Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Weekend in AZ

Howdy, my few faithful readers! I had an absolutely amazing weekend because I was able to spend time at home with my family in Arizona.

I finally went back to work and was tired. It will take a while to get back in the flow of my schedule after being sick threw it off so much. I went to basketball class, and then my Psych 310 class. This weekend we will be launching our survey for our research project. I've spent so many hours already working on it! After class, I went and took a test. Surprisingly, it took me less than an hour, and I did very well! That evening, I went to a Family Home Evening that my mission president was holding. He was in Lehi, UT visiting one of his children. It was a hassle getting there because I forgot that I was super low on gas, and then a road was closed, so I got stuck in some traffic for a frustratingly long time. But I made it there in good timing and in one piece! It was so weird to see my mission president and his wife outside of the mission, wearing normal street clothes without their tags. And to see all the previous missionaries similarly attired, some with a spouse or fiancé. And my mission president greeted me with a hug and a "Hi, Emily!" Definitely strange at first! But I got to take a few minutes to catch up with him. They bought a house in Gilbert, AZ!! Close by where my family lives! It was a wonderful evening, albeit a little strange/nostalgic.

I am still so tired after work and basketball. I definitely took a nap after class :). I went to an interview for a leadership position in a club, "Dealing with Divorce," (which I did not get). I really enjoy going to institute in the evenings and learning more about the gospel. Even though I am often thinking to myself, "Ugh, I don't want to go" because I'm lazy and don't want to walk to the church building, I'm always glad I go.

I went to work, then basketball. My teacher was grateful for the effort I am making to speak up and talk on the court, since everyone else is quiet and keeps to themselves. My goal is to learn everyone's name and cheer them up to help the class feel more bonded and connected. I lucked out last term with an amazing class, and this term the group of us is not as tight-knit, unfortunately. Since Valerie was gone, I carried over the treats she had made on Sunday to the Relief Society spa night that evening! I'd invited some girls to go with me, and they showed up! It was so good talking with them, and I felt like a good ministering sister and disciple of Christ. Ironically, we just had treats and watched a movieno one actually painted their nails!

I noticed after my basketball class, with complete shock and horror, that our hot water heater broke. But I was already in the middle of showering, so all I could do was brave the ice-cold like a soldier! I met Valerie for lunch at PF Chang's because I haven't seen her all week! With her working the ATC camps overnight and then going straight to her day job, she is literally gone 24/7. It was great talking with her, though the food wasn't very impressive, especially for the price I paid. After lunch, I walked around the mall and noticed that Macey's was closing down, so everything was marked down in there. I got four items of nice clothing at a super discounted price! Then I went to Sprouts and got some fruit and found gluten/dairy/egg-free frozen waffles! Discounted ;). Yummy. I also forced myself not to work on my research project, because my teacher is giving us all of class tomorrow, and there wasn't much left to do anyways!

Today was a good day. After class, I had wanted to go ice-skating, but the rink was closed! Fortunately, I was able to use that time to go and do an endowment session at the Provo City Center Temple. The parking garage was so full and crowded. I was worried the session would be packed, so I was praying I would get in. It actually wasn't that full, so I easily got in. And I also got to sit next to a friend from the ward, Emily Allen! During my time in the temple today, I felt so overwhelmed with my weaknesses and sins. I felt unworthy to be at the temple, even though I knew that was something Satan would tell me to discourage me from going. As I thought about the story of Adam and Eve, I remembered how merciful God was to them after their transgression, and how after everything, they were glad to have fallen because their eyes were open and they had children. They grew as a result of their sin. I realize that even though sinning is bad, as we choose to repent and learn from it, we grow in perspective and knowledge. It can be for our good, but only because of the Atonement of Jesus Christ. My friend Kathrine drove me to the Provo airport that evening to fly home to Arizona. Stepping off the airplane that evening felt like stepping into a sauna (though much less wet, since AZ is very dry)! The flight was uneventful, and my parents came to pick me up in their new electric car! It's always so weird at first to see my family after not seeing them for such a long time. They always change in little ways, but overall are very familiar and comforting. When I got home, I was surprised (yet again) how tall my brother Sean has become. Granted, I'd only seen him for just over a month after getting home from my mission before I headed up to college, and then six months passed again. Sweet little Lucy offered up her big bed for me to sleep on!

I had today planned for weeks now, and it went just how I'd hoped. I was able to leave that morning with mom to go to a shoe store and get new running shoes. Then we went to the Shoe Carnival and my mom bought me some new sandals. We went out for lunch at Zupas, and then drove to DI, where I found some shorts that fit perfectly, along with a few summery shirts. Lucy and I painted in the afternoon, and I chose a scene with fire-flies. That evening, we went to Garcias with Grandpa Jim, where I ate some yummy stake tacos! I loved how easily my little sister and I got along, and I enjoyed getting to talk with my mom about things in person.

I went with my mother and father to my mission president's homecoming in Mesa. Fortunately, it was only a 15 minute drive from our house! When I showed up, I saw two full rows of returned missionaries sitting on chairs. I saw my previous mission companion, Sister Jarvis, again! I was amazed by just how many individuals came to support President Smith and Sister Smith. I loved hearing the Southern references and jokes in both of their talks. Yes, you really do get called, "Baby," "Honey," and "Sugar" by complete strangers! And after shopping at Walmart, I was always told, "Have a blessed day!" I do miss beautiful roads (often dirt) with canopies of trees. They both also testified how God knows us individually and orchestrates wondrous miracles for us to know thatputting missionaries in the right place at the right time, things that are too coincidental to be coincidences. Truly, Heavenly Father has never forsaken us.
We made it back home and went to our home ward, where I was privileged to hear my mom speak! Now, is that a coincidence? My mom getting asked to speak the one weekend I happened to be flying home this year? I was glad to be there to listen and be strengthened by her testimony of this gospel. I also enjoyed surprising the Hughes family with my presense. Little Ben and Hudson ran and gave me the BIGGEST hugs ever when they saw me! It was so cute! I sure love that family so much :)
After church and a nap, we ate a delicious home-cooked meal of roast and potatoes! My mom even made dessert for me and the family. We also went over to Grandma and Grandpa Burnham's home to visit all the cousins and family that I haven't seen in six months. It's so weird to face the facts that I'm an adult now. I do my own cooking and cleaning, and I see my family just a few times a year! But I was so spoiled and pampered getting to be home this weekend, with my mom cooking for me and taking good care of me. She is a super star. My sister also painted a mini-canvas of me ice-skating in Utah as a gift to take back with me. And she let me dress her up and take pictures of her! I did her hair and make-up for church, and she looked so cute!

Much love,
Emily Burnham

    P.S. I am still partial to Arizona sunsets!

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