Sunday, June 2, 2019

Always Happy?

Wow, what a week! I only had two days of classes, since Monday was a holiday, but it still felt like a full week for some reason.

Monday: I went with Valerie and some other girls in our ward to the Fun Center in Lehi, UT! With our passes we bought, we can get into all kinds of things for free now! I played three rounds of laser tag and went mini-golfing outside, only getting my golf ball stuck in the water once! I missed the first round of laser tag (because I had to go to the bathroom and they didn't wait for me...) so while I was waiting for them to finish, I took a peaceful walk outside and found a pond full of fish by the mini-golf!

Tuesday: One tender mercy that happened today was that I called a man who sharpens skates and set up a time to go over today... and he did it for free! I'd heard he usually $15, but he was a member and we were talking about my mission and BYU, and so he decided to do it as a service. That evening, I was a bit sad because Valerie was leaving with a group of friends to see the live-action Aladdin in theaters, but I couldn't go because it would be too late and I have work tomorrow. Instead, I went over to institute, even though I was feeling a little glum. I'm glad I went, even if it was so I could show the Lord I loved Him and was willing to be obedient and do what I promised I would do.

Wednesday: During basketball class today, I jumped up and intercepted a pass from the opposing team, but a guy jumped up behind me and accidently hit his head into mine. It really hurt, so I had to sit out the rest of the time. The guy felt so bad that he gave me his pack of fruit snacks, which was so kind of him! After class, I went to the library to meet up with Whitney, my freshman roommate, so I could give her the birthday present I made. It was a painting of the Virginia flag with her mission name in the middle. She loved it! Then I stayed on campus to finish up some homework that I had before class. Class was pretty interesting because in our lab, we ran the statistics for our project we have been working on, and I think our results worked out pretty well! After class, I rushed home and went to ward prayer to play dodge ball! I didn't get out, of course ;)

Thursday: I didn't go to my basketball class today because I needed a break (and I was still slightly bitter that my head was hurting...). But I have become a believer in taking "mental health breaks" every once in a while. When life becomes overwhelming, it is healthy to take a step back and spend some time recuperating.

Friday: Whitney texted to ask if I could go to the temple with her this evening, so I quickly got ready and we made it (just barely) to the 4:40pm session. I had a really great experience in the temple today. It felt like I was having my own private conversation with God and my mind was enlightened more about premortality. I'm grateful for the knowledge I gain each day, along with the peace and comfort Heavenly Father is so willing and eager to give me when I reach out and ask Him. Afterwards, Whitney invited me to come over and watch Nacho Libre (which I had never seen) with a bunch of her friends. It was fun! I made apple crisp and everyone else had pancakes. I also got to sit next to a pretty cute guy, so that was a bonus ;).

Saturday: I met up with some mission friends for lunch at Costa Vida, and I didn't realize how hungry I was until I ate the entire salad and didn't feel stuffed. It was a nice reminder of my mission and I'm amazed that I have so many friends now because of those special 18 months serving as the Lord's missionary. That afternoon, I went ice-skating with Valerie and Kathrine (a girl in our ward). With our special passes, we get free admission! And I have my own skates, so I get in completely free!! Though I'm not the biggest fan of my new skates because they don't have enough ankle support, so after an hour, I start tripping over my skates :(. I worked on homework until it was time for me to meet up with Whitney and her group of friends to go country swing dancing! It didn't start until 9pm, which is pretty much my bed time any other night of the week. I danced with four different guys, but for the most part, I stood on the sidelines watching everyone else dance because not a lot of people asked me to dance. But I learned a few cool tricks.

Sunday: So, fast Sunday, right? Well, we had the most amazing testimonies born during sacrament meeting, and I was willing to bear my testimony if I felt prompted, but the entire time was taken with one person after another standing up to go. Finally, the time was coming to a close, and I was just about to get up to go when another girl got up. I thought, "Well, maybe it's just not my month to go." The clock on the wall said it was 11:25, which was when the Bishop said we would conclude, but then the thought came to check my phone, and my phone said 11:22, so I took that as a prompting and started to stand up right as the girl finished. But the Bishop had also been about to stand up to end the meeting! When we saw me, he promptly sat back down, and my sister urged me to go. I got up there and said, "I know the clock says it's 25 after, but my phone said it was only 22 after, so I figured I had a minute to share a quick experience!" I told about a time when I was a missionary teaching a lady, and her fiancé was set against her joining. I wanted desperately for her to read the Book of Mormon and join the church, and so I promised her as she read and came to church, she would always be happy. She gave me a long, hard look and then said honestly and skeptically, "Always happy? Are you always happy?" The question took me aback and I thought about it for a minute... no, I wasn't always happy. And I couldn't promise that to anyone. But it was this gospel, which I so desperately wanted her to accept, that carried me through those moments of sadness and depression. I bore my testimony to her of the gospel and the Savior carrying me through my hard moments so that I could be happy eventually. Happiness may not always be found in the moment, but it can often be found looking back on the hard things we have overcome with the help of Jesus Christ. I felt so Spiritually uplifted from church today, which was exactly what I needed after these past couple of weeks. I may not feel happy every single day, but I am filled with gratitude and thanksgiving when I think of all the tender mercies God has blessed me with. I also took the opportunity to listen to some hymns while I painted, just wanting a peaceful moment with myself.

Much love,
Emily Burnham

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