Sunday, July 7, 2019

Happy Fourth!

Howdy friends, family, and everyone else! Wow, what a week. I was so blessed that I didn't have a lot of pressing things due this week because my sickness held on with a vengeance this entire week! I spent a ridiculous amount of time resting, drinking liquids, and then consequently having to use the bathroom ;).

I got to sleep in, since I didn't have to go in for work. I also didn't feel up to going to basketball class, but I made sure to rest and feel up to going to my psychology class at 10am. For home evening, we split into groups and dropped/flung paint down from the second story balcony of an apartment complex, trying to create an American flag on a canvas below. It was quite difficult! But we all had an enjoyable time!

Again, I missed work. I'd been hoping to go in today, but I woke up multiple times throughout the night and felt awful. I rested ALL day. Even when I wanted to do something, I forced myself to relax because I want to heal as quickly as possible. I had to cancel going ice-skating today, which was sad, but for the best.

I went in for work, even though I felt awful and had to blow my nose a lot. I finished my work as quick as I could and went back home to bed before I had to go to class at 10am. Blah.

It was so nice to sleep in and not have to feel bad for missing work or basketball class... because it was the Fourth of July! I had to go shopping today, but still tried to take it easy. Then... I had to work concessions that evening at the Stadium of Fire, featuring Keith Urban! It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. For five hours, I rented out chairs, sold water and kettle corn, and got to see bits of the show! And I almost didn't get paid for any of it because the machine didn't register when I clocked in! But I got it all taken care of. My favorite part of the night was when this old women walked up to the second floor

Ugh. I technically at work at 5am, but I didn't go in until 6am so I could get some more sleep, since I didn't get to sleep until almost 1am. I finished as QUICK as lightning so I could go home and sleep a bit more before  going to class and taking a quiz. That afternoon, I went ice-skating by myself for two hours, which was nice. In the evening, I went with Valerie to a hot balloon festival, where they lit up rows of hot air balloons to the beat of some songs they played.

I got to sleep in again! I still felt sick, but who could blame my body after the crazy past few days?! I realized BOTH temples in Provo were closed! What?! So I went to the next nearest one, the Timpanogos temple, with Valerie. We went and did some sealings, since I had five family names that needed to be done. It was a great experience, and the temple was packed! I loved watching the different couples kneel across from each other and gaze at one another with such love and tenderness. The world today emphasizes so much lust and physical aspects of love, but the love that you see in these couples at the temple is deep, true love and charity.

Wow, I am finally feeling better! Testimony meeting was wonderful. The theme of the meeting took emphasized Heavenly Father's infinite and individual love for each of us, and that we are all enough and just need to keep on trying. This past week, I was prompted to search through my previous scripture study notes, and I came across what I wrote from down from a Zone Conference: "Weakness is not a sin." This really struck me because I will find myself often repeating in my prayers, "Please forgive me for my sins," because I'm not perfect, but I also don't always recognize specific sins I'm making. All I feel is this sense of falling short. I feel weak. However, God has said that He gives unto us weakness. Weakness is not the same as sinning, but rather is a way to keep us humble and turning back to God. We must overcome them through the grace of God to be perfect one day, but meanwhile, we needn't feel so guilty all the time for falling short. We are not purposefully trying to sin all the time; we are falling subject to our weaknesses we were given. And we have God's promise of sufficient help in overcoming them.

Much love,
Emily Burnham

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