Sunday, April 4, 2021

Easter Conference Weekend

 29 March - 4 April 2021

Monday: For FHE, we died Easter eggs at the boy's apartment. I tried to do one that was half one color and half of another color but it didn't work super well.

Tuesday: I spend a lot of time in the Harman building, since getting out of the house helps me be more motivated to do homework. I met up with Whitney and we worked on stuff side by side.

Wednesday: After classes, I went on a photoshoot. I needed to submit a photo for my graduation profile, and a girl in the ward offered to take some on her iPhone in portrait mode. For some reason, I felt so nervous to get these pictures and didn't feel very beautiful, even though I did my best to get ready. But at least I got a photo out of it that I liked. That evening, I was chilling with my roommate Mira and she had a craving to get a burger, so me, Claire, and Mira took a late night trip to Burger Supreme and then listened to music.

Thursday: My April Fool's Pranking Party was super fun, though it did not go exactly how I pictured it. Way less people showed up than I was expecting, but I think that turned out to be for the best. I was also running behind on setting everything up, so the people who actually showed up on time helped me set things up. Everyone was very impressed with all the things I had planned, and they all seemed to be enjoying the games. I was so happy that people were willing to participate in the pranks (going along with my craziness, haha). So four people (including myself) got pied in the face (it was just a pie tin full of whipped cream) and lots of people got sprayed with silly string and water. I also got a couple of the guys with my glitter bomb balloons that were hanging up! It was so epic. But I definitely took just as much as (or more than) I dished out. People targeted me, but it was really fun. I got people real good with the cupcakes! Hehe, I'd made four of them super salty, and I also had toothpaste in the filling of some of the Oreos. Although it was a bit stressful setting everything up, I think it was worth it to have a memorable night.

Friday: I went ice skating in the afternoon, and one of the other skaters there showed me some ways to improve my Waltz jump. It was really fun to feel myself progressing, even though I got some nasty blisters and a bruise to show for it. I got someone to film me so I could turn in a five second video of me doing a trick on the ice for my college graduation video. That evening, I went over to my old mission companion's house for a Passover dinner and enjoyed getting to meet new people.

Saturday: The commencement of conference! I watched the morning session at home with my roommates and our FHE dad. I went over to Julia and Alyssa's apartment to watch the second session of conference, and between sessions, I had to finish grading tests. In the late afternoon, I tagged along with my roommate Mira to an Easter egg hunt and felt like a little kid again as I ran around collecting eggs from the ground. I came home and finished up some homework that was due before midnight, and then I went shopping to buy myself some Easter treats (and some food so I wouldn't go hungry, of course). 

Sunday: I watched conference at Brother and Sister Witt's house. I got to sit on a GIANT bean bag chair and they gave me a blanket too. Between sessions, I went on a walk with the dad and their daughter Megan. Then we had Easter lunch (potatoes, ham, salad). After the second session of conference, we played games. After spending a total of EIGHT hours there... I left. My friends were having a pot luck at a nearby park, so I jumped on my electric unicycle and zoomed over there. A lot of guys wanted to try it out, so I held their hands to help them balance. One of the guys really got the hang of it! It was fun to talk and joke and hang out with the large friend group.

Much love,

Emily Burnham

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