Monday, February 24, 2020

Social Butterfly

17 February - 23 February 2020

Hey friends and family!

Monday was super nice because we didn't have school. I still felt sick, so I didn't do very much. I feel blessed that I can work from home because this past week, I've really needed that luxury since I haven't been feeling super well. That evening, I got invited by my friend Lexy to attend a bonfire, and I went! Even though it was super last minute and I had just eaten three giant potato's worth of homemade fries, I went. Such a proud moment for me.

Tuesday was pretty nice because we had Monday's schedule, so I only had one class. I was able to work some more hours from home and attend a TA review for neuro, since our test is this week. I've been studying hard! I also went swing dancing with a small group from the ward and danced with four different guys.

One of the girls in my research group that meets every Wednesday, Eliza, was so pumped when she found out about my YouTube channel. She made me remember why I started it and how I felt at the beginning. It made me feel so good! She has so many ideas and wants to help with it, which is super exciting. We're basically great friends now, and I'm excited to get to know her better!

We had the most bomb speaker at our class Thursday night! I hadn't been looking forward to it because he was going to speak on pornography in marriage. But he was funny and had so many great points. I learned a lot about emotions and triggers. It was so insightful and inspiring! As we describe and recognize our feelings, they have less power over us. And usually we turn to whatever we're addicted to because we don't like how we are feeling and want to escape. But as we recognize those "trigger" feelings, we can better control and manage them before they lead us to act on pornography or eating disorders, etc.

Friday was a great day. Kind of. I got to serve in the temple from 9:15 to 2pm, and I absolutely love the ladies I serve with in the temple. I got to work with Fran again, and I got to sit in an endowment session! The only hard part was that I was having trouble breathing normally and was feeling very stressed with everything else I had to do. A tender mercy came after the session. The coordinator lady in charge told me I could take a break, so I was able to eat a snack and get some water in the break room. Fran had noticed I was a little less happy/peppy than the first time she had worked with me and asked what was wrong. I told her my stomach was kind of hurting and I was having a hard time breathing. But I still did my best to make each ordinance special in the initiatories, though I didn't feel as good as usual. And Fran felt the Spirit. She came out of the initiatory room crying and said she felt there Spirit in there. That made me feel so grateful and humbled. Even when we are not at our best, the Lord can still work through us with His Spirit. I was feeling stressed today because I had to code some videos for my research class, and I was actually praying that the system would have a bug so I wouldn't have to do it... and guys, God answers prayers! I couldn't get it to work no matter what I tried, so I got to go home early and work on other things I needed to do! Isaac, Cheyanne, and some other friends came over and we had dinner together. I had to leave a bit early because we had my basketball game that night... and we won! The other team wasn't actually all that good, but I psyched myself out and was missing all my shots. Finally, there was just a few minutes left on the clock and I REALLY wanted to make a basket. My team was so encouraging and kept passing me the ball, and finally, right before the final buzzard went off, I made a basket! SCORE! It was a good evening.

Sunday was rather exhausting. I filmed six people! Two for my channel (they bore their testimony in their mission language), and the others where the Thomas's and Witts for a class project. It was so fun to go to their homes and to visit with them. I was able to talk with the Witts for TWO HOURS! We had a really great, genuine conversation, and they are some of my favorite peeps now! It was so enjoyable to get to know them better and for them to talk to me like an equal and really listen to my thoughts. I'm curious how the final video will turn out for my project! I also received the sweetest text from a friend that was in my Art Education class last semester about how I was the "bestest" person she knows and she loves my YouTube channel. The videos have really helped and inspired her, and she is so grateful she met me. It made me cry. I'm helping people! I'm making a difference! I'm a force for good in the world!

Haha, it took me a hot second to remember what I did on Saturday. Now I remember why. It kinda sucked. I cleaned all morning because we had an intense cleaning check. BUT WE PASSED! Then I had to rush off to work (I had an APA workshop to do for my TA job). Then I had to finish studying and go take my Behavioral Neurobiology exam that afternoon. It was harder than I thought it would be. I had felt pretty confident going in. I was too scared to look at my grade, so I didn't. Yeah, not the most pleasant day.

I know Heavenly Father loves me and is answering my prayers. Sometimes those prayers are answered in unexpected ways. I am grateful for His love and presence. I do not doubt His love. It is so real and tangible to me. I am grateful for my friends who support me in times of trial. I am grateful for my Savior who understands what I'm going through.

Much love,
Emily Burnham

P.S. So sorry that I don't have any pictures! I guess I was too busy having fun to take any!

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