Sunday, March 28, 2021

Soul Searching

 22 March - 28 March 2021

Honestly, this past week wasn't anything of note. I just did school, homework, work, and watched a show on Hulu called Shadow Hunters. I did hang out with some friends over the weekend and visited a kid's fair on Saturday to see some kids I sometimes babysit for. But overall, I just felt blah this week. Lonely, tired, missing home and family. I decided to throw an April Fool's prank party, which has given me some invigoration and excitement. I'm all caught up on homework and working to get ahead.

Sunday was a very much needed day. I was feeling lost this week, and I realized that I'm missing a sense of purpose and a sense of family that acts as a secure base. I felt out of my groove, but I felt so much peace today that everything would be okay, and that it was okay to be out of my groove and feeling empty. We had our Easter program, so we got to hear a lot of musical numbers and talks, which brought the Spirit. I also filmed an object lesson about baptism and receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost for my YouTube channel, which was intense. Wow, cutting through that glowstick with our kitchen scissors was so hard!

Much love,

Emily Burnham

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