Sunday, June 16, 2019

When Your Bishop Stalks You...

Hola, mi amigos! My goals have been going very well! I've been practicing Spanish all week long and writing every single day! It truly has brought a sense of meaning and purpose in my life to set meaningful goals and to work hard at them.

For some reason, I woke up around 3:30am and had the hardest time going back to sleep. So finally, I just got up and went into work early, at 4:40am. I had my basketball class, then came home and worked on homework. I went to my Psychological Testing class, which was very inspiring. We talked about the essential importance of practice in developing our talents. Some people may have natural talents, but without deliberate practice, they will never obtain "expert" level. My teacher made a comment that stuck with me, "Happiness is found in working hard at something you find valuable." And because we live in a world where it is so easy to be distracted and to procrastinate, we must schedule into our day the things that matter most, and work on them no matter what else arises. That evening, we met up with our new Home Evening groups and got to know each other.

Work has been fine as long as I have something to listen to as I'm working. Thank goodness for the Deseret Bookshelf app! I had basketball class again, and my team lost, but I scored the first three or four baskets! But mostly because of another really good kid. I worked on some readings for tomorrow, and that evening, went to institute. So, our regular teacher was gone and had called a lady to substitute. She was very knowledgeable about Jewish history and the Bible, so I learned a lot, but it was more like a lecture than an interactive learning experience. Everyone has different teaching styles, but I guess I prefer letting the class speak up and share insights, because I feel that is when everyone learns the most, from each other and the Spirit.

We won our basketball game today, but only because we were being crushed and our teacher jumped in to help our team! He scored a couple three-pointers to help us catch up. I also officially ordered a very nice, and expensive, pair of figure skates today. That is going to be my hobby! And with the pass I bought, I get free admission for the next few months! Today was my last day of class for Psychological Testing, and we talked about psychopaths and differentiating between sane and insane people. Is a person insane or can their environment make the insane? Now that I am in my major classes (I only have a couple of generals left to take), my classes are super interesting! Although our discussion was interesting, we went overtime and had less time in lab to work on our paper. This was inconvenient because one girl didn't do her part fully, so we had to all step in and do it for her. Then the wi-fi in the building decided to stop working... so I had the burden of finishing up the assignment once I got home, which was due before midnight. I got home later than usual, rushed over for ward prayer, couldn't stay for the games, rushed back home and finished writing and editing the paper before bed. And yup, I skipped dinner... yikes. But hey! I classes are over now and the future is bright!

I felt exhausted today, between work, basketball, and shopping. And I legit have so many disgusting bruises from basketball class this week! We've been playing pretty rough, plus I bruise easy, and so my legs looked atrocious after class today. I need to stop jumping on the ground after the ball! I also had to return some items and buy groceries, but I wasn't prepared for rain to come pouring down in the middle of my shopping adventure! I had planned to get a car wash, but didn't want to look ridiculous, so after I got home and put my groceries away, I went down into our parking garage and washed my car by hand. It is looking nice and spiffy now. That evening, Valerie planned a fun activity for Relief Society sisters to stop by and sign hearts that we can hang up for Father's Day on the guy's doors, but only one person came! She had the cutest set-up though.

I tried to get to work early today because I had to leave at 8am to go to a Y-group leader service training for New Student Orientation next weekend. I volunteered because I wanted to force myself to be more social. Luckily, I packed my own breakfast. The training was good, and I talked with a couple of people. Two guys from my basketball class were there, so I was able to chat with them for a bit! I couldn't eat the lunch they had, so I left just before noon and went home to eat. That evening, Valerie and I went to the Disney showing of Newsies in Orem. We got free tickets! I had accidentally cut my fingers while opening a can for dinner, so I had my fingers wrapped up pretty good. We randomly got texts from Bishop and his wife asking what happened to my fingers. We were so confused as to how they knew. I responded, and they replied back that they hoped we enjoyed the rest of the play. Now we were really confused. How did they know? Who told them? Well, we found out at intermission that they were there watching the play too! We had a good laugh about that.

This morning I awoke feeling so tired and groggy. My roommates and I got ready for the ward temple trip this morning, and it was funny because Valerie and I ended up sitting next to the Osborns in the chapel, so now it is a running joke that they are stalking us! After the temple, I got to see my trainer from my mission! Vanessa Wall was in town for EFY training, so she came over when I was home and we talked for two hours before I took her to the front runner station so she could go home. We reenacted a photo that was taken from me being in training over two years ago! I spent the afternoon writing. I'm mostly just working on creative writing, like stories, and my little sister wants me to finish a book to gift her with at her next birthday...

I awoke this morning and finished preparing my lesson for Sunday School! I was actually very excited to teach. I had many inspired ideas throughout the week, but also, I was blessed with the honor of teaching on the Atonement of Jesus Christ. After church, I was able to receive a priesthood blessing from Bishop Osborn. I had been studying my scriptures earlier this week, pondering about times when I felt close to Jesus Christ and Heavenly Father. On my mission, I had some sacred experiences with receiving blessings in my hard moments that kept me going, and I had been feeling lately that I needed more direction and guidance in my life, plus some reassurance and comfort. It was exactly what I needed, if maybe not what I wanted, to hear. I need to be patient and wait for the Lord's timing. But I'm humbled to have His direction and will do my best to live worthy so all the blessings I have been promised will come true.

This week I was thinking about the question, "How can I cheerfully submit my will to God?" Just like Jesus Christ did, in His greatest moment of uncertainty, said unto the Father, "Nevertheless, not my will, but thine be done." I've always thought that either our will is aligned with God or it is not. However, Elder Neal A. Maxwell shared a more nuanced perspective, "As you submit your wills to God, you are giving Him the only thing you can actually give Him that is really yours to give. Don’t wait too long to find the altar or to begin to place the gift of your wills upon it!" Wills. Not a singular will, but many wills. We each have many, many desires and wants and wishes. Some of them we cannot currently fathom giving up. But just as everything else in the gospel is a process, turning our full will over to God happens piece by piece, small sacrifice by small sacrifice, will by will. As we continually turn over small pieces of our will to Him every day, with His help, we will one day (maybe a thousand years from now) accomplish the impossible: turning every single one of our wills over to Him. What small sacrifice can I make this week to give up one of my wills to God?

Emily Burnham

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