Sunday, April 26, 2020

Honey, I'm Home!

20 April - 26 April 2020

On Monday morning, my amazing friend McCall drove me to the SLC airport. I flew home with minimal conflict. There was just the incident where I had to get search and tested for drugs... simply because I forgot to bring my state ID... yikes. And then after getting off the plane, I kind of stumbled in the hallway, and this flight worker man said, "I'll come back for you" and I was confused, but then later when I saw him helping a blind lady that had been aboard our flight, and I realized he must of thought I was blind back there because I almost tripped... HAHA. Yup, that's how smooth I walk--people literally think I'm blind. When I got home from the air port and walked inside the house, I saw my cute brother, Aaron, and dropped my stuff to give him the biggest hug. It felt so good. I truly do love that big dude. And I think he was pretty happy to see me too. Symantha was over, so I got to see her too. I also found my Easter basket in the first place I looked... underneath the popcorn machine!

I was in charge of making dinner in the middle of the week because I really wanted to make this "nacos" from Kim Possible. It is nachos inside of a taco! I even made cheesy sauce (aka queso) from scratch. I think everyone really enjoyed them, and I definitely converted Lucy over to them! ;)

Lucy had a challenge to decorate cupcakes, so we bought lots of supplies to make the most epic summer themed cupcakes ever! Yeah, except my gluten-free ones underneath didn't turn out quite as nice...

I've also been playing a lot of badminton with my family. Lucy and Aaron apparently like to play it while riding on the motorized unicycles, which just seems disastrous to me!

I was also able to finish and perform the song I wrote to my family. It was a really precious moment to be able to sing to all of them, though I couldn't make eye contact with anyone! My mom was very pleased and impressed, along with my cousins and the rest of my family. I hope to record it soon to post online. I've also taken time this week to work on grading things as an online TA and scoping out any cheaters who took their online test. It's been both interesting and boring to watch people as they take a test. People do some pretty weird things while taking tests. Munching on food, wearing robes, talking to oneself, making faces, sighing a lot, sticking out tongues, or even crossing fingers before hitting the submit button!

I am grateful for this time I've had to be home because I am continually learning a lot, not just about myself, but about relationships. I am learning how to strengthen relationships that are supposed to last for an eternity. And relationships help you to identify your weaknesses and to improve. It's hard, but worth it. I am grateful, so so grateful, for my Savior because I couldn't face everyday without Him. Because He overcame the world, all I have to do each day is focus on Him and what He would do. He is the trailblazer, and all I have to do is follow.

Most delicious ribs for Sunday dinner:

Much love,
Emily Burnha

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Finishing Finals - Home Free

13 April - 19 April 2020

Time flies when you're super stressed because it's finals week! Haha :) I worked hard this week to overcome my lack of motivation. I finished up all my projects, papers, and exams!

Monday and Tuesday were spent working on my Neuro paper, which was due on Wednesday. I am fairly confident that when I finally finished and submitted it, these words escaped my lips, "Blessed day!"

On Wednesday evening, I got set apart by the bishop for my new calling as the first counselor in the Relief Society. It was so good to see bishop and his wife again in person! Plus it was nice to be there with McCall and Rachel. Afterwards I enjoyed catching up with them. The blessing I received was so sweet and exactly what I needed to hear. I am willing to work hard and serve others in my calling, and I'm grateful for the wonderful sisters that I get to work with.

At work this week, I had Ben try all of my popcorn flavors. His favorite ended up being the white cheddar, though he also liked bacon cheddar. I finished cleaning all of the upholstery and then fixed all the creaky doors in my area, plus a leaky faucet.

So... finals. Yes, I finished them all on Saturday. Bright and early, I went down to the library and studied for a bit before taking my Behavioral Neurobiology exam, and I got an 86%, which is about the score I got from the last exam (after the curve), so I can't complain. I worked hard in that class and will end with either an A- or A, and I am so glad to be done with school this semester! I am definitely feeling burnt out. I watched some movies and also cleaned up around the house and finished my essay exam for my Healthy Sexuality class. I'm home free! Literally, I get to fly home on Monday and see my family!!

This is how I have felt this week about finals:

Social Distancing in the Library (see the caution tape?)

