Sunday, April 26, 2020

Honey, I'm Home!

20 April - 26 April 2020

On Monday morning, my amazing friend McCall drove me to the SLC airport. I flew home with minimal conflict. There was just the incident where I had to get search and tested for drugs... simply because I forgot to bring my state ID... yikes. And then after getting off the plane, I kind of stumbled in the hallway, and this flight worker man said, "I'll come back for you" and I was confused, but then later when I saw him helping a blind lady that had been aboard our flight, and I realized he must of thought I was blind back there because I almost tripped... HAHA. Yup, that's how smooth I walk--people literally think I'm blind. When I got home from the air port and walked inside the house, I saw my cute brother, Aaron, and dropped my stuff to give him the biggest hug. It felt so good. I truly do love that big dude. And I think he was pretty happy to see me too. Symantha was over, so I got to see her too. I also found my Easter basket in the first place I looked... underneath the popcorn machine!

I was in charge of making dinner in the middle of the week because I really wanted to make this "nacos" from Kim Possible. It is nachos inside of a taco! I even made cheesy sauce (aka queso) from scratch. I think everyone really enjoyed them, and I definitely converted Lucy over to them! ;)

Lucy had a challenge to decorate cupcakes, so we bought lots of supplies to make the most epic summer themed cupcakes ever! Yeah, except my gluten-free ones underneath didn't turn out quite as nice...

I've also been playing a lot of badminton with my family. Lucy and Aaron apparently like to play it while riding on the motorized unicycles, which just seems disastrous to me!

I was also able to finish and perform the song I wrote to my family. It was a really precious moment to be able to sing to all of them, though I couldn't make eye contact with anyone! My mom was very pleased and impressed, along with my cousins and the rest of my family. I hope to record it soon to post online. I've also taken time this week to work on grading things as an online TA and scoping out any cheaters who took their online test. It's been both interesting and boring to watch people as they take a test. People do some pretty weird things while taking tests. Munching on food, wearing robes, talking to oneself, making faces, sighing a lot, sticking out tongues, or even crossing fingers before hitting the submit button!

I am grateful for this time I've had to be home because I am continually learning a lot, not just about myself, but about relationships. I am learning how to strengthen relationships that are supposed to last for an eternity. And relationships help you to identify your weaknesses and to improve. It's hard, but worth it. I am grateful, so so grateful, for my Savior because I couldn't face everyday without Him. Because He overcame the world, all I have to do each day is focus on Him and what He would do. He is the trailblazer, and all I have to do is follow.

Most delicious ribs for Sunday dinner:

Much love,
Emily Burnha

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