Sunday, September 8, 2019

First Week of School

2 September - 8 September 2019

Hey! I survived the first week of classes, hallelujah! What a crazy busy and fulfilling week. Honestly, I'm grateful for all that I have accomplished, even though there are a couple of goals and projects that I didn't have time to do. I had a headache for two days straight, probably a combination of learning and doing so many new things and dehydration.

My last day of break before school starts! I wanted to relax the whole day, but I ended up working a lot on the picture-directory assignment bishop gave to me. That took up most of my morning, and then I got to read a bit from the book I'd checked out from the library, but I got a random message from an old missionary I knew in the MTC, asking if I could show him where all of his classes were. I took time to do that (service, right?) and then went over to Whitney's apartment for a bit. I finished reading my book that evening, since I'd really wanted a chance to read and finish it before school starts and things get hectic with homework.

Today was the first day of classes. I only had one this morning. I woke up a little late from staying up late last night reading a book, which was not a good idea because then I didn't have enough time this morning to study my scriptures like I would have wanted to. I left to go find my class, which was in a building I had never had class in before. Finding it turned out to be more stressful than I had anticipated, but fortunately I found the right classroom with only a few seconds to spare. The teacher seems very nice. She was converted to the church five years ago and shared her conversion story. It was so sweet and touching. After class, I went over to the conference center for a meeting about being an online teacher assistent (TA). I felt very overwhelmed, out of my comfort zone, and inadequate. Fortunately, I ran into a girl who was in my class over the summer who was familiar with the website and could help me out a bit and ease the stress. Then I quickly ate my lunch and headed over to the MTC for my first day as a TRC actress. I did not enjoy the missionaries who came to teach me. They did not pray with me or seem genuinely concerned for me or my feelings. In fact, they called me a fool! They read the verse in 2 Nephi about "thou fool that shall say, a Bible, a Bible, we have a Bible and need no more Bible." I just laughed it off, but I know I should have handled it differently and let them know that made me feel bad. I will do better next time. I went home and felt pretty exhausted. I ran into Becca Strong, my old mission companion, and it was good to see her because it was also her birthday! That evening, I attended the Institute kickoff. After a spiritual meeting, everyone walked over to the church for a dinner and dance, but I couldn't actually eat the food. However, I did get to have a good conversation with some guys that moved into our word. Before heading home, I stopped by Whitney Callahan's apartment to say a quick hello because she lives right next to the church building.

Even waking up earlier did not help me have the adequate time to study my scriptures like I was hoping. And I'm super sore from exercising every morning this week. I think I need to study scriptures first instead of last in order to ensure enough time and not feel rushed. I had a class this morning, afternoon, and evening. First I have an English class (to fulfill a general credit) with the same professor I took the class from last semester. It's nice to know what to expect, but it is also going to be a long and boring class this semester (hopefully my professor never stumbles upon this and reads it). There are two girls from the ward also taking the class (Valerie convinced them), so that's pretty cool. I ate lunch on campus and finished working on my ice skating video. I'll upload it to YouTube and provide a link so y'all can watch it. I'm hoping to film and make more! Then I had my Psychology of Religion course, and in the very middle of it, I left to go meet up with someone to buy a textbook for my Intro to Social Psych class. Unfortunately, I'm not as excited as I thought I would be about taking these classes, especially the Psych of Religion one. That evening at 5pm, I went to my vocal performance class. I signed up because I hoped it can help me become a better singer, but all I accomplished was not passing out from trying to work on my breathing while singing. As soon as I focus on my breathing, it suddenly becomes hard for me to do. Not good. But I'll stick it out and see what happens.
Link to the ice skating video:

