Monday, December 18, 2023

Korean Skin Care

 11 December - 17 December 2023

On Monday, I attended a live zoom meeting for a course I bought to help me prepare for the MFT licensing exam. I have tons of hours I need to put into studying, and I'm not looking forward to it, but once the exam is over, I will never have to take it again! I am just thinking of this as like one more semester, of studying and then a giant exam, and THEN I'll officially be done and graduated (though I am technically already graduated. I just finished my last day of class this past Friday!). I'm going to get hired on as a BHT until I pass the licensing exam, so I won't be making too much money, but oh well. I have realized this past week that my anxiety and depression has crept back into my life because of these ridiculously high (and arbitrary) standards/expectations I have for myself. 

We watched Gracelyn for three days and two nights! It was a lot for my mom, who came down sick after, but my dad was super involved and helped, and I tried to pitch in as well. Val also came over and helped. So it was truly a team effort! Her parents drove across the country to pick something up and my dad didn't want her to be stuck in the car all day. We had lots of fun playing with and holding her. She is absolutely adorable and has started walking a lot more lately!

Wednesday evening, I met with a member of the stake presidency to talk about struggles I was having with my stake calling, so it's looking like I will be released soon. Then I had a meeting for the regional YSA AZ conference that we are planning for next year. If you think about it, I have three callings now, one on a ward level, one on a stake level, and then one on a regional level! It has been a lot. 

Thursday evening was our ward Relief Society party, which was really chill and relaxed. I had lots of meetings on Friday with my clinic, then I crashed my parent's date night and we went to Thai Peppers, which actually really hurt my tummy the next day :(. And poor dad was already not feeling very well.

Then on Saturday, it was our ward Christmas party, which was a blast! We sponsored two families, so we split into two groups and went to drop off the gifts and visit with the families. Then we headed over to the Hansen's house for catered tacos that were DELISH and lots of desserts and fun. We did the white elephant gift exchange, and I surprisingly kept getting my gifts stolen... until I finally unwrapped a "Pooping Dog" calendar. Then I was stuck with that. But it was quite hilarious! Sunday dinner was small, just me and my parents and Grandpa Jim. I went to bed super early (literally 7:30pm) because I'd stayed up late the night before watching Kdramas... so then I was so tired all day Sunday. Also, dad has taken an interest in my skin care routine, and mom as well, so I outlined the order to use the products for them, and my mom just ordered a bunch of them. Haha, so I'm setting a trend in my family ;).

Much love,

Emily Burnham

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