Monday, July 31, 2017

Week 12: Sparkly Hot-Pink Photo Album

Hey y'all! Hope you are having a great week! For those of you who are wondering, I now say "y'all" without thinking twice because it's used so commonly here.

So, Monday night we had another lesson with Brady and the Norris and Hearn families. I mentioned that I really wanted an alligator keychain for my bag, and Brother Hearn started looking up online how much they would cost. He thought I meant I wanted a real alligator on a keychain! He was like, "Oh, I could get you an alligator head for $10 or an alligator foot keychain for only $3!" He then looked up alligator toe and foot necklaces and showed us pictures--they looked absolutely disgusting! But it would be kind of cool to have a real alligator keychain, even though I just wanted a figurine one. I don't know if he will actually get me one, but it would be awesome if he did!

On Tuesday I invited our investigator Wendy to be baptized, and she was so excited! We were reading 2 Nephi 31 with her, and she had a giant notebook out and was taking notes to share later with her daughters (they are 28, but have learning disabilities and learn slower). When we got to the part about Christ being baptized as an example to us, I asked her if she would follow His example and be baptized on September 16. Afterwards, she wrote down on her notebook in big letters, "September 16 Baptism!" and circled it. She told us how much meeting with us has blessed her life and how she knows the power of the Book of Mormon and loves reading it with us. We were then able to meet her fiancĂ© at the end of the lesson when he got home (we still have to teach her the Law of Chastity lesson...).

All day Wednesday was spent all day in Fairhope with our Sister Training Leaders. Most of our day was spent serving a random lady they found in a parking lot who said she needed help moving. Well, when we got there, she hadn't even started packing, so we went to her garage and cleaned and organized everything for over 3 hours in the humid heat. It was fun except for the spiders (I saw at least 30), and I got to sweep up a ton of cigarette buds (Sister Wall found her lighter and threw it away when she wasn't looking).

We started a new service project on Friday! We volunteer outside at a horse therapy program for disabled children. It was so fun to see all the horses and meet the kids. They have a special spirit about them and were so happy and cheerful to get to ride the horses. We got to watch an 11 year old boy who said the funniest things and then two twin five-year-olds who couldn't talk, but knew a bit of sign language!

On Saturday, we helped Brady start his family history using Family Search. We had a less active member come to help him, but apparently we neglected to tell him the gender of the kid he would be helping out, because he brought a bright-pink, sparkly photo album for Brady to put pictures of his ancestors in. Brady thought it was hilarious and loved it despite its girly-ness. We also went to the McCulloughs for dinner and got sent home with a rack of ribs to cook up for later :).

We received a call from the relief society president, who informed us that a member in the ward wanted to anonymously gift us with a pedicure and manicure. We were like, "Sweet!" At church she gave us the gift cards, and they were $38 for each of us! We truly are being taken good care of down here by the ward members and by God. We had a new investigator come to church. She is friends with a young woman in the ward and has decided to dedicate two months of her life to searching for God and building a relationship with him. The Lord truly is placing the prepared right in our path!

I am so blessed for the people I get to meet here, and the friends I get to make! I've met so many people and have felt instant love for them. I know the Lord has put me here in Alabama for a reason. I get to be part of so many people's stories, but more importantly, they get to be part of mine! As the missionary commission statement from Bruce R. McConkie says, the Lord sent these people to me, even though it appears at first like I was sent here to Alabama for them. Our loving Heavenly Father and Savior know exactly who I need to meet, and what experiences I need to have, to help me grow and progress in the gospel. I am so grateful to be a missionary, a representative of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Much love,
Sister Burnham

1. A friend is someone who knows you and still likes you (said in talk during sacrament meeting)

2. When I'm older I want a baby but don't want to keep the mom (an 11 year old boy with disabilities)

Our front porch was taken over by goats and sheep!

 A goat trying to invade our car! They were trying to get in the car, in the house, and even tried jumping on top of our car! Perks of living on a farm!

Exchanges with the Sister Training Leaders in Fairhope!

Sunday, July 30, 2017

Week 11: Hunting for Gators

This week we have found a lot of new and potential investigators, Ann, Marian, and Ricky! We met these people as a result of not knowing where to go or what to do, but following the gentle promptings of the Spirit and tracting. The Lord has been blessing us with success and miracles as we put faith in him.

