Sunday, May 26, 2019

Bean Museum and Olk Folks

Howdy friends and family! This week really flew by, which I guess is a good thing!

I really enjoy my Psychological Testing class, even though I'm exhausted by the end of it! My group is making noticeable progress on our project. We stayed after class just a bit to finalize some things, so by the time I got home, I left with my sister right away to go to Home Evening. We had a giant dinner, and Sister Osborn was kind enough to make a chili that was safe for me to eat. I was so grateful to have safe food to eat because I was so hungry since I had come straight from three hours of class!

Basketball class is always super fun! I think I'm getting a lot better. I've been scoring more points and have definitely noticed myself getting into more shape! After my class, I studied real quick before going to take my basketball exam at the testing center. It's pass/fail... and I failed. Just kidding, I passed! The weather was cold and rainy so I postponed going shopping until Thursday. I really enjoyed going to institute though! I went to the "Women in the Scriptures" class and felt very enlightened.

I worked on homework, but it was so hard to focus! Fortunately, I got everything done on time. After my three hour class, I felt so blessed because ward prayer was cancelled due to the dreary weather! I was tired and hungry, and I was able to make myself a yummy dinner instead of worrying about going to ward prayer!

After basketball class, I went on a giant shopping spree! I needed to get new tennis shoes, so I went to Kohls and tried on at least nine pairs of shoes. No joke. I'm pretty sure people were giving me weird looks because I was carrying a giant stack of shoe boxes to try on! I also had a date this evening at the Bean Museum. I learned a lot about the animals there from the other guy we doubled with (since he works there). I am now terrified of hippos because I learned they are very vicious creatures. They are the animals that cause the most human deaths in Africa, and they can take on a crocodile! Also, they had a ridiculous amount of birds there!

Today was a very chill day. At work we watched Guardians of the Galaxies 2 and ate breakfast. Then  I got to go home and relax because Monday is a holiday, which means I don't have homework due until Wednesday! So this is the first real break I've had in a while!! I wasn't feeling very social, but I got a lot done around the house. Including scrubbing our bathroom from floor to ceiling! It took me a very long time! (Yes, I took pictures because I was super proud)

I went to the temple this morning and had a cool experience. I love the peace and insights that come as I take the time to be still and know that God is with me. Then I had to run some errands, which took a few hours and didn't end up being as productive as I had hoped. I was so exhausted afterwards that I had to take a nap! But then my sister and I painted (just for fun) for a bit. That evening, we went to our stake activity. They had food and games at the park, and luckily it stopped raining soon after the food arrived so that we could play some fun games.

I listened to Elder Holland's talk about the Lamb of God and the sacrament before church, so I made sure to arrive at church 10 minutes early and really think about my Savior. I felt so much love for God today during sacrament meeting. Going to church isn't always about learning from what a speaker says, but it is about renewing your personal and intimate covenants with God. Today I truly felt that. After church, I went with a group to sing to some elderly women at a senior home, and I was overwhelmed with how much Heavenly Father loved them and was aware of them. I could feel their spirit and testimony of Christ, and knew they were close to the veil. Then I went to reconnect and worked a tiny bit on family history. I think I'm slowly getting better, but it's questionable!

I love that the gospel of Jesus Christ truly is simple. The great motivation of the plan of salvation, of Jesus Christ's Atonement, is love. Everything we do can be split into two categories: things we do because we love God, and things we do because we love others. Sometimes we forget why we are doing some things and need to remember that it is out of loveif not for the person we are interacting with, then at least because we love our Savior and are trying to be more like Him. And if some things we are doing do not fit into these two categories, perhaps we should drop those things out of our life.

Much love,
Emily Burnham

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