Sunday was marvelous. I attended ward council and Relief Society via Zoom. Afterwards, I went on a 45 minute walk with Lexy around campus and talked with her. I enjoyed hearing how she was doing but was annoyed with myself at the end of the walk to realize we were focused on me again. She is so great at listening and focusing on others, and I really need to work at it because I want to be there for others as opposed to talking about myself all the time. That is something I'm working on. And I am noticing improvement! I love that it's okay not to be great at something as long as you are willing to work hard at it. Hard work beats out lack of skill if you have determination and humility. Afterwards, I met up with one of my coworkers to help him with his reading comprehension. He is from Egypt and is here studying English. It was really rewarding. I loved getting to serve, and I was so happy when he asked me questions about my religion (since he is Muslim). I got to explain what the difference was between a church and a temple.

I've also had a couple of people who have reached out to me this week randomly, including an old coworker I haven't seen in three years! We had a very good phone call and caught up on how life was going. Additionally, I got to meet with my CAPS counselor again, and it was so good. I am so grateful that the Savior puts people in our lives to help us in the moment we need them. I am truly so blessed and I am so excited for the bright future ahead of me!

Spring is here!

I am far from perfect, and I wish I was better, but I am diligently continuing forth in my faith and doing what I know is right. I have hope for a bright future and am progressing forward one step at a time.

Much love,
Emily Burnham

Sunday, April 12, 2020

Happy Easter!

6 April - 12 April 2020

This week at work, with all the extra time we have since there are very few people using the building, I've been cleaning upholstery. The chairs and couches in the hallway on the second floor were absolutely disgusting, with the dirty water coming out black when I cleaned out the machine. It is very satisfying, though. And you can see a noticeable difference!

Lexy invited me over to do homework with her, which I agreed to because I was quite sick of doing homework in the same spaces everyday. She has a nice and big room. At first when I got there we just talked and messed around for an hour, but then we needed to get down to business. I listened to my neuro lectures! We made plans to watch a movie that evening, and Vincent wanted to come because he was lonely with all his roommates gone. We all went to my place and watched the movie "Onward," which was really cute. Oh, and today I also finished my Marriage Enhancement video project. It was very adorable.

After work, I found out that my flight home with Allegiant had been cancelled. They closed down all their flights. Fortunately, mom was able to book me a flight through SLC, but it will be two weeks later. Katie came home and we had a "girl's night." I made cookies, we watched a movie and did our nails. It was great to have someone to talk to and spend time with. The movie we watched was the live-action Kim Possible, and now I'm really wanting to make some "Nacos" (Nachos inside of a taco).

Today was really good. I found out that I won't be going home with Katie for Easter, which is okay. I know a lot of people are worried about the spread of Covid19. But I was able to have a video session over Zoom with one of the BYU CAPS therapists, and it was really good for me. I felt so validated and listened to. Honestly, there is just something about therapists. They truly have developed the skills of making you feel listened to and understood. Everyone needs one! We talked about some things and I felt so peaceful afterwards. I could clearly see the progress I am making in life. Plus, today I got to see Aaron as he was driving home from the airport and then when he first arrived home. He is quite the jokester. But I'm so excited to see him in a week and a half!

I'll tell you what. I cleaned so much today--mostly to avoid doing my homework. I organized my room and it's the cleanest it's been all year! I really detail-organized things and a clean room makes me feel so happy. I also went around and anonymously delivered Easter eggs to some people in the ward, which was fun. The biggest miracle of all was that I was able to get so much done despite fasting. I didn't know if I'd be able to not drink water because my mouth has been so dry lately, but I prayed and I know Heavenly Father was able to help me so that I could fast properly. Then Whitney came over to break the fast with me. We had a very simple meal of black beans, chips, salsa, and canned chicken. Then we just fiddled around (literally, I played some songs for her and then taught her how to play on the violin). We also talked for a long while after that, and it felt so good to have advice and insights that are helpful and needed. It was super cool and fulfilling.

