Sunday, September 29, 2019

Waltz Jump

23 September - 29 September 2019

Hey friends! How have y'all been? This week flew by so quickly! There seems to always be too much to do, and never enough time to do it. The hardest thing right now is balancing my many "needs" with my (oh so many) "wants." It takes a lot of self-control and energy to do so!

I met with my English group half an hour before class started, and then after a long and boring class hour, I went home to eat lunch, only to rush back to campus to meet with my psychology of religion group a half hour before class started. Our presentation about Buddhism went well! In fact, the teacher told us that these were the best presentations out of any her previous students had given! I had a few hours to work on assignments before biking over to my research class in the Taylor building. I enjoyed the discussion we had about different levels of listening and how each level can validate or invalidate someone. These things I'm learning are very applicable to real life. Then I went to my singing class, and we have to perform solos on Wednesday!! Ahh! I'm actually not that nervous :)
That evening we had a game night for family home evening. I joined in a group playing "Code Names" and we got roasted three times in a row.

What a long but glorious day! I tried to get to class early so I could stop by my custodial job on the way and ask to take this Friday off, but I just barely made it to class on time as it was. Go figure! As soon as class was over, I quickly walked home and grabbed some things before heading to the MTC for work. I signed up to help out with baptismal interviews at 11:15 a.m. I tried to be as quick as I could, but I got there about 5 minutes late. It turned out to be just fine because the lady was new and didn't even know I was coming! Ironically, Robby Hughes happened to be in the large group of missionaries that I was helping out. It was so funny because he totally knew I was not a member! But fortunately he did not blow my cover. Afterwards, I went to a training meeting, then started my 4-hour shift. It was a long day of work! I'd been texting people all day to see if they would be home because I had a printer arriving in the afternoon, and I didn't want it to sit on the front mat outside the door all day (even Provo has theives). Fortunately for me, one of my neighbors (who I just met this past Sunday), Mira, had dance practice canceled and was able to store it in her house for me until I got home. Just before I drove home from the MTC, I stopped by the Harman Conference Center building too great a few things for my TA job. As I was grading the assignments, my overall boss lady walked by and we had a great conversation. She told me to start emailing professors if I want to be an online TA next semester and work more hours for lots of money. That would be the dream because I make $13 an hour and I could work from home or wherever I was at. When I got home, I knocked on the door across from our apartment to pick up my printer. I got to talk to Mira for a bit and get to know her better. Then I spent around a half hour setting up my printer, and I'm so excited! I made dinner, and as I was just settling down to eat, Lexy texted if we were home because she got locked out of her apartment! So she came over to chill with us until I had to leave for institute. Katherine and I walked over together. After Institute, we went upstairs to see what kind of treats they had and I was able to talk to two or three new people and get to know them a bit. Then I grabbed a muffin to drop off at Whitney's place since she's so close by. She wasn't home, but I got to talk to her roommate (and previous mission companion) Megan-Jean, who looked like she was having a stressful night. While walking home, I passed by Matt from the summer ward we combined with and got to talk to him for a bit. It was so cool to see how blatantly God is answering my prayers. I told him I wanted to notice others and make more friends, and I was given so many opportunities to talk to and care about other people today. I didn't actually have much homework to do, so I stayed up working on the essay I am writing for the Brimhall contest. It is turning out pretty okay and I am grateful that my friend Kathrine will look it over to edit it.

I was supposed to meet with my group half an hour before class started, but I was not feeling super well and didn't get ready in time. But at least I made it to class on time! After class, I headed over to the library to work on a personal project and to check out a really nice camera to use for the next 2 days. Then I went over to the Kimball Tower to heat my lunch in the microwave before class. Afterwards, I met with my professor because I was worried about the projection of the course and what I need to do to get a good grade (I currently have a 76%). It was so relieving to talk to her about it and to feel reassured that I'll be okay. I went home and got ready to head over to Sam's Club to buy a bunch of things, and I was so sad to find out that they were completely sold out of mini hummus packs. After coming home, I quickly unloaded everything and practiced my song one last time before heading to my singing class. I opted to go third to get it over with. I honestly think that I was doing very well, except for I got over excited when I was near the end, and so then I forgot the words to the last two lines! Yeah, so that was a little embarrassing, but overall it was fine. That evening, we had a Relief Society art night which was very fun, and I worked on painting the Swedish flag for my roommate who served there.

