Sunday, April 5, 2020

April Fools, April Showers, April Conference

30 March - 5 April 2020

Wow. I don't even know where to start on describing this past week. It truly was a thrilling roller coaster ride! So many blessings have happened and my heart is so full. Let's start with Monday, shall we?

So, apparently work hasn't been cancelled yet. They texted late last night to let everyone know they were still allowed to come in, which means that I woke up at five-something this morning to head into work for about 5 hours. It was an adventure because our crew started cleaning out the gymnastics foam pit, and there were lots of treasures in there, including old socks and lots of band-aids! Yuck. But the fun part was getting to chuck the foam squares at my boss, Ben, and some of my other coworkers! I was on a role with doing homework today, and this evening I watched Ice Princess with Whitney (which was actually part of my ice skating homework, believe it or not!). We had a fun time, and I was left missing ice skating more than ever. World, when will you stop ending so that the ice rinks can open up again?

This morning, I was privileged to help put all the foam cubes back into the pit after it was vacuumed and the cubes were dusted off. I have also been working hard on my essay that is due tomorrow and the poster for the conference that was due today. I only have a handful of assignments left before the semester ends, and I can't wait! I am so burnt out right now with school. I will definitely enjoy the summer off. After doing a lot of homework, I felt inspired to post my testimony on Facebook along with me playing "Savior, Redeemer of My Soul" on the violin, so I recorded myself a bunch of times until I finally got one I was satisfied with. In fact, the one I liked best and ended up posting was the one I prayed before playing, dedicating it to my Father. Honestly, I don't think it sounds that amazing, but it's not too bad, and I felt inspired, so I went ahead and posted it, trying not to worry too much. And I had so much good feedback, so I'm grateful I posted and helped others to feel the Spirit during these troubling times. It was also cold and rainy, and it actually snowed one morning this week!

My morning started off at four in the morning. I woke up naturally and decided to just head into work extra early. While there, Ben mentioned how the gymnastics pit was all done, and that he'd jumped into the pit to try and compress the foam but then had the hardest time getting out because it was six feet deep of small foam cubes that you try to climb up while they slip around. Then a genius idea formed... I came up with an epic April Fool's prank. Ben went to the gymnastics room with another co-worker, and it was my job to go get Vincent and tell him Ben needed our help in the gymnastics room. Then, we would push an unsuspecting Vincent into the foam pit!!! Only, he was so light weight that he just walked across the top right out of it. That was disappointing, but then Ben grabbed the other girl coworker and dove them both into the bottom of the foam pit. Then Vincent and I were very entertained as we watched them try to get out for at least seven minutes!!
Lucy fooled me next! I video-called her so I could watch her open my present, and she kept laughing so I knew something was up. Apparently, mom had ordered a different book that had the same title as the one I told her to get. When it showed up, Valerie opened it and told Lucy a book she ordered arrived. Lucy looked at it and said she didn't order a book. Mom said, "Oh shoot, that was Emily's birthday present to you!" Lucy read the back and thought it was weird, and mom realized it was the wrong one! So she ordered the right one, but it didn't come in time for Lucy's birthday. So they fooled me because I thought everything was normal and Lucy didn't have a clue what I'd gotten her!

Where's Waldo?

I've been working an average of five hours every day this week! I felt super blessed because I was looking to order a tripod for my new camera, but I didn't find one I felt good about ordering, so I didn't. Then, lo and behold, I was able to clean out this custodial closet and I found an nice one in the back corner. One of the legs had a broken part and it was missing a piece, but I knew I could fix it up and order the missing part for relatively cheap, and then I would have a very nice tripod (originally a $160 or more tripod). Blessed! I went up to campus in the afternoon to work on homework and stayed for my last Marriage Enhancement lecture. I really needed somewhere to be today because I felt sick of being stuck at home alone all day. So I dressed up in a cute outfit and went all the way up to campus to do homework :).

I had the hardest time focusing on getting any work done, so I headed up to campus to work on my neurobiology homework, and it felt so strange being the only person in the JFSB study room, when usually it is packed full! I was up there all afternoon, and then that evening treated myself to a movie because I was sure tired!

I got to watch the morning session with my friend Whitney and her roommates. The Spirit there was very strong, and I loved how everyone had their notebooks and pens out, ready to write down revelation. I was then able to watch the afternoon and evening session at Rachel's house with a few friends in the ward, and there was tons of junk food to eat! Between sessions, I ran down to the dollar tree to pick up some Easter supplies to hand out to some friends and then to Walmart for some groceries. That evening, I found out my brother Aaron is arriving home from his mission this Thursday, so my mom got me tickets to come home on Thursday so I can be there to see him! I am so excited to give him a huge hug and catch up after these three years apart. It will not even feel real at first, I just know it. Plus, we can finally get some family pictures with the whole family together once again!

I felt overwhelmed with gratitude and love while watching general conference today. I am humbled and inspired by the great faith of our prophet, President Nelson. I am grateful for the bold steps forward he is taking to inspire us to be more faithful, repentant, and united. And I was so filled with gratitude and excitement when President Nelson announced that they would be building a temple in Tallahassee, Florida! How exciting for all my mission friends! Now many of them will only have to travel two or three hours to get to the closest temple, while for some of them, it'll be right next door! I truly heard from servants of the Lord this weekend. There were many inspired things said that I really needed to hear. I know Heavenly Father is aware of my righteous desires, and I am determined to better serve Him in a more focused manner.

Saw this drawing on someone's desk at work.

I am grateful for work, for my family, for my Savior, for friends, for the prophet, for my Heavenly Father, and for the Spirit. I'm grateful for the huge blessings happening in my life, and I am filled with hope and confidence that I have even bigger blessings awaiting me.

Much love,
Emily Burnham

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