Sunday, November 17, 2019

Friends and Filming

11 November - 17 November 2019

What a phenomenal week! I felt so loved and cared about in my lessons with the missionaries at work. I was able to open up to them about real struggles I am having, and the Spirit was so strong. I know they are called of God to do His work, and despite their imperfections, the Lord carries them through the work. I am so happy to be fulfilling my purpose at my job: helping the missionaries become excited about their purpose.

On Monday, I had my own private voice lesson (for 15 minutes) with my singing teacher, and I feel like I am improving a lot! It's getting easier to hit the high notes.

On Wednesday, I got to go to my art teacher's house to take pictures of her children and her elderly neighbor. It was a fun time! Her kids were more than willing to be hand models, and it was fun getting to interact with them all. Especially because as a student, I am rarely around kids and the elderly. That evening, I went to a social event called "Friends and Floats" on campus and talked with a variety of people, but didn't really make any new friends. It was fun though!

I had a great Friday because my three-hour 8am class was cancelled! Also, I was able to edit Miranda's video to post. While it almost took me an hour and a half, it turned out great and I'm super happy about it. I had the best evening ever! So, I went ice skating with my friend Kathy and her younger sister. It was super crowded and we didn't have much skate time, but I got to interact and talk to so many people. It was awesome! I was so giddy and energetic that I stayed up talking with my roommate until 11:40pm! Wow, so unlike me!

Saturday was booked! I filmed more people for my YouTube channel this morning! Two peeps from my work. I checked out equipment from the library, so I had a prety legit setup! I went to work, the temple, and then with Whitney to her stake dance (which was lame, so I left early) and then to bed. That was literally my whole day. Oh, and I finished writing my essay.

I taught Sunday School and felt so underprepared. The only thing I knew I should do was to show a slide show of pictures of Christ (I found quite a few that I'd never seen before) and play music while the class pondered about Jesus Christ. Everyone loved the lesson, for which I am so grateful. I am constantly being reminded that God will help me in the moment I need it, not necessarily days or hours before. It all worked out! Also, Isaac helped film me teaching the Plan of Salvation, which is the video I want to post next Sunday. He also told me that I needed to work on my flirting with boys... (insert laughing-crying face here). We had Come, Follow Me at our upstairs neighbor's apartment, which was really good, and then my friend Kathy came over to be videoed. That evening, Kathrine invited me to play a game with her, and it was super fun (also, I won!) and sweet of her! Also, Katie let me eat some of her dinner because mine didn't cook in time. #blessed

I felt God showing me that I do have amazing friends here this week. I have people who love me and look up to me. I've also been blessed with opportunities to meet new people and hold genuine conversations with complete strangers. I am grateful that God is answering my prayers and helping me grow as a person.

Much love,
Emily Burnham

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