've had and God's love for me. Friday night, I went to play pickleball with my sister and parents down out the church building because Valerie bought a pickeball net and we set up. I was doing really well! Until I started getting fatigued since I'd just come from work and hadn't eaten anything.

Saturday, I wrote the last essay for this quarter and turned it in. The most exciting part was that this is my last class of my master's program, which means this is the LAST ESSAY I'll have to write for school!! Yipee!!! Graduation is truly around the corner, even though it still feels far away, haha. Only three and a half more months. Saturday evening, Briesa had her sisters over to help decorate for Gracelyn's "Berry First" Birthday party. It was all berry cute. She was soooo tired though, the poor girl. Afterward, Valerie took me with her to her work event at the movie theater. They provided us with free popcorn coupons and we watched My Big Fat Greek Wedding 3, which was pretty funny. 

I've been feeling lots of gratitude towards my family this week, just trying to relish and cherish the time I have to spend with them, make new memories, and strengthen our bond and connection. 

Much love,

Emily Burnham

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