Sunday, February 2, 2020

Birthday Week!

27 January - 2 February 2020

Perspective can turn a tough day or week into something sweet. I had a lot of hard things happen this week, but I was blessed to see so many small tender mercies that reminded me of my Heavenly Father's love and care. To top it off, I had an awesome birthday night!

I've had Harry Potter on my mind lately since I began planning a trip back to visit my mission and then to go to Harry Potter World... so surprise surprise... for FHE, we had an art night and I drew Lord Voldemort as "the scream" with my partner. It turned out pretty good--scary, actually.

I had a busy day, but I woke up this morning with the feeling to make dinner for a guy in the ward who had told me about a rough experience he was going through. I didn't know if it would be awkward since we don't know each other super well, but I decided that if it was a prompting, I would go through with it. I also got set apart today at the Provo City Center Temple to be an ordinance worker, and I'll start next Friday! After classes and work, I rushed to make a quick soup before my neuro review but no one was home when I went to drop it off. So I thought to myself, "Eh, forget the whole thing." But then later that night my roommate convinced me to follow through because it had been a prompting. He still wasn't home so I left it with his roommate. That evening was actually super fun because I went with two other people from the ward to the BYU Swing Dancing club night, and I actually danced with a lot of guys and enjoyed myself! I picked up on it pretty quick, and the guy in my ward even did a cool flip trick called the "can-opener" with me, which was pretty epic.

I got hired for a new job as a peer mentor for BYU Online! I will be helping to initiate a program for students who are failing their classes and will take an active part in reaching out to them and ensuring they receive any and all the help they need. Plus, with this new job comes a pay-raise to $14 an hour! What a huge financial blessing. The Lord is so good to me :) That night, I went with Kathrine to a Harry Potter party event and our house won overall! So we got free Creamery ice-cream coupons!

I had a really cool experience this morning. When I woke up, I felt a bit anxious and had doubts creeping into my mind, but I fought them, recognizing they were lies. Then suddenly, all those negative feelings and insecurities were taken away, and I felt the presence of my Heavenly Father. I felt His love and warmth and knew He was so pleased with me. It was the best feeling in the entire world. It only lasted for a few seconds, but it completely filled and reassured me.

As birthdays start out, it wasn't the best. I ran out of breakfast foods and was so hungry, so I decided to go shopping before going to the temple. But then my car was making weird noises so I pulled over ot check the engine and called my dad who said to stop by AutoZone or somewhere. By the time all was said and done, nothing got fixed but I think it's alright. But then I had to go to work, so I didn't end up going to the temple, and I was still kind of hungry. I worked for a couple of hours and didn't eat lunch until almost 2pm. Then I had more homework to do, and then I went to code videos at a building on campus, but it wouldn't work for me, so I quit and went home to make a cake (that I thought I ruined, but then it turned out good). All in all, I was utterly exhausted and tired, but wanted to have a good evening. My favorite part was that the rink (upon my request) played Taylor Swift's song 22, so I got to skate around and dance to that, which was super fun. Then we had games at my house, and a really good number of people showed up, and there was lots of laughter and food. Kathrine was such a great friend and stayed behind to help clean up and talk.

I went this morning to get my ice skates permanently mounted and sharpened at Shaun's place, then tried to do homework. It was actually such a nice day outside that I had trouble staying inside, so after taking a walk outside, I read from my textbook outside on the grass to soak up some sun. I didn't get super far in my reading, but I can at least tell you the difference between a cone and rod in the eye!

I taught Sunday School today, and even though the projector stopped working half-way through, I just went with the flow (a skill I've really been learning to develop!) and Miranda said it was really good. I only made one funny joke: when the projector started having problems when I was trying to show a video of Nephi and his brothers, I said, "We need more Wi-Fi so we can have more Nephi." I was a bit nervous, but it turned out good overall and a lot of people shared insights. I didn't feel super well today, but I did fast! I also went to a meeting/dinner that was for set-apart ordinance workers at the church building tonight and got to hear a lot of cool things. It was reassuring to be blessed that the Lord would amplify the time I have and sharpen my mind to accomplish everything with school and work as I give up time to serve Him in the temple. I am so excited for the growth that awaits me this semester as I work in the temple.

Much love,
Emily Burnham

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