Sunday, October 27, 2019

Pumpkin Painting, Hot Cocoa, and The Magic Flute

Hello my amazing friends and family! As I write this week's synopsis, my heart is so full of gratitude for my Heavenly Father and Savior. I've been blessed with joy this week. I've had lots of happy moments, but also have experienced a peace and joy that has brightened each day.

I learned some Indian and Jewish dances at Home Evening tonight! No, I will never prove it to you by showing you because I looked absolutely ridiculous! I don't think my body was made for dancing...

After work at the MTC, I went down to the Harman building to grade some papers for my TA job... I completed two in 50 minutes. I have 40 students to grade, so this'll be fun! Lexy made me a delicious dinner with sautéed onion, apples, bell peppers, and sausage! I also went to institute.

After my two classes in the morning, I had the rest of the day to myself because my music class was cancelled! I took that opportunity and went ice-skating. My friend Dani was there and taught me really cool jumps. I've been landing them, though not as gracefully as a pro, but it's been so fun! My does did feel rather crushed afterwards. Y'all ice-skating has become such a passion for me!

I had my mission friends, Becca and Morgan, over for dinner tonight! We had yummy tacos! I fried up some shells and everything :) It was so fun to catch up with them. They are both soon gonna be married :0! I truly trust in the Lord's timing for me, though, so I'm not worried. I know my time will come eventually! For now, I'm doing the best I can to be an instrument in God's hands!

I was a bit late to my 8am class this morning because I had so much to do at work! I just had a blast today because while I was home doing dishes and laundry, I jammed out to some good tunes and had a party all by myself! I also got some homework done, then some grading for my TA job. I got to go ice skating with my friend Whitney and then attended an opera, The Magic Flute, that evening to see my teacher. He was the comic relief in the show!

This was the best weekend I've had in a long time. I took time this morning to go shopping and get lots of things I needed, and then I ate lunch and went to work. I felt like I performed the best I have yet at work, really being sincere and allowing the missionaries to feel the Spirit as they teach me. Then after work, I went to the temple. The session was super small! When I got home, Miranda was on the couch watching Halloween Town. I made us dinner and then we watched it together, painted pumpkins, and had hot chocolate. It was so peaceful and nice!

I woke up and looked out side. What did I see? Snow! Today marks the first snow of the season... I'm not ready! I had my friend Isaac film a video for my next blog video, and I'm super excited (and slightly nervous) to see how it turned out! He said he will help me film one each week, and I hope I don't overwhelm him! Later that afternoon, I was able to take a video of my friend Vincent to post on the channel next week. So y'all will have much to look forward to! I went with my friend Helena to the BYU Men's Chorus fireside and loved the beautiful music and testimonies of the converts. It was so precious and it was cool to see a couple of people that I knew! I was funny because after the meeting, I saw a missionary there that had taught me in the MTC. When she saw me, she said, "Hi Emily! Are you still meeting with missionaries? Did they bring you here?" I told her (a little sheepishly) that I was already a member. During the last song that was performed, a video of the life of Christ was shown, and as I watched Jesus, a thought came to mind, "That's my Savior." I felt the Spirit fill me and can testify that the Savior was friends with each of us personally in the pre-mortal life. Our relationship with Him is eternalwithout beginning or end. I'm honored to be part of His church, the church of Jesus Christ. I'm grateful for the daily opportunities I have to feel the Spirit and share my testimony.

After writing down my prayers to Heavenly Father every morning, I record how I felt during and after the prayer. I reflected on it and realized that after almost every single prayer, I feel reassured. It hit me that my number one love language is words of affirmation, and that God shows His love to me through my love language: affirmation/reassurance. It made me think about how God can show us love in multiple ways, but He is especially aware of the ways that make us feel the most loved. If your number one love language is quality time, then spend some more quality time with Him so you can feel extra loved!

Have a wonderful week!
Emily Burnham

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