This was also our last week working with the refugee kids on Tuesdays and Thursdays. I love the names of the kids in the refugee class--anything from Queen to Iracoze! There was one 12 year old who was very flirtatious to all of us. He kept wrapping his arm around Sister Browning (a married woman with four children), Sister Wall, or me.

We had a lesson this week with Brady on Tuesday and Thursday evening. It's always an adventure! On Tuesday, we were driving home, and something randomly fell on Sister Wall. She yelled and flung it to the ground. Sister Hearn, the member driving us, turned on the front light and we discovered it was a frog! She started freaking out and her hands were shaking. She ordered Sister Wall not to take her eyes off of it. She said if it jumped on her, we'd all be dead because she'd probably crash the car in her fright. Then when we got to the parking lot, Sister  Wall had to take her 12 Week book and fling it out of the car. Sister Hearn also bought me dairy-free ice cream for both lessons, and I was one happy camper! Brady is progressing very well and is excited for his baptism on August 13th. Also, the members at his lesson always crack me up. The Hearns call paper towel rolls "Hootie-Hoos" because you yell into them after they are empty. Also, Sister Hearn thought the reason I couldn't have eggs is because it is a type of dairy. We all started laughing and told her it wasn't. She looked at us in disbelief and a quick-witted 15 year old boy responded, "Cows don't lay eggs!"

We had Zone Conference on Wednesday. I met my new district leader, Elder Blamires, and found out he is from Queen Creek, Arizona, and his dad taught me in seminary for two years! The elders at zone conference are hilarious. The elders performed a bunch of skits, one of which was about hunting for Gators. They related hunting for alligators by asking locals where they are to using the members when finding new investi-gators. We are new in the area, but the members have been around awhile and know a lot about the people here. Then, later this week on Saturday, I SAW MY FIRST ALLIGATOR!!! I tried to throw pine cones to get it to move so I could get a better picture, but it wouldn't move. In the process, Sister Wall found she was standing in an ant pile and got bit all over and had an allergic reaction...

Sister Wall shared that a general authority encouraged them all to look in their studies for a reason we are here serving a mission each day. So, I started a journal to write a reason I am on my mission for that day. This week I learned that I am on a mission to come to know God even better, "For how knoweth a man the master whom he has not served, and who is a stranger unto him, and is far from the thoughts and intents of his heart?" (Mosiah 5:13). As we do this, we will one day have eternal life (John 17:3).

Stink Perty (when someone looks pretty)
He's a leaking faucet (An old man who took blood thinner and bled a lot from random cuts)

Much love,

Sister Burnham

Book-Mobile! This is so clever because it's in a city named Mobile, and I've always wanted a Bookmobile to drive around my neighborhood!

I drew a picture of Sister Wall and she loves it!

On our way home from Zone Conference!

Brady, our investi-gator who is getting baptized August 13th!

A motorcycle gang...too bad they drove away before we could teach them the gospel...

Me "gator" hunting

Monday, July 17, 2017

Week 10: Bless Your Hearts

Hey y'all!

Here in Semmes, the ward members are angels. One member, Suzanne, took us grocery shopping and bought all of my groceries! She said whenever we need anything, we can just text her and she will run and pick it up for us. I know she and her family will be blessed. Other ward members are so good about giving us food and feeding us dinner. I already feel so at home with this ward and hope I will stay here for a long time!

On Tuesday, Sister Wall and I served at the community center, helping refugee kids with homework. They are all so cute and friendly. They love quoting out of the Bible and have so much appreciation for God and what He has done for them and their families. That night, we had dinner with a family in the ward. I tried deer meat that the family had hunted and had processed for the first time. It was pretty good. We invited the family to give out a Book of Mormon in two weeks, and the father says, "I think we can do two in that amount of time." Our ward is full of amazing member missionaries!

Wednesday was a day full of lessons! We taught two less-actives and two investigators! We went from appointment to appointment. I'm feeling more and more like a "real" missionary as I recognize how the Spirit is speaking through me and inspiring me to know just the right scriptures to share. Suzanne made us a delicious meal of BBQ port, lime-cilantro pork, and two different kinds of rice. We taught her son about repentance, and his mom bore powerful testimony about the importance of baptism and invited him to pray about it for himself. So we didn't even have to invite him to because she did for us! We taught Brady a short lesson on how we are commanded to pray and study the scriptures. One cool thing Sister Wall said was how the Lord commands us to pray, which means He wants us to ask for things we need and communicate with us so He can better help us. I know our Heavenly Father truly is loving and cares about us individually.

