Sunday, May 31, 2020

BBQs, Games, and Hiking

25 May - 31 May 2020

Wow, I can't believe the month of May has already passed by so quickly! I think it is because in my mind, the world is kind of on pause right now, so I guess I didn't expect time to actually move forward. But I'm glad life is carrying on despite the pandemic because I was able to have a fun social week! With more restrictions being lifted, there are a lot more gatherings and activities to attend.

I had early morning custodial off due to Memorial Day, so that was a great start to my day! I got work finished up early on in the day so that I could hang out with Whitney. We went shopping and got some chocolate to make peanut butter balls (yum) at my place. We had a bit of chocolate and dipped potato chips in it, making chocolate chips! They were absolutely delicious. In the middle of our fun, I got to go and rescue my roommate who was stranded at Smiths because apparently the bus wasn't running due to the holiday. Then Whitney invited me to a BBQ her roommates were having to celebrate memorial day. We ate hot dogs and then played soccer afterwards (and I was actually pretty alright).

I went to work at the SFH, then went to help out with the Nixon family (which is always super fun). I also put in some time calling people for work (which isn't always super fun).

My morning went by as normal, up until I got in my car to drive over to film Eliza for my YouTube channel. My car battery was dead. Luckily, Eliza came and picked me up and brought me over to her house. She bore her testimony in French and then answered a bunch more random questions that I threw at her. After getting dropped off at home, I was able to borrow some jumper cables from McCall (what a blessed soul) and go to Sam's Club for a replacement. Only... they did the test and it said my battery was good. I even stayed for them to do the hour long test! So something drained my batter (and I promise it wasn't me leaving the headlights on!!!) but now we're all fixed up and good! I also got invited to a game night that Eliza was having Thursday night.

Today was quite the day. I didn't even have time to go shopping because it was so busy! I enjoyed work in the morning. I stayed later than usual helping with the Nixon family, but guess what? The oldest daughter told me I'm her favorite babysitter, so I'm feeling very proud :). I worked a bunch (I had lots of back to back to back one-on-one appointments for my TA job). That evening, I drove to Lindon to attend a BBQ with Whitney. We ate some burgers and hot dogs, then played some volleyball, which I actually did very poorly at... After a sad match in which we miserably lost, I drove over to Eliza's house for the game night. I was only there for a little bit, but it was super fun! There were a couple people there that I recognized, plus some good food to snack on.

Today was also quite hectic, but that was only because of the time it took to record my song "Know My Will" in the BYU media center. First off, I realized I forgot to bring my sheet music seconds after walking all the way over there and reserving the room. So I had to quickly walk home to get it. Then it took a while to familiarize myself with how everything worked (fortunately one of the student workers showed me around). Then it took a long while to actually play and record the piano part perfectly. So then three hours later, it's 1pm and I haven't eaten lunch, but I still need to record the singing part. Only my voice was not in too good of shape, but oh well. Then another two and a half hours later and I finally got it how I wanted, saved it, and was able to leave. But in that time, my phone had died, my camera battery had died (so I had to check one out from the library), and my stomach was very angry with me. But hey, it'll be worth it in the end, right? I was so exhausted when I got home that I just had to take a nap. Then I ate dinner and got ready to hike the Y. I was a bit nervous at first to meet up with a guy I met on mutual to go hiking, but it turned out to be really fun! I had a great time and hope things continue to go well. Afterwards, I went over to Whitney's house to deliver her birthday present. She loved it! I got her some snacks, but I also made her seven guitar picks (yes, I made them :) I used cards and a CD) and I made her a stand to put them in. I thought it kind of looked ghetto, but she really liked it and was so touched. Bonus points to me for being an awesome friend ;). Here is an awkward picture of me sitting on the Y (my mom thought the white cement was snow):

I had a presidency meeting in the morning, and after that I got to film McCall bearing her testimony and answering the questions I had Eliza answer. I'm so excited for the future videos that are going to come out!! I also spent a bit of time beginning to edit together my song recording and then went with Whitney and her roommate Lacee shopping at Winco. Then I had to call double the amount of people than usual, since I ran out of time yesterday to work as a research assistant. But I got it all done and was ready to party it up in Lehi at Whitney's birthday party (aka shindig, as she called it). I helped make the drink (which didn't quite turn out as planned, but oh well) and we played games downstairs, danced, and then watched Emperor's New Groove on a giant projector. I left partway through so I would get home at 11pm so I wouldn't be too tired on Sunday. Also, my new roommate Susan moved in today!

We got to partake of the sacrament this morning! I am grateful for the opportunity to remember my Savior and receive forgiveness of my sins. Afterwards, we attended Zoom church (hopefully our last one!!!!) and my only regret was not speaking up to testify of The Book of Mormon. I truly know that it is the word of God and that power flows into my life as I read from its pages. I have felt it. I have felt strengthened to resist evil. I have made better decisions when I read from its pages with real intent. Just like the prophet as promised us. That afternoon, I worked on editing the video part of my song, which required me to go down to the church to film some more scenes at the piano and then I went and filmed in nature for filler parts (when I didn't have a good video of my singing or playing a specific part). Three-ish hours later, I finished and uploaded it onto my Facebook, then onto my personal YouTube channel. Already I have had a lot of good feedback and know it has touched others. I don't quite think I will realize the good I have done, but I am grateful for my Savior and Father in Heaven. They inspire me to keep doing good even when I don't know why or what the outcome will be. I love this gospel.

Much love,
Emily Burnham

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