Sunday, May 5, 2019

Studio C Extraveganza

Howdy friends and family!

On Monday, I called into where I worked and scheduled to work with the early morning crew (so I could have more hours this summer) and I will be starting tomorrow! In the evening, Valerie and I met up with a few other people from our ward at The Creamery for fries and ice-cream.

I awoke so early to get ready and go to work by 5am. It isn't as bad as I was thinking it would be, but it definitely is a lot! I have to cover a huge area, vacuuming offices and taking out trashes. It's cool that I get to clean inside the volleyball athlete's lounge rooms. They sure are spoiled! The men's and women's team each have a ping pong table, refrigerator, TV with Wii, huge bean bags, and soft, cozy chairs. Spring classes started today! Fortunately, I only have one class on Tuesday: Basketball! It was really fun, but I also realized how out of shape I am... We played some scrimmage games, and I was so out of breath! I also worked on readings for my physical science class tomorrow.

Wow, Wednesday was such a long day! I had six hours of classes! My physical science professor is hilarious (well, some of the time; his jokes are either hit or miss). I am actually really excited to learn from this class because it blows my mind and makes me wonder about the creation of planets. I am in awe regarding just how knowledgeable and majestic God is to create such mighty works. And it is amazing that one day we get to be like Him! But oh, do I have so much to learn before that point! I then ran all the way across campus to go to my basketball class. A few hours later, I had my three hour long Phycological Testing class. We already had to split into groups and pick a topic to research and experiment with this term! Everything is moving at such a fast pace. We also had ward prayer tonight at 7pm. Since we are now combined with the 5th ward after losing all of our priesthood holders, we are now having it in the middle of the week. But they have epic ward prayers! We had to design a contraption to protect an egg dropped from the third story of a building, and our device was a success! Then I had to hurry home and eat a quick dinner before getting to bed.

Nothing eventful happened on Thursday. I am just super busy with homework and have lots of readings to do. Nothing too exciting happened, though I did make a couple of baskets during the scrimmage game in basketball class!

Work on Friday morning was really fun because we all rushed to finish our cleaning by 6:15am so that we could make breakfast and watch a movie! It was super nice to get paid to relax and eat food, especially after a long, tiring week. Then I had physical science, which was really entertaining because my professor likes to show experiments and real-life examples of the things we are reading about. That afternoon, Valerie and I went to The Wall for half-off fries, and then we drove over to watch a live taping of the next season of Studio C. I had won free tickets to go! It was really cool and fun! The new cast seems quirky and fun, but we were sad we didn't win a free t-shirt or gift card.

Valerie and I got to do sealings at the temple Saturday morning. It was funny because we had to wait a while for a male to come, and so one temple worker started singing, "Come, come, ye couples!" I also had two dates today! One was not that great, and the other one was really good! The rest of my time was spent doing homework. I have so much to do and am becoming very overwhelmed.

Sunday was a very much needed spiritual day of revelation. I have been fasting for some problems happening in the family and some guidance for my own life. During sacrament meeting, I had an answer come to mind and felt complete peace for the first time all day. The thought came to me that I don't need to take physical science this term, and that I should just drop it. Immediately, I felt relief, peace, and assurance. I know Heavenly Father is watching over me and has my best interests in mind! He truly does answer our prayers, though it is in His timing. We often have to struggle and work through things first to show Him we are willing to struggle and sacrifice to follow Him. We must consistently be in the right place, doing the right things, to be worthy and able to receive an answer. This evening, we went over to another girl's apartment for a fiesta and watched the YSA devotional. I ate lots of guacamole! Yum yum!

Much love,
Emily Burnham

Joke of the week:
What do you call it when Batman ditches church? Christian Bale

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