Sunday, March 21, 2021

Movie and Game Nights

 15 March - 21 March 2021

Monday: I drove with Mira to FHE at the Witt's house. We played pickleball! I did quite good! Then we went inside and had treats while playing a game called "blank slate" which was also super fun. The Witts have such a wholesome spirit in their home. 

Tuesday: I had the opportunity to respond to a question on my Plan of Salvation video regarding the existence of the spirit world. I don't know all the good my YouTube channel is doing, but I'm grateful for the opportunities I have to share my testimony about Jesus Christ and God's plan of salvation. Also, I started studying about Jesus Christ in the topical guide because like President Nelson promised, I want to become a changed woman. Studying specific scriptures about Jesus Christ brings the Spirit more powerfully into my studies and throughout my day.

Wednesday: I finished watching the four seasons of The Good Doctor, and again, I am blown away by how much crap is in media these days, and I have way more respect for healthcare workers/doctors.

Thursday: I finished up with tons of school work and felt social, so I invited some people over for a movie night, and six people came over! It was good to talk and chat. We ended up just watching the first episode of Stranger Things because I didn't want to pay money to rent Wonder when I'd thought it was free on Amazon Prime. It turned out to be the birthday of one of the girls who came so after the movie, I played T-Swift's song 22 and we had an impromptu dance party.

Friday: I worked all morning on preparing a review, and then I took part of the afternoon to hang up the paintings Lucy gave me. I had a game night which turned out super fun, even though a lot of the people I invited were unable to make it.

Saturday: Some tough things went down this weekend in my job as a TA, which I won't dwell on, but suffice it to say, God is good at bringing peace and love in our troubling moments. And people to support us. I finished up all my homework by around 12:30pm, which is usually unheard of! To have the rest of the day with nothing needing to be done!! So I binge watched more episodes of Stranger Things and relished the break (but I could not recommend watching Stranger Things because the cussing only becomes more and more frequent and it ruins the show). 

Sunday: I had an amazing Sunday. I felt the Spirit and felt so loved and forgiven. My roommate Claire helped build me up this morning after I told her that I was feeling like the worst TA ever and bad for watching the show Stranger Things all afternoon and it had so much cussing in it. Sacrament meeting was so good. The talks were inspired and enlightening. Then I had the opportunity to teach Sunday School and got everyone to participate and speak up. It went really, really well. Tonight I will go to Come, Follow Me with Whitney and friends and then stay to celebrate a guy in our friend group's birthday.

Much love,

Emily Burnham

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