Sunday, April 25, 2021

Outback Cowgirl

 19 April - 25 April 2021

After a couple of rough weeks, this past week was great! Well, the weekend was :):) I finished my last final on Monday, and attended the ward barbeque activity that evening. I rode my unicycle there and people think I'm pretty cool. On Tuesday, I had my graduation photos taken by my friend Kelsie. I did not feel very beautiful and was frustrated with myself a lot this week. But I need to stop focusing on perfection and focus on direction. Progress. Besides, some of the photos did turn out pretty cute!

On Wednesday, I was home all alone for most of the day and felt lonely. I also felt a lot of anger towards myself because I haven't felt well lately because I have little self-control and eat junk food. That evening, my roommate and I went out to dinner at Silver Dish, a Thai place in Provo. She paid for my meal as a graduation gift. That was a great end to the evening.

Thursday was my university graduation. I went down to the Harman building to watch it with good Wifi, and I face-timed my mom over messenger so I wouldn't feel like I was watching it alone. She made it fun because we made faces at each other and laughed. Whitney surprised me in the evening by stopping by to talk. She just got back from her trip to AZ. Then she decided to take me out to dinner to celebrate me graduating. We had a yummy steak at Outback and then got a yummy dessert at Aubergines. It was just what I needed.

Friday was my college graduation ceremony. We had a great guest speaker, but the rest of it was weird... My mom said I could have given a better Valedictorian speech, so it was too bad they didn't choose me. ;) Then our last speaker was... a goat. Yeah, I think they were trying to be funny, but mom and I thought it was so dumb. That evening, I attended a bday party for a friend in the ward. It was kinda awkward because it felt like her mission reunion, since a lot of her companions showed up, but it was good.

Our faces when the goat gave a "speech"

Saturday was so fun! In the afternoon, Mira and I drove to Huntsville because a guy in the ward posted that he was hosting horse rides at his home. It was a long drive, but worth it! We rode on horses for almost an hour along different trails. It was so beautiful! I got a member of the 70s horse to ride. Denny was such a good boy (though he needed a good brushing because he shed so much hair on me!) Then we got to try these different swings, a rope one that I kept falling off of, and this really tall swing that got you so so high in the air! Riding on Denny was so therapeutic and relaxing. I had a giant smile on my face the whole time and started talking with a twang/Southern accent. I think I'd make a pretty great cowgirl (or as I like to say, horsewoman). 

Church on Sunday was so so needed. I have felt so awful this past month and have been so angry with myself and my lack of progress in many things. In relief society, we had a great discussion about God's love and patience for us because He sees the whole picture and doesn't expect more from us than we can give, yet we expect too much and have less patience with ourselves. I felt so peaceful that I just wanted to stay at church afterward instead of going home. I stayed a couple of seconds seated, just soaking in the feeling of peace, love, hope, and relief that the Spirit filled me with.

Much love,

Emily Burnham

P.S. This week I also attempted to draw a picture of Lucy, but no one thinks it looks like her... :(

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