Sunday, May 17, 2020

Hike of Death

11 May - 17 May 2020

Hello my friends! I survived another week of the Covid Pandemic! I've been trying to have fun despite my goals of working a lot of hours and studying for the GRE every day. Work hasn't been as boring as I thought. I'm just listening to audio-books during my early morning custodial shift. Twice a week, I get to help home school some cute kiddos. Then I get to call and email loads of strangers to participate in our research survey, but I haven't run into anyone super mean yet, so that's good! I think I am going to do just fine on the GRE. But yeah, I won't bore you with the details of each day, because they are mostly the same (work, study, work, avoid working or studying, etc) but I did have one funny moment I wanted to share from helping the Nixons this week.

On Thursday, the eight-year-old boy asked me, "Why aren't you married yet?" I responded, "Are you trying to set me up with someone?" He said, "No, I don't know anyone." I replied, "Me neither." Then he said... "It's probably because you're so tall!" After which the six-year-old pipped in, "But at least she's really fun!" So there you go, folks. A six and eight-year-old summed up my dating life :)

I got to go back on Friday to babysit for them because their parents took an anniversary trip. I brought my camera and filmed each kid saying why they love their parents so I can make a cute video for them.

On Saturday, instead of doing some research for work, I went on a hike with some friends from the ward. The view was good, I guess... I was too busy watching my feet to make sure I didn't trip or slip to my death, so I didn't really see the view until we got to the rock and took a break. Guys, hiking uphill on a narrow and slippery path for 40ish minutes makes me feel very out of shape, haha. But I survived! And it was fun to get pictures with the beautiful background. I also made myself a delicious dinner of gluten-free, dairy-free lasagna :). And it was actually very good.

I was missing my family this weekend, so I decided to come late to ward council and video chat with my family during Come, Follow Me. I was so gad that I did. My family members each acted out different parts of the scripture story from this week's lesson (Mosiah 18-24) and it was really funny! I got a good screen-shot of my grandpa acting out one of the wars. It made me feel so good to get to share that experience with my family and feel more bonded to them. I went to the church to continue working on my song and have it pretty much completed! I played it for Whitney after we had a mini CFM session and she almost cried. She was so impressed and inspired. I can't wait to actually record it and get to post it because I really hope it can touch many lives and help others.

I know that Jesus is the Christ. He loves me. He loves you.

Much love,
Emily Burnham

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