Monday, June 28, 2021

Power in Asking God

 21 June - 27 June 2021

Monday: Lucy and I went to a swim class at the rec center, and just as I predicted, she LOVED it! I think it had a lot to do with the instructor, who is theatrical and hilarious. She's my favorite as well. Afterwards, we took a few laps in the lazy river and whirlpool. Later that morning, we went to the family history lab at the BYU library for an activity and won prizes! We also did an escape room, and we had some elderly people in our group who had no idea what was going on, which was hilarious. Then Lucy got packed up, we had lunch, and then I dropped her off at the airport. When I got home, all I wanted to do was sleep, since we had gone on so many crazy adventures and I was exhausted! I even missed FHE because I was too tired.

Tuesday: I attended a weight training class at the rec center that got me so good. My legs were shaking the rest of the day, and they've never been so sore for so many days in all my life! I had voice lessons with Christina, and we both noted how my voice is getting stronger and improving. I went shopping and ran some errands, then had some people in the ward sign the card for Bishop who hadn't already. I dropped it off at his house that afternoon, and I heard from Sister Osborn that he loved it! I'm glad I was inspired to make that for Him. Truly, when you pray for service opportunities, the Lord does provide! Mira and I went out and heart attacked our sisters we minister to, and we had a ministering later in the afternoon. I attended institute that evening, which Whitney has started coming to, and we had tacos after!! Um, let's just say I've been craving fast food tacos, so I may have had five or something... (don't worry, I made sure everyone else had plenty. There was just a lot left over). 

Wednesday: Today was actually a pretty rough day. Between attending Zumba and my job interview that afternoon, I learned that the package I'd ordered from JC Penny couldn't be delivered because of an "insufficient" address. I realized I forgot to include my apartment number! Beware of the convenience of those auto-fill features; you still need to double check everything! I spent over an hour trying to get that fixed, on hold with JC Penny, then UPS, then having to call around to local UPS places, and doing some googling of my own to fix it. It was frustrating because there was no clear solution and I felt like my time had been wasted. My job interview was fine, except for the part where I realized the job sounded like torture and I didn't want to take it even if it was offered to me. I had scheduled to go over and help Megan-Jean with her babies, so in my lowest points of frustration, I thought about getting to hold sweet little babies fresh from heaven to calm me down. I helped Megan-Jean cook (mostly I was on flipping crepes duty for an hour) and then got to hold Rosalie for a bit. Baby snuggles are the best. I attended Whitney's ward's institute, mostly because they have food afterwards and I don't want to cook dinner for myself if I don't have to. Plus, a lot of the friends from our friend group go, so it's nice to socialize with them. Plus, I don't have much else to do since I currently don't have a job. While I was there, the lady in charge of preparing the food asked if I knew one of the other young adults that had looked sad the previous week. I didn't, but I went over to him and started up a conversation, getting to know a bit about him. It was good, and then I got to ease the worries of the lady and let her know he didn't seem sad, but he was quite a bit older than everyone there (29) so maybe that played a role in why he kept to himself.

Thursday: I had some extra hearts cute out that I used to tape up around my roommate Grace's room. She's been gone for a while and I wanted to surprise her with something kind. I attended our ward service activity in the evening, which was a white elephant service exchange. We all wrote down a service that we would be willing to do for someone else, and then we put the papers in a pile and took turns picking one at random. Whoever was next could choose a new one or steal a service from someone who went before them. I stole the service of someone making dinner for me! Hehe. My service was a 10 minute shoulder massage, which my ministering sister Brittany stole from Mira, who stole it from another person who got it. I chatted with friends afterward. 

Friday: I went to a deep water workout. I ditched going yesterday to a work out because I was still sore and exhausted from strength training. Being in the water was a nice transition back to working out. In the evening, I stopped by Megan-Jean's house to help out. I did the dishes and cleaned around the kitchen. I got to help feed little Gideon and he fell asleep on me with his mouth wide open. So cute! Then I attended a bonfire with my friend group and roasted/ate way too many marshmallows!

Saturday: I went to the rec center to do Zumba step, which was intense. I picked up a movie from the Redbox after, then went to RS yoga. I left early because I was too warn out from doing Zumba. I had a movie night that evening with some friends. Vivian bought me a gluten-free cinnamon roll from the farmer's market. The movie was lame, which was a bummer because I'd been looking forward to watching Chaos Walking. I went to a Canadian party at the park in the evening and played some games with friends.

Sunday: We practiced for ward choir early in the morning, and it was so bad! My voice kept cracking on all the high notes because my voice wasn't warmed up, and also because lots of people didn't show up. Fortunately, more people came up to the stand to sing for our sacrament performance. Relief Society was an answer to my prayers. We had a great discussion and I realized I needed to ask Heavenly Father for the things I desired instead of feeling unworthy and undeserving and just waiting for things that aren't going to happen if I don't ask for them. God is already willing to grant me so much, even though I am undeserving. So why not ask for my desires? If He is already willing to grant them, I am only hurting myself by not asking. I guess I hid what I really wanted because I was afraid He would say no or they wouldn't be answered how I wanted. I found new strength and power from Relief Society that I shouldn't tell myself "no" before God does. He truly can take away my burdens and trials. Even if He often doesn't work that way, it doesn't mean I can't ask and seek for it. Sometimes it is part of His plan to take away a trial to build our faith and confidence. Besides, when we pray, God will always answer--in His own time and way--but He will always answer. The rest of Sunday was busy with choir practice, family history, making banana bread, taking a nap, going to ward prayer, then hanging out with friends and playing games.

Much love,

Emily Burnham

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