Friday was a day full of miracles! We made a lot of plans of people to try and visit. All of our plans fell through. All of our backups fell through. We had no idea what to do, but we said a prayer for guidance. Suddenly, Sister Wall pulls into this random neighborhood and says we are going to tract. We were able to meet a lot of people and find potentials that invited us back and seemed interested. We then felt like we should try to visit an old referral from a month ago. She was home, in the process of packing everything to visit her family for the weekend. We caught her at just the right time and gave her The Book of Mormon, which she was very excited about! We then went to see her neighbor again, Jennifer. She was the lady who claimed to have birthed a prophet. Her son was outside the door, taking out the trash. We were able to meet him. He said his mom was sick, but he was very interested. He asked us a lot of great questions, and his mom had already given him a Book of Mormon. We taught him about the Restoration and how Joseph Smith was a prophet called of God. He seemed very intrigued and wants to know more. That day I learned that when all your plans fall through, it is because God is making room for miracles to happen!

On Sunday, an amazing sister brought two of her nonmember Spanish friends to church. She had invited them over to lunch, but said they had to come to three hours of church with her first. She had also invited us over for lunch. We were able to meet and talk with them while eating delicious home-made tortillas.

One thing I love about Semmes is how unpredictable the weather is. It will be sunny and hot outside, then suddenly start pouring with dark clouds and lightning! And sometimes it is sunny while it is pouring. But the rain never lasts too long, and it helps keep us cool in all the heat and humidity! I am so grateful to be a missionary, and for the extra protection we have been given. I truly know angels are round about us, protecting and uplifting us in this great work. Thank you for all of your love and prayers!

Funny Moments:

Southern Sayin': "Getting a little long in the tooth" apparently means you are getting old! High councilmen here are sure full of funny sayings and stories!

One ward member, when singing I am a child of God at the door of an elderly man, sang "Has given me an earthly home, with parents kind of weird" instead of "kind and dear." It was funny because he sang it while next to his two daughters just to embarrass them!

I forgot to mention this last week: In Sunday school, we were talking about the Word of Wisdom, and the teacher said, "I heard you should keep alcohol and coffee beans in your food storage--for barter!" It was really funny, but also sad to think that some people probably would trade good food just to feed their addictions even in a life-threatening situation!

Much love,
Sister Burnham

Service with the refugee children
The gumbo I ate last week with okra and shrimp.
Signs we passed to visit someone...

Monday, July 10, 2017

Week 9: I wanna be baptized!

Today marks two months since I boarded the plane in Arizona and left for the MTC. I can't believe I've already been on my mission for TWO months! We received transfer news this morning, and Sister Wall and I... are still companions in Semmes, Alabama!

To celebrate the Fourth of July, we went to a BBQ at our bishop's house. We weren't allowed to set off fireworks, but Sister Wall and I threw around poppers and waved around sparklers. There weren't a ton of people that came, but we had a great time.

On Wednesday night, we had a really great lesson with Brady about the Plan of Salvation. He had so many questions and all of the members there were able to share their testimonies and experiences. I also ate so much food at their house because I didn't realize how hungry I was. When I came back with a large helping of seconds, one of the teenage boys there said, "She just took away my man card" because he only had a small bowl of food.

Thursday was an exciting day because I got a new bedframe! My other one collapsed because it was missing a board. Also, our neighbors, the Shoemakers, invited us over to tour the farm. I got to pet the pig and hold a baby chicken! The turkeys were so big and fat, but friendly.  The baby peacocks were adorable.

On Saturday, I had shrimp, gumbo, and okra for the first time! A member in our ward, Brother Hearn, took us out for lunch where I ate shrimp and a bite of sushi. Then he made us shrimp gumbo with okra in it for dinner. It was kind of like a spicy vegetable soup with shrimp.

I had the best Sunday ever! I was a bit nervous because I had to talk in sacrament meeting along with our mission president, but the Spirit was there the entire meeting and everyone had such an uplifting experience. I spoke about how the Restoration of the gospel is not a one time event, but an ongoing process in our lives. As we come to realize how it blesses our lives daily and applies personally to us, we will have a greater desire to share it with others around us so they too can enjoy the amazing blessings we have. Then, that night, we received the BEST TEXT EVER!!! Brady randomly texted us that night that he wants to be baptized! We are so excited for him! He set his own date and is looking forward to it. It truly is the Spirit that converts, but I'm so grateful for the opportunity I have to play a part in his story.

