Sunday, May 10, 2020

May the Fourth, Sinco de Mayo, Mother's Day

4 May - 10 May 2020

I woke up bright and early (6am, maybe even a bit before) to start off my last full day of being home. I went out to the orchard to pick a bunch of limes to bring home with me on the plane. I also spent three hours working on rearranging the stepping stones in front of my grandpa's house. I felt bad because the first time I did them on Thursday, they didn't turn out quite right, and I felt bad. So I made sure to fix them up REAL nice before he got home from the cabin. He didn't notice right away, but when he finally did, he said they were great. We had smoked pizzas for dinner (I'd begged my mom if we could do them one last time before I went home) and they were delicious! I ate pretty much all of my two pizzas except for one slice. After dinner, we took Sean out to the orchard to get pictures of him in his cap and gown. We got some funny ones of him with a chicken on his cap!

I woke up early again, even though I'd gone to bed super late the night before, to start packing things up. I had a RS presidency meeting that morning, and afterwards, all I really had time for was to eat breakfast. I got through the airport just fine, even though I still didn't have my driver's licence. The plane ride was uneventful, though the last segment of flying was pretty rough on my poor stomach. I definitely got motion sick during landing, so that was the longest 15 minutes of my life. Fortunately, I did not throw-up, so all was good. McCall picked me up from the airport, and I agreed to sing the song I had written for the devotional our ward was having over Zoom on Sunday. The idea had come to me during our planning meeting and I decided to act upon it. I got home, unpacked, met my new roommates. They are very different, but I like both of them.

My counselling appointment this morning did not feel very productive, but we did decide to get me signed up for group therapy starting next week, so that was very scary. But if felt like the right thing to do. I am so grateful for these experiences I am getting because one day I will be on the other side of things as a therapist and want to be able to put myself in my client's shoes. I sent out emails to people for work, and I attended my research zoom meeting.

I went over to the Nixon's to help with home schooling/piano/watching the kids. I was there for about three hours, and I did so many different random things. I helped Cole with piano and homeschooling work. I watched the two littlest while they finished their baths, then I helped them get dressed. I then took them to a part with the family dog and ran around for an hour with them. Then I listened to the oldest practice piano. It was good though! I need all the work I can get, and this beats out early morning custodial!

I started back at work today in the Smith Field House doing early morning custodial... but I think I'll only need to go in three times a week from now on with the other jobs I have. I've also been very good about exercising, studying for the GRE, and working on the story I'm writing for my little sister. I've felt so accomplished by consistently doing these things every day, because it takes discipline and focus. I could just as easily do nothing all day or waste my time, but it feels good to be productive.

I spent a couple of hours in the church this morning practicing and then filming myself singing my song that I would then share for the Sunday Devotional over Zoom. On my way out of the church, my friend Whitney spotted me (since she lives across from the church) and I went over for a couple of minutes. I went home and forced myself to work on studying for the GRE before it was time to leave for the bonfire that Whitney had invited me to. It wasn't the most organized event because half of us were lost for most of the night and it took a minute to find a opening to use a campfire. Then we didn't have any kindling and the people with matches were still lost, but fortunately I knew the people using the fire next to us so we were able to borrow their lighters. Eventually the fire was up and going, and a ton more guys showed up, including one who gave me the nickname "Marshmallow Girl" because he gave me his marshmallow soon after he arrived before he knew my name and decided to just refer to me as that for the whole night.

Well, even though I woke up feel groggy, tired, and kind of sick, the devotional went well. The technology all worked so everyone was able to hear the song I shared, and I went through my parts of the lesson with ease. I did not feel at my best, but I was grateful that others were able to feel the Spirit and be uplifted by the message we gave. Afterwards, I went to go and film two guys share their testimonies in Albanian and Romanian. Then I went by the church to continue working on the piano accompaniment for my song, which I decided to call Know My Will. I talked with my mom today and she really loved the card I made for her. I am grateful for mothers, specifically my mother for teaching me Christ-like attributes by her example.

I know that Jesus Christ suffered for me. He bore my pains, my weaknesses, my sins, and my sorrows so that He could redeem and save me. He accepts me with open arms even after I wander away. He forgives and loves perfectly.

Much love,
Emily Burnham

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