Sunday, May 19, 2019

Escaping the Escape Room

Howdy y'all!

I rushed to finish all the assignments I had due before meeting up with my group. I've been a bit frustrated because often times I feel like I am doing the most work for the project and other members slide by without having to do much. I'd just prefer to work alone in that case. But I am trying to have a positive attitude about my group and am encouraging every contribution they make! After class, I rushed home so I could go to Home Evening, which was an ice-cream social. We actually made homemade ice-cream, so I was able to make some with almond milk!

I only have one class today, so I thought I would have a pretty relaxed day. But no, I had a lot of homework to do. I spent at least three and a half hours working on an essay that is due tomorrow night. That evening, I attended institute with Valerie and some other friends in our ward. We went to the church history class, but I think want to try out a different class next week because I've already read the book the class is based on, Saints. Which, if any of y'all haven't read that yet, I would highly encourage you to! The more you know about someone, or in this case, Joseph Smith, the stronger your testimony of them will become.

I didn't have time to make food yesterday like I had hoped, but God blessed me because even though I had a lot to do today, I was able to accomplish all of it! I made some (surprisingly delicious) broccoli potato soup that would last me for a few days. I also had lots of readings to do and quizzes to take before class started at 4pm, and then after class, I went straight home, ate a quick dinner, then went to ward prayer. We played some fun get-to-know-you games, and then I went home and got ready for bed. It's been hard going to bed so I can get enough sleep, but I'm still alive and functioning somehow!

I absolutely love my basketball class! It's so fun to play with everyone, and I'm getting better at scoring more in the games. After my basketball class, I had a job interview to be a counselor at a Mission Ready summer camp. I spent the afternoon studying for my test tomorrow!

We got to finish early at work so we could watch a movie (on the clock)! That is one reason I love Fridays! Also because I don't have any classes. Unfortunately, the movie we watched was very scary, and also, I had to study for and take a test. But it went well! I received an A. Then I got to meet up with my friend Whitney to eat fries at The Wall. Fortunately I got there early because I didn't know they were closing early, so I was able to order both of us fries to go, since she wasn't there yet. That night, I went on the ward temple trip, and we were there for three hours because it was so crowded! I was glad I went because only three other people went. When I got home, I went straight to bed.

Today was super fun, even though my stomach hurt all day. I think the fries I ate yesterday were contaminated with gluten. I left just before 9:30am to pick up my friend Whitney, and we went to the temple together. We did two sessions back to back, and it was a really cool experience. The longer I was in the temple, the more time seemed to slow down (as in I felt completely at peace, not rushed or in a hurry), yet speed up (the session went by a lot smoother and faster, probably because I wasn't worrying about time, so it passed without my notice). I didn't have any big revelatory or miraculous experience, but I felt filled with the sweet Spirit and rejuvenated. Afterwards, I went home and attempted to do some homework, but the pain in my stomach got worse, so I just lied down for a while up until Val and I had to go. She planned a fun evening since we don't get to see each other much during the week. She had 2 free admissions to go to an escape room, and we were both super excited because we had never been before. It was really fun, even though I may have gotten in trouble towards the end for picking a lock to get a key that would open a chest with the last object we needed to complete the mission (a crown). I just thought I was being resourceful, and was honestly just surprised with myself for guessing the correct passcode. Fortunately, the other people in our group solved the puzzle to get the code to unlock it, so we were still able to finish the non-cheating way, with 5 seconds to spare! It was really cool to finish, because we were told only 30% of people actually make it through and can escape! Afterwards, Valerie took me out to dinner at a Thai place, and I have realized that I absolutely love Thai and Indian food!

I taught Sunday School for the first time since getting my new calling! I wasn't very nervous, surprisingly. I just prayed all week long that the Spirit would touch the hearts of those in the class, help me know their needs, and give me the words to say. It wasn't a perfect lesson, but I loved how much people participated. I got to learn from them and just facilitate the comments. After church at Reconnect, I continued trying to work on my family history. I didn't accomplish much, but I am making slow progress! In the evening, Valerie invited over some girls for dinner, and I made up my own dinner and ate with them. It was great to get to know them better and have great conversations.

I had a cool insight when talking with my sister Valerie. We were discussing how people are quick to judge others for their weaknesses. The world is quick to pick apart the Prophet Joseph Smith because of his mistakes. They pick apart the rich young ruler for not giving up all that he had. But if all you knew about Peter was that he denied Christ three times and at one point Christ literally called him Satan ("get thee behind me, Satan"), you would think this Peter guy must have been pretty bad. But no! He was a faithful and dedicated apostle. Because of the natural man, we are all prone to make mistakes. We should expect that, and not fall into a judgmental and criticizing attitude. Rather, we should seek out the good in others--like the fact that the rich young ruler came running to the Savior and fell down at his feet--and be amazed at the effort it took them to put off their natural man. Focus on the good in others, focus on the good in yourself, and you will be a much happier person!

Much love,
Emily Burnham

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