Sunday, September 1, 2019

MTC Trainings and NSO

26 August - 1 September 2019

Wow, my busiest week yet! No kidding, just wait until I tell you about it! But also a week of growing, learning, and progression. I'm so grateful for a mindful Heavenly Father who is patient enough to teach me over and over again, sometimes the same lesson for years as I try to overcome and progress back to Him.

This is my last full week of working early morning custodial! I feel so blessed to be working at the MTC as my main job. I have so many trainings to go to for it this week, though! Starting today at noon. I had an orientation meeting that lasted about two hours. That afternoon, I met up with someone to sell them Valerie's iClicker, then spent some time at the library working on my ice skating video. I'd just gotten it finished and was trying to save it before the library closed, when all of the sudden the program shut down! So I lost everything, which was very sad and frustrating. Then I left in a hot stressed mess fashion, only to realize I forgot my thumb drive and rushed back to claim it before they closed and locked the doors!

This day was insane. I went straight from work to the New Student Orientation meeting for the Y-group leaders. I left that early so I could go ice skating and see Rick again! He was so helpful in teaching me better control when skating on one leg, and even though I could only stay for 35 minutes, it was SO worth it! I had to leave THAT early so that I could go to another training meeting at the MTC. I was only home for a bit because then I had another meeting that afternoon at 3:30, and then one at 6pm, so I stayed over at the MTC for those 4 hours and finally got home after 7pm! I guess I received what would be considered the ultimate compliment during my character development meeting with my supervisor: "They will totally think you're a nonmember!"

I hand wrote my dad a letter today because my mom had been mentioning how stressed he had been lately, and I wanted him to feel loved and appreciated. I also went ice skating at 11:30 (with wet hair, since I didn't plan that out very well) and got to talk with my friend Danny that I met a while back. She really wants to write me a program! I went shopping that afternoon, since I know the food will be scarce after all the new people moving back in for Fall semester. I had a bit of time to help Allie move some of her stuff after she helped carry up my groceries, and then I rushed off to a new hire training at the MTC that afternoon.

After about 2.5 hours of work, I biked down to the field by the outdoor track to check in for New Student Orientation (NSO). I got to help put wrist bands on the freshman as they came in. Then we lead them all to the Marriott for the kick-off, where President Worthen spoke. We got to head to lunch. I had been so hungry since all I'd eaten ALL day was a banana, but when I got to the cougar café to spend my voucher for lunch, all the lines were super long, and apparently Chick-Fil-A's grill was broken, so they didn't have any grilled chicken. I didn't want to wait in another long line since time was limited, so I just ordered as many fries with $10 as possible. Yup, you heard me right. I ordered FOUR large waffle fries for lunch. And yes, I basically died afterwards. It was too hard to finish them all, but I got super close. I also came close to dying. I really have no clue what I was even thinking, to be honest! We went back to the Marriott for a safety meeting, then took our group to a secluded spot so they could ask questions and express fears or concerns. I really enjoyed giving them my advice and having them look up to me. It felt good to help them and give them guidance. They really look up to me as their leader and mentor. I was SO exhausted afterwards, but I had to hurry home and change, getting ready for my last (!!!!) training to do at the MTC before I start working on Tuesday. I am so nervous, but also super excited. I've felt so much more peace about it than I thought I would. I know it is what God would have me be doing to help the missionaries grow and progress. I'm excited for this opportunity.

I did not go into work this morning. It was nice having extra time in the morning to get ready before heading over to the Marriott Center to meet up with my NSO group. We listened to a devotional, and one point that was iterated stood out to me: Choose what you will NOT do. There are so many good things we can do every day. Sometimes the challenge is knowing what to give up so that you can really have time to focus on things that matter most. We took the kids ALL around campus, and while it was fun, it was also so exhausting that when I got home, I literally just collapsed onto the floor, then finally moved on my bed and laid there for almost an hour, not moving. I forgot I had to meet up with someone on campus for Valerie to sell a textbook for her, so I rushed to change and bike to campus in FIVE minutes. Yes, I deserve an award for that! Miranda finally got back into town this afternoon! She was gone the past two weeks. We ended up talking about a boy she was hung up on even after 18 months. I had some really inspired words to share with her. She wanted closure by knowing why the boy had suddenly stopped talking to her, but I realized that true closer can only come from God. He is all-knowing and can help answer missing puzzle pieces or bring peace and reassurance, leaving us hopeful for the future. Truly the Spirit can help us know what to pray for, because while God does grant us the desires of our heart and answer prayers, sometimes our desires need to change and the way we ask our questions should be altered. Instead of asking to see him again, she can ask to pray for her desires toward him to change so she can finally move on if that is God's will. That evening, my friend Whitney texted to see what I was up to and ended up coming over to hang out. We made guacamole and popcorn, and spent a lot of time catching up with each other. She's a great friend and I'm so glad she lives super close! I was also so happy to receive a letter this week from my recent convert, Brother Tom! He wrote me the cutest letter, and after reading it, I had tears in my eyes and thought, "This is what true happiness is!"

I went to the temple this morning to do initiatories, and it was cool to see Whitney working in the temple! After, I stopped by the public library to return some books. I accomplished a lot of check-list items I needed to get done, and I was able to visit with my friend Becca Strong, who I got to see for the first time since I last saw her in the mission field! It was a little weird for us, especially calling each other by our first names, but it was so great to see her. I had a relaxing evening, just reading a good book I'd checked out from the library by one of my new favorite authors (introduced to me by my little sister, Lucy) and eating popcorn. For dinner, I made these vegan chickpea burgers, and they actually turned out pretty good, so I'm proud of myself!

Fast and testimony meeting! A lot of the new men in the ward got up to bear their testimonies, though not as many males showed up as I was expecting. I'm sure I'll meet a lot of new ones next week, too! I got to teach Sunday School today (as one of two teachers), and it went well despite the many interruptions. People were drawn out row by row during the lesson to go have their pictures taken, so that was a bit obnoxious, but I think it went well. I know it could have been better and I could have prepared more, but I'm happy with how many people participated and spoke up to share insights! So, I got roped into helping the Bishop organize the pictures he took of everyone with their names and where they live, so I stayed after church to get all the pictures. Then, I met up with Becca and her group of friends for a Come Follow Me study group, where I met two others who are also interested in psychology and will be taking a class I'm TAing for! Then I went back and met up with Lexy. We went and knocked on every door of the boy's apartment complex, inviting whoever answered to come to our study group we are having tonight. Lexy and I were doubtful that very many would show up... but guess what?? TEN guys from the ward showed up, plus my friend Vincent. So there ended up being 11 guys and only 3 girls! :)

I have a testimony that we are the happiest when we live the gospel of Jesus Christ, keeping all the commandments. Satan will do a good job at convincing us that we can gain unparalleled happiness in sin (such as the high that can come from engaging in inappropriate media or doing drugs), but I testify that these are cheap, short-term, and guilt-inducing. They can never bring lasting, fulfilling happiness. We will experience the MOST joy possible as we keep every commandment and engage with media that also follows His standards, allowing clean thoughts and feelings to dwell in our bodies. This allows the Holy Ghost to also dwell in us.

Much love,
Emily Burnham

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