Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Windy Garden Photoshoot

29 August -  4 August 2019

Howdy fam and friends!! I had a wonderful week! I got to spend some quality with my sister this weekend, which is good because she is LEAVING ME this next week :(.

I've been finding the coolest things at work in the trash... someone is cleaning out their office! One of the only perks of working custodial! Finding cool things, cuz one man's trash is another's treasure! For FHE, I went to the Osborn's home for dinner, while the rest of my group went to another member of the Bishopbric's house. I had to go to a different group because I forgot to tell the other family about my food allergies, but the Osborns had something for me to eat. It was fun talking to them about my new bucket list. I added two new things to it after speaking with them: to go skiing and to skate on an outdoor ice rink!

After basketball, I went to the target all the way over to Orem to buy the innertube I was searching for... but they didn't have it, even though online said they had it. Ugh. Then I was soooo hungry because I only ate a granola bar and nothing else all day. And it was 1:30pm! So I drove to Cafe Rio since it was super nearby, but they didn't have anything I could eat! Lame. I'm never go back there again. Then I drove to the target in Provo, and they had the tube I needed! I got some waffle fries at Chick-fil-A to tide me over, and then I went to the library to return my books. Today was definitely one of those days where God is testing your patience. That evening, my apartment had Ris and another apartment over for dinner, so we missed institute. But I enjoy getting to know people better in more intimate settings.

After class, I went to get my Sam's Club card! My mom is the best. They have so many cute and expensive things that I now really want to buy. Can I get some early Christmas money?? ;) I also had to get fired from all of my jobs (apparently I had 3 recorded online, even though I'm only working custodial right now) so I can work ACT camp this next week. It was so funny to receive an email with this heading: "You're fired :)" It was a relief that everything was finally taken care of. That evening, we had a relief society JAM PARTY! We partied it up with Val's boom whackers, and everyone had a great time. Valerie made so many cinnamon roles and became super exhausted so I gave her a short back rub.

I decided to go shopping at Sprouts and bought some food. I was tempted to buy some unnecessary items, like candy and a special pizza! That evening, I had to attend a meeting for ACT camp that was sooo long that Val and I couldn't go to the Studio C live showing! How sad!

I felt so sick at work. I finished my job ASAP and went home just before 8am to get some medicine. I didn't want to go to my Psych class. I was curled up in bed, talking to my mom on the phone, and she gave me an epic pep talk to motivate me to go. The miracle of the day was that I felt better just for class, then later when I got home, I didn't feel well anymore. But I didn't want to cancel my plans with my friend Lexy to go ice skating, so I just went anyway. We had a really fun time. We have a lot in common and had a fun time chatting. She was growing more and more confident on the ice, even feeling up to trying some tricks. But then she fell... She seemed alright, and soon after we went home. She practiced on the piano for her niece's baptism tomorrow, and I sang along to help her practice. It was really relaxing. That evening, I thought of maybe doing something fun. Instead, I worked on my essay that is due on Monday. 

I went with Valerie early this morning to the 8am session at the Provo City Center temple. It was packed! There was at least 5 or 6 live endowments happening! It was packed, but good. I am grateful for the things that I am learning about temple. There is so much we can read and study about outside of the temple. Often people don't because they don't know exactly what they are and are not allowed to talk about. Afterwards, we did so much cleaning and organizing! Valerie gave me some more side dresser things, so now my room has a bit of a new look to it! That evening, we went out together for dinner, and then drove down to this garden that has a bunch of statues. We were going to do a photoshoot too. We didn't realize until we got there... it was $20 per person to get in! Yeah, so no. We just took pictures out front and walked around. We just had the best time, cracking each other up, making up random raps, taking goofy pictures! It was super windy. I sure do love my sista sista!

Wowza. What a day! We always have super spiritual fast and testimony meetings. Today I felt like I should go up and bear my testimony--not for anyone else, but just for me and God. So I could be strengthened by the reminder that I know for myself that He lives and loves me personally. It was short and simple, but very sweet. I also found out at church that Lexy's wrist ended up being sprained from her fall while ice skating! Yikes!! That afternoon, I finished getting everything ready for ACT camp and had a bit of time to practice the violin. Then, Val and I headed off for camp! We will be staying in the Heritage dorms all week long leading a group of girls each evening and morning. Plus, free breakfast and dinner! We got to eat at the Cannon center for dinner, then we headed over to get ready to check in all 150 kids! We ate some ice cream (yes, they even had some dairy-free for me) and got our group back to the dorms. My room was hot. The bed was harder than I'm used to. And I'm not used to sleeping with a roommate. Plus the people next to us were noisy. Let's just say all of that combined meant that I didn't sleep very much or very well...

I recently read in my journal an experience I had on my mission in my last area. I was struggling a bit having to face going home soon, and we showed up at a mutual activity and one of the YW leaders singled me out and started talking to me. Suddenly, it was like she was peering into my soul and she said such inspired words of counsel to me! She told me that sometimes we will have thoughts enter our head from Satan. We can respond to those thoughts in two ways: with a shameful response or with a truthful response. Shame leads us to comparisons. Either we aren't good enough, or we are better than the other person. The truthful response is that we are always good enough and loved unconditionally. Think of this example: you text a boy and he never responds. You might want to think to yourself, "I shouldn't have been so hasty" or "I'm too good for him anyway. Either of these responses ends with you either thinking too little or too much of yourself. The true response would be, "I am good enough and I'm loved unconditionally." And leave it at that. No overanalyzing or feeling shameful, just feelings of love and acceptance by your Savior and Heavenly Father.

Much love,
Emily Burnham

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