Friday, January 20, 2017

Goodly Parents

               One of the hardest things about starting college was leaving my family behind. I absolutely adore my parents, and I call them every day (well, sometimes three times a day because they don’t always answer the phone). Being on my own in a different state has made me appreciate my parents more than ever, especially because they are still helping me out financially so that I can receive a college education. They have given me a lot of advice and wisdom throughout my life that has helped me to survive living on my own, ranging from teaching me about the importance of being frugal and working hard, to avoiding strangers and saying “no” to drugs. In many ways I can relate to Nephi when he says in that he was born of goodly parents, taught in the ways of his father, had many trials and afflictions regarding his family (including brothers that beat him up and tried killing him multiple times), yet learned a lot and was favored in the sight of the Lord (1 Nephi 1:1). As I have studied this passage in the Book of Mormon, I have realized the importance of having great parents to look up to. I am grateful for my parent’s example to me, and I hope to be a good parent and teacher to my children in the future. No one has perfect parents, but mine are perfect for me. I know that God gave us our specific families to help us grow and learn in ways that otherwise wouldn’t be possible. Yes, I sometimes don’t get along with my parents or siblings, but I’ve had amazing spiritual experiences and much fun and laughter with my family. Families are central to God’s plan of happiness, and I hope we can all work on ways to strengthen our families!

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