Sunday, September 22, 2019

Water-balloon Launcher

Howdy y'all! It's nice that I can still feel a bit like a Southerner since I get to act like a Southern Baptist at my MTC job three days a week! It's keeping my "y'alls" and "howdies" alive and well :)
There have been so many small blessings and miracles happening. I need to keep better record of them. But when I lose one thing, it turns out to be a blessing because then I find something else I'd been missing and never would have found otherwise! So many small blessings!

English class in the morning led to more and more drama throughout the day. We sent out an email after class to tell everyone that we are the leader group (in charge of running the class), and another group sent out an email behind our backs (but they accidentally sent it to us anyways) telling everyone that we were lying and not to believe us. Lots of emails were sent throughout the day, which was pretty annoying. I ate lunch and did some homework in the gap between my two classes. Then I went to my psychology of religion class, after which I met up with a missionary from Aaron's mission who had kept a letter from him to give to me. I was so happy and excited to open it when I got home. Aaron is such a thoughtful and kind brother. I noticed when I opened it that he had written all of the siblings a letter, so after taking my letter out, I taped it back up (it kind of looked ghetto) and sent it home to Arizona so everyone else can get their letters. That afternoon, I biked over to my research class, and we had a good discussion about what a validating statement truly is. It is not necessarily what you say, but how the person receives it. I went straight over to my singing class, and I think I am getting better at singing. But it is hard to tell. I headed home to eat dinner and did a bit of homework before heading off to the Orem Library so I could go to Sarah M. Eden's book signing. I literally got teary-eyed two or three times, no joke. I'm such a book nerd, but I love the stories she told about being illiterate until sixth grade and having to push really hard to read something. She said a good book is something that is worth the effort of fighting to read because you connect so well with the characters in the story. Then I went shopping at a nearby store and then to the mall to grab a few things.

My Social Psych teacher let us out 15 minutes early from class for the devotional, since President Russell M. Nelson was coming to speak. Even so, when I got to the Marriott Center, every seat was taken or saved! After walking and walking around trying to find a seat, I gave up and, with a little bit of disappointment, headed over to the MTC early to do stuff there. Fortunately, they were broadcasting it in one of the rooms, so is still able to watch it with other employees. Afterwards, I ate my lunch and worked on grading some assignments for my online class. Then my shift started for the day, and I got to be taught by missionaries. I found so many ways that I can improve on my job. I need to link my questions with my actual needs and concerns, not just ask filler questions about what the missionaries are teaching. That is how the missionaries will feel like they are actually help you. I feel that my lesson that day went a lot better. Additionally, the missionaries are praying for my brother Sean, which I think is so awesome. And finally, while I was sitting at work, I had a thought come to my head of how I can use my time more effectively and arrange my schedule just a bit so that I can get more done in the day and not feel so overwhelmed. I know that is direct revelation from God. He is guiding my life and helping me as I take time to ponder. I am so grateful that my job gives me that time, as I often get to reflect how I can be better and do better. After work, I walked home and ate dinner. I worked on homework up until it was time to go to Institute. After Institute, I went over to Whitney's house so we could finish watching our movie "Tall Girl." It was so cheesy! Would not recommend! Then we just talked for a bit and I told her some things that were happening in my life and she is very excited for me. Then I bit before I went home to continue working on homework.

Wow. So today was crazy. I enjoyed attending my singing class, and then I'd planned to have dinner with all my roommates soon after I got home. Luckily, I went to check for my wallet in my car, because I realized my car had been BOOTED that morning! And if I hadn't known and called in right then, it could have been towed away and cost even more money. I didn't know that my parking pass was expired, so that was an expensive $60 adult lesson to learn... But then I was able to leave with my roomies to go to Bombay house to spend time together and get to know each other. I branched out to try something knew and did not like it, unfortunately. I know there is a reason I usually stick with the same old, same old! Oh well. It was still nice :)

Right after class, I rushed home so I could get my new parking pass (I was not about to get re-booted!) and ate lunch. I also ordered a new printer for a good deal (thanks to my awesome padre for helping me find one). I am just so fed up with on-campus printing. It's the worst. Then I went to work at the MTC. When I got home, I had just over an hour until my date with Spencer. We went to Rock Canyon and doubled with his previous mission companion and another girl. We launched water balloons! It was a super fun evening, and my favorite part was when some people from out of the country showed up at the park. They were mesmerized by the water-balloon launcher, and the one man had never seen a water-balloon before. I said he could have my turn and try launching it, and he was so excited. Then all four of them ended up taking turns and they thought it was the coolest thing ever! It brought them so much joy. We stayed out pretty late! We all talked and joked around for at least an hour towards the end of the date and somehow started singing hymns in parts. It was very unique and a cool experience. They all seemed like great people and would be fun friends to have. Also, my cute roommate Katie surprised me with a bunch of nice sticky notes!

I was SOO tired when I was rudely awoken by my alarm clock this morning to head my custodial job. Funny story, though. I totally tried to play match-maker with my boss and a girl in my psychology class (she's older with two kids and is going back to school). I had my 3-hour art class afterwards, and I actually really enjoy it! We had to rush to finish five different art projects involving crayon. Afterwards, I went home for lunch but hurried over to the Harman building to grade and hold office hours. And I realized that I'm not actually hired to work for the company! By some huge mix-up, their system says I'm approved to work even though there is no record of hiring me. It's a huge mess, so I haven't even been paid for any of my work from them yet! I then went ice-skating at the rink and had a really good time. I'm improving incrementally and it really is a place where I don't feel stressed. It helps ground me and makes me happy. Then I had a load of homework awaiting me!

Today was jam-packed full of things to do. I got up and ready for the day, then spent an hour grading assignments for my TA job before heading off to the temple. I went straight from the temple session to the MTC for my four-hour shift. I had a meeting with my supervisor soon after I got there, so I didn't have time to eat lunch right away. But I am so grateful for my amazing and relatable supervisor. She is great, knows how to follow the Spirit, and is kind. She gave me very good advice, and told me God hired me to work at the MTC for a reason. We are part of the church hastening forth. I finally ate lunch after that, and then my shift flew by because I met with three different missionary companions. Before going home, I stopped by the creamery to pick up a couple of items, and traffic was so bad because of the BYU football game! Then I went home and graded papers for two more hours before doing a small bit of my own homework and going to bed completely exhausted!

I had a marvelous Sunday! At first when I woke up, I felt like I couldn't move. My body was so exhausted from being run like crazy this week. Today truly was a day of rest and not worrying about my problems. Church was really good: my roommate Miranda was called as the new Relief Society President and my roommate Katie taught Relief Society! During relief society, I was actually feeling pretty hot with my cardigan, but I heard a girl behind me whispering how cold she was. I thought about giving her my cardigan, but then thought it would be weird and RS was almost over anyway. But then the thought popped in my mind, "Never suppress a generous thought." So I took it off and handed it to her. She was uncertain at first, saying I should keep it, but I said I was hot and she gladly accepted it and put it on for the rest of the lesson. I tried to talk to many new people at church today because I want to be able to notice others better and look for opportunities to serve. I painted that afternoon with Kathrine, and then had Come, Follow Me. Whitney came to it, and then after we walked over by her apartment to talk. It was really nice and I am so grateful to have her as a friend. Afterwards, I made dinner and then went to ward prayer.

I am truly learning that as we turn our life over to God, He will accomplish the impossible with us. He is helping things fall into place as long as I keep Him at the center of my life. Also, it is nice that the weeks pass by so much faster when I am extremely busy. I almost feel like I'm living life at the pace of a missionary--always having something purposeful to do.

Love mucho mucho,
Emily Burnham

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