Sunday, May 12, 2019

Glamorous Camping

Hey friends and family!

This week has gone so much smoother after dropping my physical science class! Throughout the week, there would be random times where I felt so happy for no particular reason. Probably because I had more time to accomplish things and didn't feel so rushed and stressed. Heavenly Father is so good to me.

I'm getting a bit more used to waking up early every morning to get to work by 5am, and I really am enjoying my basketball class. I have noticed I am getting in more shape by the fact that I walk less up and down the court during games! I can actually jog and run the entire game now :) For Home Evening, we met at our new Bishop's home with the counsellors. We asked different questions to get to know them and heard some pretty crazy stories!

After work and basketball class, I headed over to participate in a research study for extra credit in my psychology class. Then I had to go get a new ID card because apparently the university updated everyone's card last year and put chips in them to get into buildings when they're locked. That was why my card wasn't working to open the door these past two weeks! I didn't know I needed a new one because it had worked for everything else on campus! Also, I went shopping and may have spent all of my grocery money for the week on a pair of basketball shoes for my class!

Work, basketball, homework, and Psychological Testing. That pretty much sums up my day! Also, it's so weird that we have ward prayer on Wednesdays at 7pm. It's kind of hard because my class ends at 6:40pm and then I have to rush home, eat something quick for dinner (if I'm lucky), then head off to ward prayer. Sometimes I leave early from ward prayer (can't eat the treats anyway) so that I can go home and have a real dinner or just have more time to prepare for bed by 8:20pm. But the ward is great, and I really like all the new people in the ward!

I had a slight accident during my basketball class. A guy passed the ball to me harder than I was expecting, and somehow my finger nail on my right hand dug into a finger on my left hand, leaving a small gash. So I went to get a band-aid and thought, "This is nothing." Only, it wouldn't stop bleeding! It bled through two band-aids, so on the third one, my teacher also wrapped it with tape. It had bled through when I went home, so I rewrapped it and it was still bleeding that night! The next morning, I ended up just super-gluing it to get it to stop...

Work is so fun on Fridays because we hurry and finish our jobs in 1.5 hours and then get together and eat breakfast while watching a movie. This time we had cereal with almond milk, sausage, bacon, and fruit. All things I could eat! They are super considerate of my food allergies at work, which is so great. Today also marks 2 years since I left for the MTC to be a missionary for 18 months! Ironically, I unexpectedly ended up at the SLC airport, which is where I flew in from 2 years ago. My roommate Hannah asked me if I could drop her off at the airport because she last-minute decided to fly home for the weekend. I agreed but had a slightly negative attitude because I had a lot to do today since the overnight camping trip started this evening, but then I had the impression that as I served her, I was only serving Christ. And I would be so humbled and honored to drive Christ to the airport and get to spend time with Him. I felt the Spirit confirm that thought and my negative attitude instantly vanished. Afterwards, I got home and ate lunch around 1pm. That was when my sister called me and asked a favor. She was wondering if I could bake up the cookie dough batter she had made for the camping trip tonight because she wouldn't be home from work in time. I tiredly agreed and spent the next two hours making batch after batch of cookies. There were enough cookies to feed over 120 people! That evening, we left for Spring Haven, a million dollar cabin where we would be spending the night. The trip was called "glamping," as in "glamorous camping," though the name sounds anything but glamorous! There were over 100 other people who came from four different wards. They had so many fun activities for us to do! They had an inside volleyball/basketball court; a treehouse with foosball, pool, and air hockey; karaoke; a murder mystery; dancing; and tons of other games. Swing dancing in the gym was actually a lot of fun because this one guy took pity upon me and came over to be my partner, and he actually knew what he was doing, so before I knew it, I was being flipped! It was crazy, but super cool! We had dinner and stayed up soooo late! I was extremely tired, since we didn't get to bed until around 1am.

Val and I got up around 7:30am and packed up, ready to go. Then we got some breakfast: bacon, sausage, hash browns, and fruit for me. Egg burritos for everyone else! We drove home, and I got ready and went to the temple. I thought I was fine, but during the session when the lights dimmed, I had the hardest time staying awake! Yikes. Fortunately, I was able to stay awake during all of it! But it was a real struggle. When I got home, I didn't have time to nap. I had to eat lunch, and I was able to do a bit of homework before I had to leave at 3pm to go to work. I went to help cleanup after the baseball game, but it didn't get over until just after 5pm, so I got paid to take a nap while waiting for it to be over :). That was a blessing! Plus we got free J-dawgs afterwards! Double blessed! When I got home around 7pm, I continued to work on homework, but I had to take a 15 minute nap around 9pm so I could stay focused and finish my reading. Then I finally got to go to bed around 10pm and get a full night's rest!!!

Happy Mother's Day! I got to sleep in until 7:30am, which was a huge blessing. I really needed all the rest I could get. And I probably would have slept in a bit longer, but my little sister called because she was so excited to give Mom her card (which she spent 2.5 hours making) and gift and wanted Val and me to watch Mom open it. It was great to get to talk to my mom before going to church. After church, I decided to serve my roommate. While driving her to the airport, she said how excited she was to go home, but that Monday would be stressful for her because she had a quiz and an exam she had to take. Well, she had left her sheets in the dryer, so I made her bed and cleaned her room up a bit so that would be one less thing for her to worry about when she comes home on Monday. Val and I went to reconnect at our bishop's house, and I attempted to feel competent and useful as I searched for ancestors on Family Search.

Another tender mercy that happened this week was when I was in the temple, the Lord reminded me that I cannot fail if I am serving Him. That one day, regardless of my grades or other mundane things in my life that I stress over, I will be an exalted being. I will be living with Heavenly Father and my family for eternity, and God will help me succeed in the little things. This eternal perspective has been such a blessing to help me not worry over my grades as much and to trust that God has my back. If I try my hardest, I will do just well enough to get into whatever programs He wants to place me in to be an influence of good to others!

Much love,
Emily Burnham

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