Sunday, January 19, 2020

Stickers, Shin-dig, and Stomach Ache

13 January - 19 January 2020

I sure do love using alliteration in my titles! This was a good week. I'm better adjusted to my new schedule than last week, so it was slightly less overwhelming. I had many tender mercies, probably a lot that I don't even recognize. The Lord truly is blessing me, and I am so happy. I also have moments of doubt, weakness, and discouragement. But I am continually studying the scriptures and finding joy as I focus on my Savior, Jesus Christ.

I held office hours and did some grading before I had to leave to go to my 4pm class in the Taylor building. We will only be meeting about once a month and coding videos for validation. We had FHE that evening, where we played some games at another apartment.

I loved my ice skating class today! We worked on edge work, and I did so much better. During our practice session together, Cole decided he wanted to cover his face in stickers... haha. At least he gave me one as well, so I think that means we're friends (despite him not smiling, haha).

It was good to hear from my parents today. The other highlight of my day was that a cute boy said hi to me, so that's kind of funny. I went in early to attend a TA review for my Behavioral Neurobiology course, which was not very helpful because it was so fast and nothing stuck in my brain. But it was okay. I also picked up a camera so I can do some filming tomorrow! I'm hoping to find more people with diverse experiences to help reach a wider range of people. We had our first basketball intramural game tonight. My team is actually really good! We won the game 49 to 23 points (I made 6 points). I was so riled up afterwards that I had a hard time getting to sleep, though, since the game started at 9:15 and went for an hour!

Yikes, my Behavioral Neurobiology class is hard! I promise I did study for the quiz (I even went to the TA review) but my brain was just not soaking up the information. I met up with Eli, a guy I knew from the MTC, to film him talking about his experience teaching new missionaries. He gave some awesome advice, and he also bore his testimony in Japanese for me! The readings today for my Marriage Enhancement class were super interesting today. Our individual characteristics can be helpful for marriage or hinder a healthy marriage. After my class, I drove over to a new family to babysit. The mom was super pretty and she had five kids! The youngest was already put down. The others were so excited to meet someone new that they did not want to go to bed. We had some fun though!

In case you wondered what I spent three hours of my life on this afternoon, I included a picture of what coding in the Taylor Building lab looks like... It's super fascinating to watch a bunch of different couples in therapy, to see how the therapist interacts with them. I am most amazed by how little is covered in each session, because talking takes up time! There is always a lot to be said about one little topic. Change takes time. It's not easy. That evening, I went to Whitney's shin-dig. She invited loads of people from the ward. I talked with a few people. Jake Danneman came, so it was fun to be able to talk with him.

I babysat for Julia for three hours today. I had a fun time with her two little boys, though they sure wore me out! We did some water-color painting and played with a lot of puzzles. Little Jack sneezed right into my face/hair. It's a good thing he is super adorable ;). That evening, I did some homework and readings, but had to give up after a while because my stomach hurt SO SO bad after dinner. I laid in my bed from 6:30 to 9pm, breathing through the pain as I tried to be productive, curled up on my bed in my dark room. Eventually, I just went to sleep.

I truly have been getting a lot of positive feedback about my YouTube channel that I started, so I shouldn't feel so depressed and discouraged. Just like Nephi, I want to tell myself to no longer droop in sin and sorrow, but to rise up and remember the goodness of God. Because truly, I am so so blessed. Despite my stomach being in pain, I enjoyed church and endured through the last bit of second hour. We had a great discussion in Come, Follow Me. We went to Reconnect and I gave the spiritual thought at the end. It was good! A really good day, even though I felt awful :) Honestly, after recapping my day to my roommate, she was shocked. She said she was so sorry I'd had such a terrible and emotionally exhausting day. But I'm alright. Truly, all things are made right through the Savior Jesus Christ. If not in the moment, then later. It just takes some hope and patience as you let the Lord reveal His work in His timing.

Much love,
Emily Burnham

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