Awkward moment of the week:
We contacted a Head Quarter referral, a 31 year old man who had recently broken off an engagement. We were able to stop by this week to drop off the Book of Mormon and Bible. He kept asking us questions like, "How old are y'all?" and "Are you single?" He also told us, "I wasn't expecting two young beautiful girls to show up!" I felt super uncomfortable...

Much love,

Sister Burnham

Touring the farm--I touched a pig
The fattest turkeys I ever saw!

Caroline, the cutest little girl!

Me biking home from church. And how you know you're in the South... This sign is by an elementary school!

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Week 8: Y'all Don't Have a Quota

Happy Fourth of July, y'all! My mission president switched our preparation day to today so we can more fully enjoy the fireworks and celebration. We are allowed to stay out past 9:30pm as long as we are asleep by 10:30pm!

At district meeting last Tuesday, we discussed how we represent what Christ would be doing if He were here on earth, and that if we tell our investigators when we invite them that it is really Christ inviting them, it is that much more powerful, and they will be more willing to change as they realize the invitations are coming directly from the Lord, not nineteen and twenty-year-old girls. I took this to heart and at our lesson with Brady the next day, we invited him to pray. He said he didn't want to and asked his girlfriend to pray. Afterwards, I was able to tell him that we ask him to pray, not just because we want him to, but because Heavenly Father wants to hear from him and that we know praying is one way he can draw closer to God and receive answers. It was such a cool experience to be lovingly bold and feel the Spirit speak through me. He then agreed to say the closing prayer, and it was so wonderful! He was really able to open up to us in that lesson and tell us how the church members have been a huge blessing in his life. I am so excited for his progress!

On Saturday, we helped a new family move into Semmes. Their friends are members and asked us to help them so we can meet the non-member family and hopefully start planting seeds and teach them. We also had an amazing lesson that afternoon with Chris, who isn't actually in our area, so we will have to hand him off next week to the Sisters in Mobile. He had some really great questions and had to 2 Nephi 7 in a week! This lesson wouldn't have been possible if the Johnson couple hadn't changed their plans to be able to come with us. They are angels from above! We had to reschedule the lesson that morning because our interview times with President Smith changed last minute from 4pm to 2pm... right when our lesson was scheduled! But a lot of miracles happened because the Lord loves us, and Chris was able to negotiate with his roommates to get the car to come at 3pm instead of 2pm, and we were able to find some members to come. And I passed my interview with the mission president ;).

This has also helped me realize the importance of members in the work. This past week, I've wished I was an even better member missionary before my mission! I'm excited for after my mission to be the best member missionary for the rest of my life! My challenge and plea for y'all is to please work with the missionaries in your area! Sister Wall and I sometimes have to cancel lessons if we can't find members to go with us, but fortunately we have many members who are willing to rearrange their day to help us! Also, the most stable investigators we have are ones who are closely associated with members, have been friends with them for many years and noticed their example. Ask everyone you know to meet with the missionaries, to learn more about your faith and religion. Invite friends to dinner and have the missionaries over. But most importantly, just be a member missionary yourself, giving out pass-a-long cards and the Book of Mormon (I'm positive the local missionaries would LOVE to give you some to hand out). 

Funny Moments of the week:
We went to a Fourth of July Festival last night and handed out pass along cards. I approached one lady and she said, "I already got my church. Now y'all don't have a quota to reach, so just enjoy yourselves tonight." 

We got referred to our own bishop... We were in a neighborhood talking with a man, and he said there was a lot of religious people in the neighborhood who went to church "every Sunday. EVERY Sunday. Like clockwork." He said one of them had a big red truck down the road and we should go talk to him. We started walking down the street and then realized it was Bishop's neighborhood... and bishop had a big red truck! We felt so stupid, but it was so funny to tell him that we were referred to him!

Much love,

Sister Burnham

Writing home on P-Day

The umbrellas they use here because of all the rain (Just kidding, it's really Brother McCullough's camera lighting reflector).
A scary sign in the window of a door we knocked on!