Friday, March 17, 2017

Engraven on your Countenance

            Today was one of the best and most exciting days of my life! After waiting for five weeks, I opened my mission call this afternoon! I have been preparing to serve a mission ever since I turned sixteen and started accompanying my sister to mission prep. Now the time is here when I will get my turn to be a full-time missionary in the Florida Tallahassee Mission! In my personal scripture study, I was reading in Alma 5, where a lot of deep, soul-searching questions are asked. With my mind in “missionary-mode,” one passage in verse 19 stuck out to me: “I say unto you, can ye look up to God at that day with a pure heart and clean hands? I say unto you, can you look up, having the image of God engraven upon your countenances?”

As I serve the Lord as a missionary, I will have His name on a badge that I will wear constantly. I will have His name directly over my heart, and as I preach the gospel and come closer to God, I will have the image of God engraven on my countenance. I know that as we come to know the Lord better, our testimonies will grow and our countenances will become brighter with the light of Christ shining through our faces. You don’t have to wear a missionary tag to share the gospel or receive a bright countenance. I know that the Lord has called me to serve a mission for a reason, and I can’t wait to serve, grow, learn, and become who He wants me to be!

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