I'm sad to say that the only time I went outside today was to check the mail. And there wasn't anything in there. But I am grateful for the Savior and for the planning skills I learned on my mission. When I first woke up, the day felt daunting. I had a lot of things (okay, really just one really big thing) I didn't want to do, and I was feeling unmotivated and glum about how the day was going to be. I prayed really hard for things to turn around and wrote out a schedule for the day. I put a lot of good things to do on my list, including working on my song, videos for my YouTube channel, exercise and eating healthy (the lack of these two have hugely impacted how I've been feeling physically lately). And yes, I scheduled in big chunks of time to work on my neurobiology paper about neurogenesis in the dentate gyrus of the hippocampus. And that helped me feel better and get on with my day, and I was actually pretty productive! Until around seven at night when I decided I was done with all that and just wanted to watch a movie... or two... and a half. I enjoyed watching a movie (I think it was called "Go Figure") about figure skating and it made me miss ice skating.

Today was the day I was finally driven out of my apartment for my own sanity. I just couldn't focus to read my scriptures and I felt highly unmotivated to do absolutely anything at all today. While it was great getting to talk with my family this morning and participate in Come, Follow Me with them, once they hung up and I was on my own, I felt so lonely, homesick, and sad. I decided to drive to a park and study my scriptures and enjoy the sun and beauty of nature. I drove around for a while to find the perfect spot where there weren't a lot of people, and I saw some amazing views up in the canyon, before finding a secluded area in Rock Canyon Park to study my scriptures. I gained a few good insights from my study, but most importantly, I felt relaxed and peaceful. I felt grateful and close to God. It was a bit windy and started to get chilly, so I didn't stay there for long, but I was just so grateful to get out of the house. Later that afternoon, my neighbors across the way from me invited me to have Easter Sunday dinner with them! They invited over some other people, and the food was really good! I had been craving some good ole vegetables and fruit, and that's exactly what they had! Potatoes, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, strawberries, grapes, and pineapple. I was super exhausted, so I didn't speak much, but I enjoyed listening to the funny stories other people told. Then I went to watch part of a choir production about the life and death of Jesus Christ over at Whitney's apartment. When I came back home an hour later, the party was still going on, so I jumped back in for a bit and got a picture with everyone. Also, McCall had gone around and delivered treats to all the girls, and in mine she had notes from Valerie and my parents to me! So sweet! It was such a good ending to my otherwise stir-crazy and kind of sad Easter day. I am so grateful for my Savior and to know that I am never alone. Whenever I feel lonely, I picture Him with me.

I know that Jesus Christ lives. It's amazing how much we know about Him and talk about Him even over 2,000 years later. There truly was no other that lived like He did and left such a legacy. He is the son of God and continues to guide us today. I felt such a feeling of peace and contentment today. I'm very satisfied with my life the way it is and have a feeling that more is around the corner. I am going to learn and grow in ways that I cannot presently comprehend, and I can't wait! Well, I can. I have been. But I'm super excited!

Much love,
Emily Burnham

Sunday, April 5, 2020

April Fools, April Showers, April Conference

30 March - 5 April 2020

Wow. I don't even know where to start on describing this past week. It truly was a thrilling roller coaster ride! So many blessings have happened and my heart is so full. Let's start with Monday, shall we?

So, apparently work hasn't been cancelled yet. They texted late last night to let everyone know they were still allowed to come in, which means that I woke up at five-something this morning to head into work for about 5 hours. It was an adventure because our crew started cleaning out the gymnastics foam pit, and there were lots of treasures in there, including old socks and lots of band-aids! Yuck. But the fun part was getting to chuck the foam squares at my boss, Ben, and some of my other coworkers! I was on a role with doing homework today, and this evening I watched Ice Princess with Whitney (which was actually part of my ice skating homework, believe it or not!). We had a fun time, and I was left missing ice skating more than ever. World, when will you stop ending so that the ice rinks can open up again?

This morning, I was privileged to help put all the foam cubes back into the pit after it was vacuumed and the cubes were dusted off. I have also been working hard on my essay that is due tomorrow and the poster for the conference that was due today. I only have a handful of assignments left before the semester ends, and I can't wait! I am so burnt out right now with school. I will definitely enjoy the summer off. After doing a lot of homework, I felt inspired to post my testimony on Facebook along with me playing "Savior, Redeemer of My Soul" on the violin, so I recorded myself a bunch of times until I finally got one I was satisfied with. In fact, the one I liked best and ended up posting was the one I prayed before playing, dedicating it to my Father. Honestly, I don't think it sounds that amazing, but it's not too bad, and I felt inspired, so I went ahead and posted it, trying not to worry too much. And I had so much good feedback, so I'm grateful I posted and helped others to feel the Spirit during these troubling times. It was also cold and rainy, and it actually snowed one morning this week!

