Sunday, July 28, 2019

Test of Patience

Hola everyone! Unfortunately, I actually haven't been studying or practicing my Spanish lately. But I created a bucket list and have a lot of goals that I want to work on in the coming weeks!

During class, I checked my score on my paper and was horrified to see my group received a 76%! We'd put in lots of work and effort into it (well, at least I did... can't speak for my whole group), and so I talked with my teacher after class in his office, and he ended up giving three points back, so I ended with a 90%. That helped a lot. I continued to study for my exam tomorrow, and I was not feeling all to confident about it. That evening, I decided to forgo more studying in order to attend Home Evening. We met up at an apartment to watch a movie, and Allie offered to braid my hair for me, which was a huge service to me. However, I didn't realize until after that it was also a huge service to her because it had been relaxing for her and she missed braiding hair.

So the exam was awful. It felt so long and I had to skip around because I didn't feel all that confident in the answers as I wished I could be. It took me double the amount of time as the first exam. I went home and didn't even want to check my score. I just laid on the couch feeling physically ill and tired. That test really took a lot out of me! But I did my best and it showed because when I finally did check my score, I scored a 96%! I'd had a date planned for that evening, so I didn't go to institute, but then the guy ended up having to cancel because the front runner was way behind schedule and he didn't get back in time. It was okay with me because then I could take it easy that evening!

Today kind of sucked. I say that because I didn't have any plans all day. The library and the ice rink were both closed in celebration for Pioneer Day. I guess it was good that I didn't have classes though! I did go out on a run this morning and did some exercises that left me sore for the rest of the week! I tried to do my homework, but nothing was working out online and it was very frustrating! But another guy did ask me out that evening, so I had a good ending to my day. We ate at Zupas and then went to the park to throw around a frisbee. And I wasn't as bad as I thought I was!

After basketball class, I got ready for my job interview. I tried out to be a TRC actor at the MTC, but unfortunately, I don't think I did very well. I am just not good at lying or acting. Oh well, guess I'll just keep doing early morning custodial for the next two years! (Insert lots of crying here). Afterwards, I went shopping at Sprouts and Walmart, then came home to unload. Shopping is so tiring!

I brought my bike to work for my boss Ben to fix, but we realized I needed to buy a new innertube! It wasn't just a flat tire, but the valve came off half-way! I sat through class, stayed after to get help with an assignment, which I then went to the library to complete. Then I remembered that I needed to still take my basketball final, so I went and got that out of the way, scoring higher on it than last term! I also went ice-skating, and the guy who sold me the saints is such a good Samaritan! My left blade had come loose, so he drove 15 minutes down to the rink to straighten it out for my and make sure my skates were in good position. Plus he gave me a free lacing-hook so I can tighten my skates easier! But I think I tightened them too well and didn't have enough flex because I took a pretty hard fall and hit the back of my head, so I gave up for the rest of the evening and went home to ice my head. Don't worry, I didn't have a concussion!

I woke about less than 20 minutes before it was time to go clean the church. I kinda forgot it was our turn to do that... oops. I got ready quick as lightning and literally ran down to the church. I was assigned to clean bathrooms with Valerie, and I ran home again to get some rags (because otherwise you gotta clean toilets with paper towels, which doesn't really cut it) and ran back to the church. Then I got ready to go to the temple, but the parking spots were full and so many cars where circling around to find spots. I drove down to the library and returned the books I had and picked out some new ones, and then walked to the temple for the next session. It was a full session and took a while, but it was much needed. I'd been feeling so angry and lonely and sad, and as I prayed and poured out my heart to God in the chapel, I found peace and answers. I had an idea enter my mind of actions I can take to resolve the problems I was having. Afterwards, I ate a late lunch and went ice skating. It was much better than yesterday (I didn't fall), and I changed and ran (again, literally) over to the water park next door to meet up with Valerie. We did some different slides, and I got wip-lash from one of the swinging bars you can jump off with. We went home and got changed, ate a quick dinner, then went to Brooker's ice-cream place. Val wanted to go again before she leaves back to AZ in two weeks. The blind-date to the ball never happened. I never heard from anyone about it... until an hour before the thing started. So yeah, that was a bit disappointing, but I got to spend some quality time with Valerie that evening instead.

Before church this morning, I tried to record a video because I'm wanting to start a new YouTube channel, but I do not have good lighting or equipment... So I don't know how all of that is going to work out. Church was really good because the talks reminded me that there are so many good things to do, and never enough time to do them. I really need to prioritize my goals and make sure I am doing what is most important. We had the Bishopbric's wives teach Relief Society, which was really good... but my stomach kept making the loudest, longest growling noises ever! Yikes! And I promise I did eat breakfast! For lunch, we had the apartment of girls across from us come over. It was quite crowded but a fun time!

Here is something I was pondering this week: God's timing is good, though it is not our timing. As humans, we want to have things instantly. God holds out sometimes because He knows the process of waiting can humble us and make us even more grateful for the answer or blessing when it comes. Then we cherish it even more. However, God often doesn't tell us what His timetable is, and I know there is a specific reason. If He told us exactly how long we'd have to wait for some blessings we really want (marriage, kids, a good house or job), we'd quit before it ever happened. If you knew you had to wait until 37 to get married, wouldn't you not bother dating as much and not enjoy the process? You'd forget to live in the moment and do things that will prepare you so you're ready for marriage when it does happen. Or if you were told to move to find a new job, but after moving, you wouldn't get that new job until a year later, and your family is just struggling to get by in the meantime. You'd probably not move right away, and you'd miss out realizing out strong you really could be, all the people God needed you to meet, and the experiences He needed you to gain. He truly shines a light directly in front of us, asking us to just take one more step. This way we continue on, baby steps at a time, not feeling overwhelmed because we constantly have hope of a reprieve being right around the corner.

Much love,
Emily Burnham

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