Monday, January 27, 2020

Swan Lake and Basketball

20 January - 26 January 2020

Hello my friends! This week was another emotional rollercoaster of me going out of my comfort zone to talk with a guy I think is pretty cute (when old me would just ignore him because things are simpler that way, haha). I'm trying to work on being friends with guys that I see potential for a relationship with, and it is literally the worst. The Lord knows I have a whole lot of growing to do in this area, but at least He is by my side to help me through it. I'm grateful for the encouraging friends I have in my life. And for the Spirit to help me recognize when the discouraging thoughts I am having about myself are coming from Satan, not God.

No school today! I babysat for the Nixon family for about four hours. The kids are super cute and fun. I stayed a bit longer to pick up the place then went home to work on homework.

Institute was good. I kind of don't like going, but I know it's the right thing to do. But I actually learned some new insights and later in the week would connect things we'd talked about to my personal scripture study of the Book of Mormon. One cool thing we discussed was how different Moroni and Joseph were. One was a sober child, the other jovial in nature, and yet the Lord put them together to learn and grow from each other.

I had an appointment with Dr. Hershey today, and my dairy allergy cure did not hold. We found out that my lactase aren't working. I also tested allergic for peanuts and soy, so he treated those. And apparently some type of lettuce also irritates my body, but I'm not sure which specifically. Honestly though, I felt so invigorated after because I feel like I have more control over my allergies by simply knowing what is wrong with me, knowing exactly what will cause discomfort or pain when I eat it. It was a glorious day.

I held office hours today for my TA job. Nothing too exciting. Oh, but that evening I went and saw Swan Lake! I'd never seen a ballet performance live. One of the girls from our ward was in it and we went to support her. She did amazing! Wow, they are so flexible!

I had a spontaneous job interview with Erin for a new position opening up to be a BYU Online peer mentor! I really could use the extra money. I also spent time coding videos today in the Taylor building and got ticketed... yikes. I don't have a permit to park there (you don't need one after 4pm). I've had so many financial expenses this month and really feel that God is teaching me a lesson. I'm learning to roll with the punches. We won our intermural basketball game... by default because only three girls from the other team showed up. We just decided to do a scrimmage, so for the first half, I played with my team in blue, and for the second half, I was switched over to the white team.

I went to the temple and also filmed Whitney's video about the power of the Book of Mormon. That evening, I got invited over to someone in the ward's apartment for dinner. There was a large group of us getting together to feed the missionaries. And when I arrived, guess what I discovered? One of the sister missionaries was Sister Speelman! She taught me in the MTC last semester! Now she's out in the field serving in my area! It was so cool to chat and catch up.

Busy as always! Come, Follow Me had a great turnout today! The Burton boys came, as well as a new guy in the ward, Scott. I hope people like it and keep coming! But it was good. Then we had reconnect. Afterwards, Whitney helped me with a film for my YouTube channel (it's gonna be great; can't wait for y'all to see it). Then I worked on some paintings, went to ward prayer, ward choir, a game night, met up with the sister missionaries to give them some cut-outs to teach the first two lessons, then went home to Katie's surprise birthday party! So crazy busy.

This is what I have learned recently: just when life is becoming comfortable and you think you're on top, God likes to pull the carpet out from under your feet. There are always new areas we need growth in, and it's always uncomfortable. I feel a bit like a fish out of water juggling these new challenges and insecurities I'm facing, but I am also confident that the Lord can help me through.

Much love,
Emily Burnham

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