Today was much better. I studied my scriptures FIRST and made sure I had sufficient time before getting ready for the day. My Intro to Social Psych class was honestly very boring (even though I made sure to pay attention) because it was all just review of every other psych class I've ever taken! Hopefully it becomes more interesting to me. Then I had to attend a general TA meeting. I ate a quick lunch afterward then biked over to the MTC. I met with the same elders as before, and the lesson went significantly better. I was more serious this time and told them that the lesson before hadn't gone quite as I was expected, and I'd felt foolish for asking my questions. They were humbled and felt really bad, but I told them since we were both learning and new, I was open to giving them a second chance. They showed that they cared about me a lot more and actually ended the lesson with a prayer! Afterwards, I had a set of sisters come in. Their teacher was present during the lesson, and one of the sisters was SO nervous. I could tell because as she started teaching the Restoration, her voice shook and she rushed through the points. A new set of elders came afterwards and did a phenomenal job. They were so sincere and actually listened to me, teaching to my understanding. I felt comfortable opening up to them with questions and concerns. That evening, I went home for dinner, then Whitney and I went to a dance-skating contest that was going on at Peaks Ice Arena. When we first showed up and watched the skaters, I felt like crying because they were so graceful. Everything I aspire to be on the ice! It was really good.

I regret keeping my early morning custodial job on Friday mornings. Waking up at 4:45am after a week of sleeping in until 6:30am was brutal. I was not coherent for a while. After work, I headed straight over to my 8am Art Education class. This class is also to fulfill a GE course credit, but I am actually really excited for it! Even though it is 3 hours long... My teacher is spunky and fun. She showed up in a colorful plaid shirt with overalls that ended as a skirt and rooster earrings! I had so many creative ideas come to me already, even about my final project. I'm so excited to start working on it, and I'll have to keep you posted on the art that I create throughout the semester! Be excited; it's gonna be awesome! Back at home, Whitney called and asked if I could pick her up because she'd missed the bus and was stranded. Even though I felt like I had a million things to do and was swamped with homework, I knew the Lord would bless and magnify my time, so I didn't hesitate to go and help her out. I also went down to the Harman building for an hour to hold TA office hours (even though no students came in, as it is just the first week of the course). That evening, we had our ward social at Lion's park. I ate tons of food and had fun getting to know new people.

I didn't sleep in. Instead, I got up early enough to get ready and catch the 7:40am temple session. It made me SO happy to see that for once, the boys outnumbered the girls in the session! I had a TA training meeting at 10am (I know, I have had soooo many meetings lately) and then my shift at the MTC from 1 to 5pm. I had lessons with the same sisters as yesterday, and it went a lot better. They had really thought and prayed about me and slowed things down. It's cool to be able to see the missionaries progressing as teachers while they think their the ones helping me progress towards baptism. And y'all, my acting skills ARE getting better. Slowly. I'm doing better and better with each lesson. After the sisters, the I had the second set of elders again, the ones who did a great job. They did well teaching me again, even as I threw one of them for a loop with one of my questions. After my shift ended, I went down to the Harmon building on campus to clock-in and grade some assignments (since half of my hours have to be in that building), and then I went grocery shopping, because I had completely spaced to do it Thursday! I got home around 7pm and then made dinner. I stayed up working on one of my art project assignments due this next Friday.

I slept in this morning. I was so tired from this crazy week! It was super nice and my body needed a break. Church was great. I loved the talks and relief society lesson. After church, we held Come, Follow Me at 3:30, since we realized that ward prayer is now at 7pm instead of 8pm. No guys from the ward came this time. Bummer. But I also don't think they were aware of the time-change since not all of them are on the ward Facebook page. But Vincent and his roommate came, along with a couple of girls in the ward, and we still had a great discussion. I also sent a picture of me and Katie to my mission trainer, Vanessa, because they danced together in a club for many years! Small world!

One comment that really stood out to me today in relief society was about loving others as ourselves. Yes, we need to love ourselves before we can love others, but think about that. Who on earth knows you better than you do? You know your weaknesses, your shortcomings, your insecurities. If you can love yourself not only for your strengths, but also for (or despite) your weaknesses, then you can learn to love others despite their shortcomings. Our strengths will always outweigh our weakness through the grace of Jesus Christ. We are who we are, and with Him, we are more than enough. 1 Corinthians 15:10: "But by the grace of God I am what I am: and his grace which was bestowed upon me was not in vain..."

Have a wonderful week!
Much love,
Emily Burnham

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