Sunday, May 3, 2020

Everything is More Fun in a Massage Chair

27 April - 3 May 2020

As I've had to work this week or do things on my computer, I realized that it is so much more fun when you are sitting in my dad's massage chair! You get a relaxing massage while forced to do not so fun work. And yes, I am sitting in the massage chair as I type out this week's post!

I love Wednesdays here at home because they are pizza nights! And we don't make just any pizza... they are smoked in the smoker outside and only take about 4 minutes to cook! They are absolutely delicious, and my mom makes one amazing gluten-free crust. Sean came for dinner, but unfortunately we were unable to get family pictures because no one was ready in time.

Sister Hughes, Brynn, and Ben showed up with homemade lemonade and toilet paper for me! I sure love that family so so much and am grateful for their friendship. It made my whole day!
Thursday evening, Kayla and James came over for dinner. Little Jed is so cute and grown up! We had a delicious feast, and it was good to catch up with my cousin. I can't believe she is going to have another little baby soon!

On Friday, Lucy, Valerie, Mom, and I left for the Cabin. Grandpa Jim was already up there. It was good to get away from the world and be out in nature with fresh air and no WiFi or data service (because then I was able to realize that I was starting to become addicted to my phone/the internet). We played lots of games, like Spike Ball and Mexican Train, and went on a walk to see some bears... not live ones of course! I even rode the motorized unicycle over the cattle-guard.


Saturday. We drove back from the cabin and made it home around 2pm. Right before we got home, we made a quick trip to Quick Trip to get some frozen hot chocolate, but I wanted the frozen horchata instead because it was much sweeter :). That afternoon, I started emailing people for my job, and it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be! I got almost half way done in just over an hour. I am also realizing that I'm rather on the slow side when I work because I like to be meticulous. I also decided to film the KitKat video for my YouTube channel. Oh dear. It is helping some people. I have heard back from a couple people, and I know it's a good thing I'm doing, but it's a lot of work for what little outreach it seems to have. But it is kind of fun, so I think I'll keep it up.

Sunday was really good. I was having a hard time focusing while reading my scriptures. This has happened to me all throughout the past month with my schedule being totally turned around. I was pretty frustrated and sad because I did not feel as close to God or the Spirit as I wanted, and I was afraid of letting Him down by my neglect and laziness. Then I recalled that I had felt the Spirit yesterday as I filmed the video for my YouTube channel, and it hit me that the Spirit always testifies of truth, and I was blessed to feel that even when I felt unworthy. We are always worthy to testify of Jesus Christ, and when we do so, we can feel the Spirit and be forgiven. I made a goal this week to take as many opportunities as I can to testify of Jesus Christ. That way I can not only be more focused on Christ, but also feel the Spirit more. We had a great Come, Follow Me lesson. Since it was fast Sunday, we all took the opportunity to bear our testimonies. It was sweet to get to hear from each member of my family. I felt such love and appreciation for each of them. I also filmed Aaron's homecoming talk this afternoon!

I have a wonderful family. We are far from perfect, but when it comes own to it, we love each other and are loyal to each other. I know Jesus Christ and Heavenly Father have been by my side throughout my life, loving me despite my inadequacies, strengthening me in my weakness, comforting me in my darkest moments, speaking through me to testify to others, and teaching me what I need to know and do to progress.They love perfectly, and they are perfectly patient.

Much love,
Emily Burnham

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