Sunday, June 9, 2019

Hub Caps, Hiking, and Hymns

Howdy mi amigos! This week has blown by surprisingly fast, and I think it is because I am making an effort to stay busy with goals to work on.

Nothing too exciting went down today. Just work, homework, basketball class, and my other three-hour class. For Home Evening, we played ultimate frisbee at the park.

After work, I quickly got ready for the day so I could go to a two-hour test review before basketball class. After basketball class, I ate a quick lunch and then picked up my friend Whitney to go and watch the new live-action Aladdin! Overall, I really enjoyed it and had a great time. That evening, I went with Valerie to institute. I am really enjoying learning about the women in the Old Testament!

Again, I got ready quickly after work so I could go to my TA's office hours before basketball class. I got a great start on some homework. Later in my psychological testing class, we rushed to finish our paper that was due before midnight. When I finally got home (15 minutes later than usual), Valerie told me she had made me popcorn. What an angel! But little did I know that was only the beginning... she had two other surprises for me to find (and it took me until Thursday to realize what they were)! Then we went to ward prayer and got some popsicles!

I finally found out what Valerie's surprise was! Dad kind of let it slip on the phone when I talked to him on my way home from an appointment with the writing lab. She bought me hub caps for my car and put them on! Also, she got a magnetic phone-holder for my car! She is such a great sister and friend!

At work this morning, we watched Mulan and ate granola and fruit. Yum! Of course I sang along to my favorite song... Let's Get Down to Business! Then I studied for a took a test, scoring a 93%. Not bad! I had the afternoon free to do laundry and relax. I really can't remember what else I did... I do know that I have been looking into buying a nicer pair of figure skates with more support for my ankles.

Val and I went to the temple early this morning, and then we went home and got ready for a Relief Society hike. It was a bit chilly, but very beautiful! Afterwards, we went with a small group to the Seven Peaks Water Park, where I swam for the first time in three years! It felt so weird for a second, but I quickly got used to it ;). We got home late that afternoon, and I spent the rest of the time working on homework and completely small projects around the apartment. I thought about staying up late to watch a movie... but when 9:30pm rolled around, I was out like a lightbulb! My early-morning custodial job has turned me into a grandma!

Relief society was really good. We talked about the Relief Society Declaration and shared personal experiences in small groups. I was able to feel the Spirit as I testified of Christ and other spiritual experienced I had. I love the reminder that I do not have to be a missionary testifying to have the Spirit bear witness of my words. It can happen in everyday conversations. After church, I went with a group to sing at an old-folks home and brought my violin along to play. I was pretty rusty, but I felt so happy and energized afterwards. It was such a blessing to be able to lighten the day for them!

In relief society today, I had a conversation with the girl next to me about how important it is to invite the Spirit into our lives every single day. Often times, we aren't doing anything bad that would drive the Spirit away. But just as we are counselled to seek, knock, and ask in prayer, we are also told to invite the Spirit to teach us in our scripture study and other aspects of our life. Sometimes we become distracted or caught in a rut and start going through the motions. How sad is it that we can go through our scripture study without being taught by the Spirit, simply because we didn't actively pray to invite Him to be there and to learn something. It is so important that we make these conscious decisions or else, in a way, we are letting the adversary win. I have been able to invite and feel the Spirit this past week as I sang a sacred hymn before studying my scriptures and listened to conference talks when I wasn't otherwise occupied.

Much love,
Emily Burnham

1 comment:

  1. I laughed at your old grandma comment! I wish I was one!