My morning started off at four in the morning. I woke up naturally and decided to just head into work extra early. While there, Ben mentioned how the gymnastics pit was all done, and that he'd jumped into the pit to try and compress the foam but then had the hardest time getting out because it was six feet deep of small foam cubes that you try to climb up while they slip around. Then a genius idea formed... I came up with an epic April Fool's prank. Ben went to the gymnastics room with another co-worker, and it was my job to go get Vincent and tell him Ben needed our help in the gymnastics room. Then, we would push an unsuspecting Vincent into the foam pit!!! Only, he was so light weight that he just walked across the top right out of it. That was disappointing, but then Ben grabbed the other girl coworker and dove them both into the bottom of the foam pit. Then Vincent and I were very entertained as we watched them try to get out for at least seven minutes!!
Lucy fooled me next! I video-called her so I could watch her open my present, and she kept laughing so I knew something was up. Apparently, mom had ordered a different book that had the same title as the one I told her to get. When it showed up, Valerie opened it and told Lucy a book she ordered arrived. Lucy looked at it and said she didn't order a book. Mom said, "Oh shoot, that was Emily's birthday present to you!" Lucy read the back and thought it was weird, and mom realized it was the wrong one! So she ordered the right one, but it didn't come in time for Lucy's birthday. So they fooled me because I thought everything was normal and Lucy didn't have a clue what I'd gotten her!

Where's Waldo?

I've been working an average of five hours every day this week! I felt super blessed because I was looking to order a tripod for my new camera, but I didn't find one I felt good about ordering, so I didn't. Then, lo and behold, I was able to clean out this custodial closet and I found an nice one in the back corner. One of the legs had a broken part and it was missing a piece, but I knew I could fix it up and order the missing part for relatively cheap, and then I would have a very nice tripod (originally a $160 or more tripod). Blessed! I went up to campus in the afternoon to work on homework and stayed for my last Marriage Enhancement lecture. I really needed somewhere to be today because I felt sick of being stuck at home alone all day. So I dressed up in a cute outfit and went all the way up to campus to do homework :).

I had the hardest time focusing on getting any work done, so I headed up to campus to work on my neurobiology homework, and it felt so strange being the only person in the JFSB study room, when usually it is packed full! I was up there all afternoon, and then that evening treated myself to a movie because I was sure tired!

I got to watch the morning session with my friend Whitney and her roommates. The Spirit there was very strong, and I loved how everyone had their notebooks and pens out, ready to write down revelation. I was then able to watch the afternoon and evening session at Rachel's house with a few friends in the ward, and there was tons of junk food to eat! Between sessions, I ran down to the dollar tree to pick up some Easter supplies to hand out to some friends and then to Walmart for some groceries. That evening, I found out my brother Aaron is arriving home from his mission this Thursday, so my mom got me tickets to come home on Thursday so I can be there to see him! I am so excited to give him a huge hug and catch up after these three years apart. It will not even feel real at first, I just know it. Plus, we can finally get some family pictures with the whole family together once again!

I felt overwhelmed with gratitude and love while watching general conference today. I am humbled and inspired by the great faith of our prophet, President Nelson. I am grateful for the bold steps forward he is taking to inspire us to be more faithful, repentant, and united. And I was so filled with gratitude and excitement when President Nelson announced that they would be building a temple in Tallahassee, Florida! How exciting for all my mission friends! Now many of them will only have to travel two or three hours to get to the closest temple, while for some of them, it'll be right next door! I truly heard from servants of the Lord this weekend. There were many inspired things said that I really needed to hear. I know Heavenly Father is aware of my righteous desires, and I am determined to better serve Him in a more focused manner.

Saw this drawing on someone's desk at work.

I am grateful for work, for my family, for my Savior, for friends, for the prophet, for my Heavenly Father, and for the Spirit. I'm grateful for the huge blessings happening in my life, and I am filled with hope and confidence that I have even bigger blessings awaiting me.

Much love,
Emily Burnham