Sunday, October 6, 2019

Mission Reunion!!!

30 September - 6 October 2019

Howdy howdy! It's me again! I had such an exhausting week, but it was also wonderful! I know you'll be disappointed if I don't give you a play-by-play of my day, but I'm super tired, so I'm just gonna give the highlights!

I woke up an hour early to finish homework for class, and then did homework between each class. The fun part of my day was that after FHE, I stopped by BYU's Museum of Art to scope out the pieces for my art class paper. Then I ran quickly by the store to grab some needed materials for the rest of the week. I loved all the artwork of the Savior and the pioneers, who sacrificed so much to follow Jesus Christ.

Another day of waking up extra early to do homework in the morning. With general conference this weekend, and my mission reunion, I need to get a lot of homework done early! I began working on my test for my Social Psych class, and I feel blessed that it is open notes and textbook! However, I also felt so stressed that I could not bring myself to attend institute. I just mentally couldn't go. Sometimes you just need a break, and it's okay to say no to things that you usually do when you aren't feeling well emotionally. Ooh, I also got to see Elder Hughes at the MTC when I was getting off of work!

Today between classes, I took the essay I'd written for the Brimhall Contest to the writing center. The girl who helped me had some good suggestions. It made her laugh a lot! I hope I have a good chance of winning, because I really poured my heart and soul into the piece! When I got home from class, I opened a giant package that had arrived for me: a set of my very own pots and pans! Ones that I won't have to share with anyone; that gluten will never touch! Did I mention how amazing my mother is?

I got to hold baby Parker (Miranda's nephew) this morning while she got his bottle ready. He's so cute! I had to leave early to meet with my professor about my performance in my English class so far, and I was surprised that he was really happy with me, because I'd been pretty sure he didn't like me very much... After my class, I met with my TA to go over some test questions. After my shift at the MTC, I went over to do initatories at the Provo City Center temple, which was a blessing. Then I had to do a lot of homework and personal business stuff all night. I turned in my essay for the contest! I hope hope hope it wins!

I didn't go into work this morning. What a blessing! I went to my 8am class until 11am, then went home for lunch. I left to go to the Harman building to hold my TA office hours and grade the big assignment that was due. Blah. Took me three hours! I rushed home and got ready and was able to carpool with Jessica Church, Becca Strong, and two others to SLC. The mission reunion was held in a chapel, and it was so overwhelming to see so many people I knew all at once! But it was also good. I know that life moves on and that friendships change, but I'm grateful for the amazing memories I get to share with these people. I was able to drive home with Ashleigh Jensen, and we had such an amazing conversation! We both want to go into Marriage and Family Therapy.

For the morning session of general conference, we ate breakfast at Lexy's apartment and watched over there with a group of friends! I absolutely loved general conference! I also worked on my art project about the 5 senses while watching ;). Even though I was busy and had a lot to do, I learned so much and have felt prompted with ways that I can improve. I was able to finish all my homework and assignments by 9:30pm, which was such a blessing! I'm so excited for the changes that are happening! A temple in Orem?? So cool!

I feel like I am coming down sick. Two of my roommates have been/are sick, and I am feeling dizzy, nauseous, and tired. I felt the Spirit a lot while watching conference, and truly had so many questions and concerned answered. I realize that I need to pray with REAL INTENT. Not just that I'll act on the answers I receive, but that I really care about what I am saying and praying about. I also want to be more generous with my time and resources. Satan has spent over a thousand years coming up with the best strategies to distract me from my divine role and purpose, and I feel like one of them has been putting so much focus on school and work, stressing over both so that I put service on the back-burner. I need to realign my priorities and really seek out ways to love and serve my fellowmen. I have started a service journal, where each week I will make a list of things I want to schedule and do to serve and reach out to others. I want to be a blessing, a force for good, in the lives of others! Also, we have the best prophet ever! Love him so much! Also, I posted another video to my YouTube channel! It's so hard putting myself out there like that, but I hope and pray it will do good in someone's life!

Emily Burnham

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