Monday, November 13, 2023

Glowing Inside and Out

6 November - 12 November 2023

Wow, can't believe I graduate next month! I have all the hours I need, with just four more classes and some discussion posts to finish up. I've felt like I've been in limbo for so long, and it's finally starting to feel real that I'm graduating and then starting my career full-time! I'll get to start saving money to travel to places and be ready for the next phase of my life. We have a sister missionary serving in our YSA stake, Sister Lee, who is from Korea! It was so fun to see her on Sunday and exchange "hellos" in Korean! She said I can come visit her in 2025 (she gets home in a year) and I don't know if she is really serious or not, but I'm gonna keep working on my Korean and save up money to go visit! That would literally be a dream come true! To go and experience their culture and get the insights from a native!! Half of the things on my Christmas list this year are books to help me learn Korean... hehe. So this past week, we had a stake devotional for FHE about the temple, which was really good. I did sealings on Friday and really felt the Spirit and felt peace in the temple. I know I need to continue to go often. I enjoyed going to help out at my cousin's wedding reception Saturday night. My mom is such a trooper and was there for hours helping, and I stepped in during the reception to make sure food was stocked. I really felt a wave of the spirit so powerfully on Sunday at stake conference when they had the service missionaries sing "I know that my Redeemer lives" and then had the congregation join in on the last verse. I kid you not, it felt like angels were singing with us, it was so loud and powerful, and I couldn't even sing because I was overcome with emotion and tears! And I know others had that experience too. It was incredible. Sunday night, we made pizzas. I had been craving them for a while. They were pretty great. Gracelyn made an absolute mess of herself! It was a lot of work to entertain her that night. Also Sean dropped by this week to give me his old microphone that he doesn't use anymore, and I just feel so grateful and blessed that all the things I am wanting are happening. I love seeing my older sister feeling and acting so happy lately. I'm grateful I get to work out my body and be healthy. I realized I am actually super close to being able to do the splits! I went to a girl's night last week and got pampered and got all these free skin care products that the girl was trying to get rid of because she had a lot left over from when she used to sell them, and I've been looking into taking better care of my face and skin, and she probably gave me a hundred or more dollars worth of products to use. And I notice a difference in how nice my skin has been since doing a skin care routine. And I'm just so grateful for Korean dramas and their culture. It has been so motivating and exciting for me, even as my family... Valerie... kind of make fun of me at times for it. It's endearing. So I just feel incredibly blessed. And I set my alarm this week to 6:15am to give myself extra time in the morning to try and have a better and more deep scripture study, so I am sure that is also a reason why I've been happier and feel so blessed. God is good. 

Much love,

Emily Burnham

I've also been doing more with social media for work, so here is one pic I took of the outside of our shop. I created a virtual tour for clients. I think my bosses are really sad that I'm leaving them soon to do therapy full-time, but they are so sweet and will find a good replacement.

See the glow?? No filters, just a good skin care routine ;)

Look at this cute mess:

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