Monday, July 1, 2019

Some Sick Skates!

Howdy howdy! What a week! I had rough start to the week, then an amazing middle of the week, and then came down sick... quite the roller-coaster, I'd say!

Mondays and Wednesdays are so long because I have work from 5am to 9am, basketball from 9 to 10am, and then class from 10am to noon! So I have to pack a lunch and snack/lunch! Then I go home and eat and study my scriptures and rest. But it is nice having the rest of the day to myself! This evening for Home Evening, we had a ward Amazing Race, and I drove around Provo with Miranda, Valerie, Emily Allen, and this other girl, looking for clues! Often times, my group made me get out and run ahead to fetch the clues! At the end, we met in a field by the temple and had tacos. It was super fun!

Work. Basketball. Readings and relaxing that afternoon. Then institute that evening. I really love the class we are going to, "Women in the Scriptures." We are in the Old Testament right now, and I love learning more in depth about women I never really knew much about. They all really seem to come alive!

After classes, I was talking to my mom about how I wished I had my ice-skates already. She said to follow up with the guy I ordered them from. I was a missionary, after all! I texted him, asking when they would be in, and he responded that they were there! I made plans to go see him that late afternoon. While I was waiting to go, I worked on Photoshop, manipulating heights of men for our research project. We are trying to test if women find taller men more attractive than shorter men. Then I went to get my skates, and the coolest thing ever happened. So, when I showed up, he asked if I was the one he had been talking to about the "buy-out" skates. He pulled out two boxes of skates--the ones I had originally ordered that came, and then another box that was just the boot of a skate. I tried both on, but was mentally leaning towards the one that already had the blade and was ready to go. But then he said if I liked the feel of the one without the blade, I should go with that one because it was a nicer quality boot and would last longer and be more supportive. He had gotten it on sale because they were trying to get the next model in, but it was originally $400! And then he said he also got a smokin' deal on a set of blades to go with them, so he'd sell me the set for $150 (what I would have spent for the other skates). The blades were $300 originally! So I got a $700 set-up for only $150, much better quality than I originally would have gotten! Plus, he adjusted the ankle and fit it so it didn't crush my bone, and he put the blades on after sharpening them for free! I felt so blessed! God is really watching out for me! I was so excited and wanted to try them out that night, but my friend Whitney called and said her hot-water was out, and if she could use my shower that evening. The next open-time to skate is Friday afternoon!

After work and basketball this morning, I spent a few hours down at the library, working on manipulating photos some more for my class project. Learning how to use the basics of Photoshop in 9th grade has been invaluable!

Today was the highlight of my whole week! I got to go ice-skating in my new skates this afternoon, and Olivia (a friend from work) met up with me there! She had to leave early, but I stayed the whole time. While my skates hurt a bit and need to be broken in, they are so amazing! I can already do much better tricks in them and feel more confident that they will support me! That evening, I went to Sammy's birthday party, and she had a full-on BBQ for all her friends and family. There was so so so much food! And I could eat most of it! And I probably did eat most of it!! I was extremely stuffed by the end of the night :) I left early and drove with Kathrine over to the Bishop's home for movie night, where we watched The Greatest Showman. I forgot how many good songs are in that movie. It was only my second time seeing it.

You know that feeling when you wake up sick? That was me this morning. It hit me out of the blue, but I had a sore throat and a stuffy nose. I guess I partied a bit too hard this weekend! I took it pretty easy today. I went to the temple with Valerie, but then stayed home and relaxed for the rest of the day. I tried to do some homework but came down with the worst headache after an hour and had to take a nap. I was so sad because I wanted to go ice-skating again SO BAD! But I wasn't feeling up to it physically and didn't want to make myself more sick.

I was still feeling lousy today, so I took it easy. Besides going to church, the only other productive thing I did today was host a Come, Follow Me study group in the evening. Kathrine (from the ward) and Vincent (a friend from work) came, plus Valerie was there. After about 20 minutes of studying, I see this guy from the ward walking to the door... we had said he could come but didn't clarify what time, so he came at 7:30, even though we changed the time to 7pm. Yikes! I hurriedly told everyone to pretend that we were just starting, so they closed up their books and scriptures as I went to answer the door. We pulled it off... with a mild giggle-attack that left him wondering what was happening. Let's just say, I am a terrible actress! Also, I made the most epic birthday PowerPoint to send to Sister Stites, the missionary I trained. And Val made me stay up to play a game with her, even though I was so tired. I had already texted my boss that I was sick and wouldn't be able to go into work tomorrow morning.

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