Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Did Someone Say Actor?

19 August - 25 August

Wow, I've been so crazy busy, so I'm sorry this is being written so late! But I have so much good, happy news to share!

I had the best start EVER to the week. It all started 3.5 hours after I went to work. We got to go over to a field where Maglebys was catering breakfast to the athletes. I got to sneak over with my supervisors and load up on bacon, sausage, and steak! They also had other yummy-looking things that I couldn't eat. But, I was able to take TWO boxes home full of meat. Plus, there was tons of left-over popcorn from the game that weekend that I could take :) That meat lasted me pretty much all weak, which was great.

Today was a great day!I didn't realize until later that I felt prompted to attend the hour long adult skating session at the rink. I just felt like I should go and check it out, even though there was a lot of other things I could have done and needed to get done. When I showed up, there was only five other adults there getting skates on, two of which were elderly. The elderly man, Rick, soon became my best friend because as he saw me struggling, he came over and gave me the most helpful pointers ever! I felt like I was receiving my own private lessons from him, and my skating improved almost instantly as I learned where to put my weight while skating forward and backwards. It was literally a blessing, a straight-up tender mercy from God. That afternoon, my apartment was invaded by the carpet cleaner guy spraying chemical everywhere, so I packed up my bag and went to the library for a few hours. I am teaching myself how to use Adobe Premier and I'm compiling a video of me improving my cross-overs.

That morning, I went to drop off a textbook that someone bought from me, and just before I arrived, I received a phone call. Guess what? I got the TRC acting job! I accepted and was so happy! I couldn't actually believe it. Right after, I went to Peaks Ice Arena. I was so excited to go ice skating again today to practice everything Rick had taught me from the day before. My glides and balance are improving remarkably. I really love this as my new hobby. Sometimes it can be frustrating without a coach to help teach me when I feel like I'm doing something wrong and not progressing, but as I improve and become more comfortable on the ice, I feel so elated and free and powerful.

One of my biggest annoyances at work is when people open the glass doors with their sweaty arms and leave giant sweat-marks. Gross! I had an appointment in the afternoon with my career advisor. It was a very helpful meeting as I planned out the rest of the things I need to do before graduation. He had so many insightful suggestions. Instead of taking the fast-track and graduating this next April, I am going to take it slow and easy, which will be a lot less stressful and enable me to gain more research experience and have more time to study for the GRE. I took care of other menial tasks I've been meaning to do, as well.

That morning, I had go down to the MTC to get all the paperwork done so I could officially get hired. Then I went to do cleaning checks for the apartment Valerie was supervising for Connan. That evening, I went to our ward escape room. There were actually three different ones, plus a game room. They were very well done! Of course, I hacked the lock in the first room when my team wasn't looking, but then decided we should actually find the last number and not cheat, so I waited until we found the last clue. And actually, I was the one to find the last clue! Thanks to my height :) It was hiding on top of the metal frame of the front door, and I could just barely spot it when I peered around the room from on top of a chair.

My new roommate Katie moved in this morning. I didn't have a chance to talk to her very much until that evening because I went to the temple. When I got home, she was gone. I spent a few hours that afternoon over at the library until I became SO hungry that my stomach started clenching in pain! Yikes... so I got home as quick as I could and made myself some oatmeal. I had about an hour that evening to talk with Katie and get to know her a bit better.

The second hour of church was combined today. It was our last Sunday as a combined ward, since we have 70+ new men moving into the newly renovated apartment complex. How exciting! It was funny though because the move-in date is tomorrow, but there were workers out there bright and early today, and still there after we got home from church, frantically working to finish everything up! That afternoon, Emily Allen called me to see if I wanted to go visit Sister Osborn with her, since she had apparently gotten surgery! We went and visited for over an hour, which was nice, even though the parts discussing the surgery made me feel a little sick... I decided to host a popcorn party that evening, so after making a big dinner, I made up even more popcorn! I was really happy with the turnout, and everyone had a great time! The popcorn was the best I've made yet :). Then I went to bed soon after since I had work bright and early the next morning! I woke up a few hours after going to bed because I really had to use the restroom, and that's how I met my new roommate, Kayla! She had gotten in late that night and was unpacking, I guess. I'm sure I made a great impression, you know, since I was half-asleep and wearing a robe. Haha :)

To be honest, I don't feel like I've had the best scripture studies, or even prayers, this week. I've felt the distance that has created between me and God, but I made a goal to work hard to focus more and make things more meaningful. A comment that really stood out to me on Sunday was to approach Heavenly Father with reverence. I decided I needed to feel reverent before I prayed to my Father so I wouldn't take it for granted. Even throughout this week of imperfection, God has blessed me greatly. I am so grateful for how patient He is with me! He loves me even after knowing all of my weaknesses and shortcomings. He doesn't condemn me for them, but He encourages and loves me through them.

Much love,
Emily Burnham

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