Sunday, August 11, 2019

ACT Camp - Epic Bike Crash

5 August - 11 August

Hola mi familia! I haven't really been practicing my Spanish in a while, but I really need to! It's on my bucket list to learn.

I didn't sleep all that well, so I was quite tired today, even though I technically got to sleep in (I don't have to work early-morning custodial this week)! I got my girls up, then took them all to breakfast at the Cannon Center. So, I kind of threw healthy eating out the window this week and ate all the muffins and sugary-cereal they had all week long! (I still made sure everything was gluten-free, of course). I had basketball class right after, then my research class. I had a few hours that afternoon to work on things before reporting back that evening at 5pm to pick my girls up from their class at the JKB. I texted them where I would be waiting, and the girls slowly found it and came. Except for one girl, because they accidentally left her while she was using the bathroom and then she got lost. I decided to take my bike and ride around the building looking for her. I didn't find her, so I was thinking how I should just call her. I was holding my phone in my right hand while biking fast, and I went to hit the breaks but just on my left side since my phone was in the way, and my front wheel locked, sending me flying head-over-handlebars onto the pavement. In front of 50 EFY witnesses. Luckily, my bike landed in front of me, not on me, and I was able to continue on the rest of the night with no broken bones. Just some road rash and bruises on my check, hip, thigh, and knee. After eating dinner (we had J-Dawgs catered), the kids colored table mats as a service project, and I just took it easy since I was still in pain from my fall. Afterwards, each group combined with another group and we played field games outside. One of the ACT camp boys was totally hitting on all of the counselors! (Me included, haha).

In the morning, I gathered my girls together (like a hen gathers her chickens) and took them all to breakfast. I'm definitely being spoiled since I don't have to cook for myself! I had basketball class, and then the rest of the day was free! I worked a bit on homework, but didn't feel like doing much. My hip is in a lot of pain, and basketball doesn't really help with that, but oh well. I'm pretty good at just hanging in there through pain. That evening, we had dinner at Heritage Central, which is not as good as the Cannon Center. We had an art activity in the ballroom where we "painted" flower pots using chocolate pudding. We only had two minutes, though! Afterwards, I went with a group down to the creamery and watched as everyone got ice cream and other treats. At 9pm, I had a really good devotional with my girls. I shared the insight about how we can respond to thoughts in two ways: with shame or with truth. The Spirit was very palpable, and the girls really seemed to enjoy it.

All ACT groups met up after breakfast for a giant picture, and I left a bit early so I could run down to my basketball class. Then I had my Psych class. Oh my, I am SO ready for classes to be over! So so so ready. Just two more to go after today! I also received an email back about my application to be a TRC actor, and they want me to come in for a second interview! I hope all goes well because I would love to have a job interacting with human beings (as opposed to trash cans and toilets), AND it would be with missionaries! After dinner that evening at Heritage (yuck), we all went to the Conference Center Ballroom for the dance. It was over 2 hours long! It was fun though because I got to roast boys for not asking girls to dance and guilted at least 5 of them into asking a girl to dance for the slow song. I also had an hour long conversation with one of my girls, Brietta, about books. She didn't want to participate in the dance, so I just sat with her and talked about my favorite stories and authors. It was such a fun conversation, even if admitting so makes me a nerd ;).

I haven't gotten sick of eating at the Cannon Center for breakfast yet... but it does make me slightly sick (only because I have zero self-control, apparently). My girls really love me and I feel blessed to have such an amazing group! For camp that evening, everyone listened to a speaker talk about the effects that exercise has on the brain. Then we split into groups to do different activities. I walked back with the girls to the dorms to supervise them there as they relaxed/studied for their big test the next day.

Today was the big day for the girls! Some of them were taking and actual ACT exam that could be counted when they applied to attend BYU. They were all so nervous, but I kept them in my prayers. I went to all my classes, then went home and did laundry and cleaning. I also went ice skating by myself for an hour, and I had the rink almost to myself! It was amazing and so much fun! Then I had to report back for camp. We picked our exhausted girls up from their test and went to the Ballroom, where Olive Garden catered a pasta bar for dinner. Then we ate ice cream and watched the movie Hidden Figures, which I had never seen before. My girls wanted to stay up and party all night since it was their last night at camp. I had also written them all heartfelt notes that they all really appreciated. It was a really great and fulfilling week with all of them, albeit very exhausting!

I had to herd girls to breakfast and check them out of their dorms, making sure they cleaned and did everything right. The last girl's mom didn't come until a bit after 10am to get her, so I just had to sit and wait with her. But finally everything was over! I went home and got ready to go to the temple. Afterwards, Valerie and I went to the water park and rented a tube to be able to go on all the rides. It was super fun, but I kid you not... the bottom of my feet burned! I literally had a blister on each foot from how hot the pavement was! That evening, I pulled off Val's surprise going-away party without a hitch. She never suspected a thing! She thought we were going over to Lexy's apartment for dessert, but really her friends were hiding and waiting to surprise her. I'd even snuck her karaoke machine out from the back of her car to use! There was so much delicious food, and many people stopped by. Valerie was so happy and touched.

I was so exhausted when I woke up. I felt like I could sleep all day! This was a very taxing week, but I wouldn't trade it for anything! It was super rewarding working with people, and I felt so loved and appreciated by my girls. I'm ready for a change. With my sister leaving, I hope to be able to fill the void with more interaction with others. I really hope to get the job at the MTC because that will be more fulfilling than taking out trash and vacuuming! I want to be more proactive about inviting others over for dinner and going on fun adventures. I'm ready for a fresh start in my life, but I'm sad I won't be living with one of my best friends anymore. I took TWO naps today. I know. I was just so worn out. I went to Reconnect at the Osborn's home. Also, I was fasting today since I couldn't last week, so I broke my fast later in the day. I also attended ward prayer, and we played a fun catch phrase/charades game.

One insight I had today in Relief Society involved feasting. I know, food always seems to be brought up a ton when you are fasting! Part of the purpose of a feast is to celebrate and build relationships with others. It is a time to show gratitude and love. When you read your scriptures, do you feast on them? Do you read because you feel obligated to, or because you love the Savior? Are you full of gratitude? Is your relationship with God deepening? Are you learning new things about Jesus Christ daily? This really helped me to paint a picture in my mind of what "feasting on the words of Christ" truly mean, and I definitely want to do better and be better.

Much love,
Emily Burnham

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