I learned something really interesting today in my social psychology class. We learned about how exercising self-control drains you of energy. Another thing that drains you of the same source of energy is making decisions, whether they are big decisions or a lot of small decisions all at once. In small groups we were talking about how people can choose to be happy, but sometimes we are so depleted that we do not have the energy to choose, period. This was an interesting thought for me, and emphasized the importance of self-care. When we are feeling drained, it is vitally important to take a break, eat a snack, take a nap, meditate, or pray. After class, I went home for lunch, then drove over to Walgreens to pick up more prints of mission pictures that I want to use to finish decorating my wall. I had four lessons today at the MTC, so the day went by pretty fast. That evening I had to stay up late working on art projects that were due tomorrow morning. My friend Kathrine also came over to tell me about boy troubles that she was having.

Even though I did not want to go to work this morning, I did. Yay for me! After work I went to my art class, and was so relieved to find out we were just presenting in small groups at our table, and not in front of the entire class. Because my artwork was very oh, well, let's just say interesting. That class is quite challenging because it pushes you to think very creatively. After our class, I went home for lunch, to study my scriptures, and to take a nap. I left to go to the Harmon building for work as a TA, and then I went over to Peaks Ice Arena to ice skate. My friend Kathy came with me and had a blast! I got to teach her how to skate backwards! And my friend Dani was there. She was so excited for me to be start jumping, and convinced me to start practicing the waltz jump. I am getting very good at ice skating overall, and it is so surprising and exciting for me. It really boosted my confidence to try these new and challenging moves on the ice. Afterwards, I wasn't feeling all too well, but I hunkered down and did some homework until I was too tired to focus and then I went to bed.

My Saturdays are pretty busy as usual. Today I made time in the morning to do a bit of homework, and then I left to go to the temple to make the 11am session. What I didn't know was that it would be in Portuguese. Because I had work at 1 p.m., I couldn't wait for the next session and wore an English headset. It was a great experience to realize that our church really is for everyone. Not just for English speakers, but for the whole world, for all people and all languages. Afterwards, I drove right over to the MTC for work. It was a great time because I met with five different sets of missionaries, and it kept me very busy. The only downside is that I will sometimes forget who I share what with, so it can be a bit confusing for me to remember how much I am supposed to know with each set I meet with again. One set of sisters was leaving on Wednesday to go out to their mission, so it was our last lesson together. I loved meeting with them, and so I made sure to grab a picture with them. They have been such a blessing in my life. After work, I went home and had so much homework to do! I worked on it and just when I thought I was almost done, I checked online and realized I had three big articles to read and analyze before class on Monday. Yeah, so no fun Saturday night for me. I literally worked on homework until I was too tired and soon went to bed (this is becoming the new pattern for my sad, pathetic weekends). Now I will just have to wake up extra early on Monday morning to complete all of the tasks that I need to do for the day. In fact, this next week is going to be quite busy for me!

Wow, I woke up so angry at the world! I wasn't feeling well physically, and so you can bet I wasn't feel well spiritually! One huge blessing was that I did not have to teach Sunday school today, since it was fifth Sunday and the bishop was teaching. That was good because I was not prepared to be teaching today! After a bit of a grumpy start to my day, I was really trying to change my attitude and to feel the Spirit. What helped me the most was my concerned friends supporting and listening to me. During the second hour of church, we were adviced to share gospel through social media. The confirmation came to me again that I should film videos of myself about my mission or my testimony and post them on a YouTube channel. I have been so crazy busy with life, but I decided I could take some time every Sunday to film a quick video using the pictures of my mission as a backdrop. The videos may not be the best quality, but that does not matter. And so I did! I am proud to announce that I am starting my YouTube channel today! I'll be posting new material every week print (hopefully). I felt so much better today after being able to bear my testimony, and also having Katie listen to me talk. I have the best roommates!

The link to my new YouTube channel:

Emily Burnham

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