Sunday, November 3, 2019

Trip to the ER

28 October - 3 November 2019

What better way to add excitement to your week than by taking a trip to the emergency room? Completely unexpected, but I passed out and felt like I was going to die. I didn't, though! And I'm doing much, much better. I am grateful for my amazing roommates who jumped straight out of bed to drive me to the hospital and then wait there with me for 3 hours! So blessed and grateful for the guys in my ward who were awoken by my roommate's phone call, asking if they could come down to give me a blessing. And I'm so grateful for that blessing. I felt so much love and reassurance from my Heavenly Father. Well, now that the most exiting part of my week has been explained, I guess I'll start from the beginning of the week :)

We got to eat dinner at Bishop's house with another home evening group. Bishop added way too much hot sauce to my chili that I accidentally choked on it and water came out my nose when I tried to wash it down... haha, fortunately nobody saw me!

I went to institute! Yay, I'm keeping my promise to God that I would go. We got to talk about the mothers of the Stripling Warriors, and I realized that many of them who lost their husbands went through such hard trials, but they remained faithful and their children got to see first-hand their amazing strength and faith, which enabled them to develop strong faith of their own.

The ward Relief Society Halloween party was super fun! We made up candy bags to distribute to the men in our ward. I made lots of cute ghost suckers and wrote Halloween pick-up lines on the bags. My favorite two were, "I don't have a costume... Can I go as your girlfriend?" and "You look like such a treat, I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me."

Happy Halloween! I didn't do any homework today, and it was glorious! I got to meet with missionaries, and I felt God planting concerns within me that I never would have thought of on my own so that I could better connect with and help the missionaries I met with this week. That evening, we had a group of friends get together to go to a haunted house. They guy I'd asked to go as my date had other plans (and I don't think he even realized I was asking him on a date because my wording was too casual) and so I asked my friend Vincent from work if he wanted to come with us. It turned out to be so fun! Then we had hot cocoa afterwards :) This Halloween was a fun one because of that! AND, let it be made known that I did NOT even get scared! Which surprised me. Miranda got super freaked out, and even my friend Vincent reminded me of Shaggy from Scooby Doo! Haha :)

Art class this morning was fun because we got to make a puppet head out of clay. I made a chicken! After class, I went home and got ready to head over to work at the Harman building, where I spent three hours grading papers. Blah. It's good money though. I worked on my quiz and test all evening before hitting the hay.

I was a little off on my lessons at work today, but I think I still did a good job. I am finding more job satisfaction, especially as I have felt the Lord guiding me with what to say to help these missionaries. I had a pair of elders who were teaching me...  rather, talking at me. After 20 minutes of them throwing scriptures and doctrine at me, I told them, "It's amazing that y'all know so much about your church, but I don't want to waste y'alls time because that's not what I'm here for; I thought you were here to help me with my questions and concerns. What are you doing here if it's not to help me?" It sounded way better than that because it was led by the Spirit and definitely took them aback and humbled them. Things got a lot more sincere and better after that. After work, I went to the temple session and was so happy to see that the men doubled the amount of women in the session. Usually it is always the opposite of that.

Because I was at the hospital all morning, we were able to have some guys in the ward bring over some sacrament to bless for us. It was so nice to have them do it right in our living room, just for the three of us. It made me feel very special and honored. I am grateful for my Savior and my opportunity to renew the promises I made with Him each week. I am also grateful for the people who have served me through my afflictions. Like Kathrine giving me some of the dinner she made. I also made the cutest ring holders for my engaged friends! So proud of them! Today as I studied in Joseph Smith History, the account of God and Jesus appearing to Joseph Smith felt so real. I could almost see them and feel how Joseph must have felt. I know they appeared to him because I feel it deep inside. I know that our God is aware of us personally. He desires to bless us simply because He loves us so much!

It was a hard week emotionally for me (and physically) but I'm just amazed at how I am learning to enjoy every moment life has to offer me.

Emily Burnham

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