Saturday, March 11, 2017

Readiness Meter

            I have one more week until I receive my mission call! My thoughts have turned to missionary work as I’ve been studying the scriptures. In Alma 17, my Book of Mormon professor taught us about the “readiness meter.”  By this, he asked, “how ready was King Lamoni to receive the gospel?” He was at a zero. He had just killed a bunch of his servants who had failed to watch his sheep properly. Perceiving that the Lamanite king is not ready to hear the word of God, Ammon becomes his servant—even though he was offered the king’s daughter in marriage. Ammon has no idea how long he will have to wait for the King’s heart to be softened, but he dutifully serves the kings by taking care of his flocks with the other servants. After the epic scene in the Book of Mormon that involves a lot of arm-chopping, Lamoni‘s “readiness meter” switches to 100%. Ammon is then able to teach him the gospel, and Lamoni tells Ammon in Alma 18:23, “I will believe all thy words.”
I love how this relates to missionary work. Sometimes people are not ready to hear the word of God when you first meet them, so all you can do is serve them and wait. As they see your dedication and love for them, their hearts will soften and they may accept the message you have to share with them. I know that a mission is hard, but I know with patience and faith in the Lord, I will be able to conquer every hardship I come across. Whenever you want to touch the heart of someone, serve them with diligence and have patience.

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