Monday, February 17, 2020

I Can Feel the Love

10 February - 16 February 2020

I love my Savior Jesus Christ. I love my Father in Heaven. And I love my family. Also, my ward is pretty great, too! No matter what happens every week, my God is there for me. I am humbled by the amazing lessons He is teaching me and awed by the outpouring of His love that comes when I don't feel like I deserve it. My Heavenly Father is the perfect example of love to me. He knows how to encourage us at our lowest moments and love us in our weakest moments. I have a goal to be like Him. To love others in their weakest moments so they can feel His love through me. What's the point of judging people for their weaknesses? How does that help themor us?
Here are some highlights of my past week:

We had dinner at the Bishop's home for FHE. I got to meet some new guys in the ward and talk with a bunch of different people, plus eat a delicious meal! I definitely had a loss of appetite today and didn't feel well, but I was able to overcome that and still find joy in the day. Also, my new favorite song if the week? My mom introduced it to me: "Gonna Get Along Without Ya Now."

Still felt a bit off today, but ice skating makes everything better! I'm slowly (very, very slowly) improving! But I love the feeling of progression, and I love getting better at something very few other people do. The kids were a bit crazy at piano lessons today. I think that means they like me? Or are at least more comfortable with me! They really are good kids and I enjoy getting to see them every week.

I feel so blessed with an amazing job currently. I am making more than I ever have before at BYU, plus I get to work many of my hours from home. And I feel very fulfilled by helping others to succeed in their online courses.

We got heart-attacked by some cuties in our ward! This made me feel so loved and happy. Service makes everyone feel good.

My temple shift was good. I had a new lady training me today. I love seeing people I know at the temple! And my family sent me the cutest card! I love that my dad said, "I hope you know how loved you are back home. I hope you find someone up there to love you too." Haha, dad. I'm trying! That afternoon, I spent some time at the library editing videos. On my way home, some cute girls handed me a Valentine! I also had the opportunity to receive a priesthood blessing because I have had trouble breathing for the past week and haven't been feeling well. It was a wonderful blessing. I know Heavenly Father is aware of me and the progress I am making. He is proud that I am learning to turn to Him with my concerns. So many people think it is a weakness to seek help, but Heavenly Father sees it as a strength. A sign of meekness and humility. I went with Whitney to a intramural basketball game and afterwards stopped by a Vday party a girl in our ward was having.

I don't think I did anything today. I just felt sick and relaxed. I worked from home for a couple of hours and did laundry. I also watched a lot of movies/shows on Amazon Prime! I am trying to take good care of this body God has gifted me with.

So many people were gone today! Due to the long weekend, many travelled home. Including all of my roommates! So I had the whole apartment to myself this weekend. It was cool that my roomies and friends were gone so that I could reach out to new people and make new friends.

Life is good, even when you aren't feeling good. God is always so good to me. I'm grateful for the opportunity I've had for Him to shape my views and help me progress. I love Him!

Much love,
Emily Burnham

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