Monday, June 7, 2021

I'm a Sinner

 31 May - 6 June 2021

Monday: I went early in the morning to get gas, and I fixed up my bike to sell. That evening, I babysit/life guarded at the Nixon's home for three hours. They had a backyard BBQ with a ton of families and wanted me there to watch the pool at all times. There were around 20 kids there total! It was pretty enjoyable and I got a nice tan. Plus I got some of the food. Afterwards, I went to FHE at the bishop's house. We had an outdoor movie with popcorn. I wasn't a huge fan of The Secret Life of Walter Mitty and may have fallen asleep for the last bit of the movie.

Tuesday: I attended a 9am cycling class with Vivian. WOW do they give you a run for your money! It was very intense. During the day, I finally painted the M&M rock that I found a while back, and I must say that it turned out so much better than I was expecting! Whitney and Quinn attended institute with me in the evening, which was very nice because usually I go alone. They had cereal for the treat after and I got to take a bag of it home with me. 

Wednesday: Zumba in the morning was very crowded and the music was very very loud, but it was a great work out. I'm still working on filling out a spreadsheet to compare different online graduate schools to find the best option. After all, I know it's my choice where I attend. This is a decision God will not make for me, and He trusts me to make it on my own. It's taking a lot of faith to believe that I can make choices that will bring me happiness and fulfillment instead of ruining my future. Which is dumb, but sometimes I don't even know what I want, let alone how to make the choices to get what I want. I went on a unicycle ride and picked a giant leaf from a tree that was as big as my face! I don't know why, but giant leaves make me so happy!

Thursday: I went to 8am yoga, even though I happily could have fallen back into bed and slept for twenty hours. I had voice lessons with Christina after, and I love how encouraging she is. She is so excited for me to sing "Before It's Over" from Dogfight and keeps saying that it will "sound so good in my voice." After voice lessons, I hung out with Whitney for a bit and we went to Rock Canyon to collect rocks that I could paint. That evening, I went ice skating with some friends (Ruby, James, and Eva). I was actually feeling stable and did well practicing my Waltz Jumps! Afterwards, we went out for tacos because I had forgotten to eat dinner and was feeling very very hungry. 

Friday: I went ice skating at 11:30am for exercise. Even though I didn't really feel like going, I dragged myself there and was glad I went. A couple stopped by to buy my bike after. I went shopping in the afternoon to get treats for the game night I hosted at 5pm. A good size group of people came and they all had an enjoyable time because they stayed for three to four hours! And I let a few of them try to ride my electric unicycle. Then James stayed late and we just talked about life.

Saturday: I was feeling lonely and frustrated today. I went to attend a Zumba class at the rec center, but University was all blocked off for a marathon that was going on, so what is usually a three minute drive turned into a twenty minute drive! I went ice skating that afternoon with Mira. I asked Whitney what she was up to, and she came over to do some home work for a bit. That evening, I joined her and her ward for an outdoor movie night where we watched Megamind. I also have a date next week from the app Hinge that I'm excited about.

Sunday: As I was listening to my scriptures this morning, a scripture passage I've read many times stood out to me in a new way. In 2 Nephi 2, they talk about Adam and Even having no joy, for they knew no misery and doing no good, for they knew no sin. The thought that hit me was, "Well, I'm a sinner." And because I have experience the pain and guilt of sin, I can do much good to counteract that. I can understand the goodness of the Savior, because through Him, I can become clean and good. Although it was fast Sunday, the ward choir sang in sacrament meeting, so I drank water in the morning to warm up my voice (which also awoke my hunger pains...). I wore my new dress that mom had bought me as a graduation gift and I received so many compliments! One girl said I reminded her of Cinderella! I got to sing by the microphone with the other soloists, and everyone loved our musical number of I Wonder When He Comes Again. I also bore my testimony in church, I really felt the Spirit and felt uplifted and unified with my ward. I took a nap before attending ward choir after church, and then left to make food because all the singing on an empty stomach made me feel nauseous. Then I helped host a Family History meeting at the church where we watched a short training video and worked on finding names and records. I actually found and added a record for one of my ancestors! (At least I hope it was correct, but I'm doing my best here). That evening, I went to Come, Follow Me with friends, then off to ward prayer, then to a game night. I also watched The Chosen. It was a very great Sunday.


Emily Burnham

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