Sunday, October 20, 2019

BYU Spectacular!!

14 October - 20 October 2019

I survived another week! Hallelujah! It was actually a good week! I got everything done without any pressure. Projects got finished in time, quizzes got taken earlier than usual, and I even got to go ice skating for 2 hours AND to the BYU Spectacular on Friday! 

I turned in a paper that was worth 15% of my grade on Monday, and my friend Helena from the ward brought me lunch (we have English together), so I didn't have to go home to eat. I could stay on campus and get things done. I'm so grateful for the ministering angels that God sends my way to remind me that he loves me! I am enjoying work a lot more now that I'm getting more into my role and can be myself. Missionaries are great! They're not perfect, but they are pure in their intent to learn and teach the gospel, to serve the Lord. While ice skating on Friday, I was able to share about the Plan of Salvation and the Gospel of Jesus Christ with my friend Dani. She shared that she believes in reincarnation and that birthmarks symbolize how you died in a previous life. I'm so grateful for the time she puts into teaching me! I was a little shaky after not skating for three weeks, but I got the hang of it again pretty quick. I met up with a friend from my singing class to go to the BYU Spectacular with that evening. We got to listen to Ben Rector (who I had never heard of until the BYU Spectacular), Hilary Weeks, Vocal Point, and BYU Men's Chorus. Plus, we got to see the Dunk Team. They were my favorite part because they would do all these crazy flips off of trampolines and then dunk the ball! Overall, a blessed week! And I finally took time to go shopping so I have food!!!

BYU Spectacular Men's Chorus

I got to teach Sunday School today. It's amazing how much more revelation God gives me as I prepare to teach His children. I really enjoyed it and everyone said it was really good. Miranda said that the time seemed to fly by, which was really good because that's how it always feels to me! Also, Miranda and Lexy convinced me to ask a guy out to go on a triple date with them in a couple of weeks. I made up a ton of popcorn for Come, Follow Me today! And Miranda invited a lot of sisters from the ward over for dinner, which was amazing. I got free food and good company, so what more can you ask for? (Though we did spend a significantly large amount of time talking about alligators and losing limbs). Also, my friend Vincent was able to help me with my art project (telling a story through hands) today after Come, Follow Me by taking lots of pictures of my hands. He's the best!

Something that really resonated with me this week was about the power of accepting other people's offers to help us. There is a special love that will enter your heart when you sacrifice your pride and the worry of being a burden, and allowing someone to do something for you. That is one way that God reaches out to us and lightens our burdens, but only if we accept it! Just think--God commands us to serve Him. If we want to be like Him, we need to get used to allowing others to serve us, even if we think we could do it better. Instead, allow them to serve and bless you, and meanwhile they are serving God and feeling loved and blessed by Him. If I hadn't let so many people serve me a couple weeks ago, I wouldn't feel such love and gratitude when I see them. Truly service AND being served brings us closer to others. I love my Savior Jesus Christ. I would literally and figuratively be lost without Him, and I want to make a better effort to put Him at the center of everything that I do.

Emily Burnham

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